FTPeS command line client for Linux [closed]
My objective is to download large files using a FTPeS client on the command line (Ubuntu). I have searched extensively on the web but have yet to come across a well-documented FTPeS client that can be used on the command line on Ubuntu.
I have tried using
to establish a connection but both do not seem to work. When I run the following commands, they return
Connecting to ftp_server.net...
and then hang. However, when I test this on my local machine with an open-source client like Cyberduck, the connection works without a problem.
ncftp -u my_user -p my_password ftp_server.net
wget -r ftp://my_user:my_password@ftp_server.net --ftps-implicit
wget -r ftp://my_user:my_password@ftp_server.net --secure-protocol=auto
What could be the issue here and what is a recommended program/code for downloading files via FTPeS on the linux command line?