Кодирование / декодирование не выполняется в Linux

Я ищу немного помощи с моими функциями кодирования / декодирования на кроссплатформенных платформах. В настоящее время код работает в ОС Windows, но не работает в Linux. В настоящее время это не проверено на Mac.

void tradingDialog::on_SaveKeys_clicked()
    // Encryption properties store iv and password information
    EncryptionProperties props;

    // Generate a 256 bit random IV from 4 separate 64 bit numbers
    props.iv = crypto_random();
    props.iv2 = crypto_random();
    props.iv3 = crypto_random();
    props.iv4 = crypto_random();

    // What cipher function do we require?
    props.cipher = Algorithm::AES;

    // Qstring to string
    string password = ui->PasswordInput->text().toUtf8().constData();
    // the password used for encryption / decryption
    props.password = string(password);

    /*==========  The main cryptostreampp usage  ==========*/
    boost::filesystem::path pathAPI = GetDataDir() / "APIcache.txt";
    // Create a stream in output mode to create a brand new file called apicache.txt
    //CryptoStreamPP stream(pathAPI.string(), props, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary | std::ios::trunc);
    CryptoStreamPP stream(pathAPI.string(), props, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary | std::ios::trunc);

    // ------------------------------------------------------
    // NOTE:
    // After creating the stream, there will be a short pause
    // as the key stream is initialized. This accounts for
    // one million iterations of PBKDF2
    // ------------------------------------------------------

    // write to the stream as you would a normal fstream. Normally
    // you would write a buffer of char data. In this example,
    // we write a string which is basically the same thing.
    // Stream operator support to be properly added in future.

    // qstrings to utf8, add to byteArray and convert to const char for stream
    const QByteArray byteArray = (ui->ApiKeyInput->text().toUtf8() + ui->SecretKeyInput->text().toUtf8());
    const char *API = byteArray.constData();

    stream.write(API, 64);

    // make sure stream is flushed before closing it

void tradingDialog::on_LoadKeys_clicked()
    // Encryption properties store iv and password information
    EncryptionProperties props;

    // Generate a 256 bit random IV from 4 separate 64 bit numbers
    props.iv = crypto_random();
    props.iv2 = crypto_random();
    props.iv3 = crypto_random();
    props.iv4 = crypto_random();

    // What cipher function do we require?
    props.cipher = Algorithm::AES;

    // Qstring to string
    string password = ui->PasswordInput->text().toUtf8().constData();
    // the password used for encryption / decryption
    props.password = string(password);

    boost::filesystem::path pathAPI = GetDataDir() / "APIcache.txt";
    // Create a stream in input mode to open a file named APIcache.txt
    CryptoStreamPP stream(pathAPI.string(), props, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);

    // Read in a buffer of data
        QString Key = "";
        char buffer[33];
        stream.read(buffer, 32);
        buffer[32] = '\0';

        // Should print out "api key 32 digit"
        Key = buffer;


    // now seek to digit 32 and read in api secret
        QString Secret = "";
        char buffer[33];
        stream.read(buffer, 32);
        buffer[32] = '\0';

        // Should print out "api secret 32 digit"
        Secret = buffer;



При печати "пароль" и "API" в "on_SaveKeys_clicked()". Оба верны.

При печати "пароля" в "on_LoadKeys_clicked()" это правильно.

При печати "Key" в "on_LoadKeys_clicked()" это неверно.

При печати "Secret" в "on_LoadKeys_clicked()" это неверно.

CryptoStreamPP можно найти по адресу https://github.com/benhj/CryptoStreamPP/tree/master/cryptostreampp

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