SDRAM STM32H7 ALIENTEK BOARD - Ошибки чтения / записи

В течение последнего месяца я пытался использовать этот чип SDRAM Ram для хранения буфера кадра для STM32H743II, встроенного в доска Alientek.

Я пытался использовать этот предоставленный пример для платы STM32H743-Eval в качестве базового кода, но был неудачный. Я вижу, что начальный адрес RAM был создан и установлен на значение 0xFFFFFDFF, но любая попытка записи значений терпит неудачу, никаких серьезных сбоев не происходит, но адреса никогда не обновляются.

Я включил свой файл main.c ниже вместе со снимком экрана проводника памяти и могу предоставить любой другой требуемый код.

снимок экрана проводника памяти

  * @file    FMC/FMC_SDRAM/Src/main.c
  * @author  MCD Application Team
  * @brief   This example describes how to configure and use GPIOs through
  *          the STM32H7xx HAL API.
  * @attention
  * <h2><center>&copy; Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics.
  * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
  * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
  * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
  * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:

/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "main.h"

/** @addtogroup STM32H7xx_HAL_Examples
  * @{

/** @addtogroup FMC_SDRAM
  * @{

/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
#define BUFFER_SIZE         ((uint32_t)0x1000)
#define WRITE_READ_ADDR     ((uint32_t)0x0800)

/* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
SDRAM_HandleTypeDef      hsdram;
FMC_SDRAM_TimingTypeDef  SDRAM_Timing;
FMC_SDRAM_CommandTypeDef command;

/* Read/Write Buffers */
uint32_t aTxBuffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
uint32_t aRxBuffer[BUFFER_SIZE];

/* Status variables */
__IO uint32_t uwWriteReadStatus = 0;

/* Counter index */
uint32_t uwIndex = 0;

/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
static void SystemClock_Config(void);
static void Error_Handler(void);
static void SDRAM_Initialization_Sequence(SDRAM_HandleTypeDef *hsdram, FMC_SDRAM_CommandTypeDef *Command);
static void Fill_Buffer(uint32_t *pBuffer, uint32_t uwBufferLenght, uint32_t uwOffset);
static void CPU_CACHE_Enable(void);

/* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/

  * @brief  Main program
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
int main(void)
  /* Enable the CPU Cache */

  /* STM32H7xx HAL library initialization:
       - Systick timer is configured by default as source of time base, but user 
         can eventually implement his proper time base source (a general purpose 
         timer for example or other time source), keeping in mind that Time base 
         duration should be kept 1ms since PPP_TIMEOUT_VALUEs are defined and 
         handled in milliseconds basis.
       - Set NVIC Group Priority to 4
       - Low Level Initialization

  /* Configure the system clock to 200 MHz */
  /* Configure LED1 and LED3 */

  /*##-1- Configure the SDRAM device #########################################*/
  /* SDRAM device configuration */
  hsdram.Instance = FMC_SDRAM_DEVICE;

    /* Timing configuration for 100Mhz as SDRAM clock frequency (System clock is up to 200Mhz) */
  SDRAM_Timing.LoadToActiveDelay    = 2;
  SDRAM_Timing.ExitSelfRefreshDelay = 7;
  SDRAM_Timing.SelfRefreshTime      = 4;
  SDRAM_Timing.RowCycleDelay        = 7;
  SDRAM_Timing.WriteRecoveryTime    = 2;
  SDRAM_Timing.RPDelay              = 2;
  SDRAM_Timing.RCDDelay             = 2;

  hsdram.Init.SDBank             = (0x00000001U);
  hsdram.Init.ColumnBitsNumber   = (0x00000001U);
  hsdram.Init.RowBitsNumber      = (0x00000004U);
  hsdram.Init.MemoryDataWidth    = (0x00000020U);
  hsdram.Init.InternalBankNumber = (0x00000040U);
  hsdram.Init.CASLatency         = (0x00000180U);
  hsdram.Init.WriteProtection    = (0x00000000U);
  hsdram.Init.SDClockPeriod      = (0x00000C00U);
  hsdram.Init.ReadBurst          = (0x00001000U);
  hsdram.Init.ReadPipeDelay      = (0x00000000U);

  /* Initialize the SDRAM controller */
  if(HAL_SDRAM_Init(&hsdram, &SDRAM_Timing) != HAL_OK)
    /* Initialization Error */

  /* Program the SDRAM external device */
  SDRAM_Initialization_Sequence(&hsdram, &command);

  /*##-2- SDRAM memory read/write access #####################################*/

  /* Fill the buffer to write */
  Fill_Buffer(aTxBuffer, BUFFER_SIZE, 0xA244250F);

    /* Fill the Read buffer */
  Fill_Buffer(aRxBuffer, BUFFER_SIZE, 0xFFFFFFFF);

  /* Write data to the SDRAM memory */
  for (uwIndex = 0; uwIndex < BUFFER_SIZE; uwIndex++)
    *(__IO uint32_t*) (SDRAM_BANK_ADDR) = 0xFFFFFFFF;

  /* Read back data from the SDRAM memory */
  for (uwIndex = 0; uwIndex < BUFFER_SIZE; uwIndex++)
    aRxBuffer[uwIndex] = *(__IO uint32_t*) (SDRAM_BANK_ADDR + WRITE_READ_ADDR + 4*uwIndex);

  /*##-3- Checking data integrity ############################################*/

  for (uwIndex = 0; (uwIndex < BUFFER_SIZE) && (uwWriteReadStatus == 0); uwIndex++)
    if (aRxBuffer[uwIndex] != aTxBuffer[uwIndex])
  if (uwWriteReadStatus != PASSED)
    /* KO */
    /* Toggle LED3 */
    /* OK, turn on LED1 */

  /* Infinite loop */
  while (1)

  * @brief  System Clock Configuration
  *         The system Clock is configured as follow : 
  *            System Clock source            = PLL (HSE)
  *            SYSCLK(Hz)                     = 400000000 (CPU Clock)
  *            HCLK(Hz)                       = 200000000 (AXI and AHBs Clock)
  *            AHB Prescaler                  = 2
  *            D1 APB3 Prescaler              = 2 (APB3 Clock  100MHz)
  *            D2 APB1 Prescaler              = 2 (APB1 Clock  100MHz)
  *            D2 APB2 Prescaler              = 2 (APB2 Clock  100MHz)
  *            D3 APB4 Prescaler              = 2 (APB4 Clock  100MHz)
  *            HSE Frequency(Hz)              = 25000000
  *            PLL_M                          = 5
  *            PLL_N                          = 160
  *            PLL_P                          = 2
  *            PLL_Q                          = 4
  *            PLL_R                          = 2
  *            VDD(V)                         = 3.3
  *            Flash Latency(WS)              = 4
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
static void SystemClock_Config(void)
  RCC_ClkInitTypeDef RCC_ClkInitStruct;
  RCC_OscInitTypeDef RCC_OscInitStruct;
  HAL_StatusTypeDef ret = HAL_OK;
  /*!< Supply configuration update enable */

  /* The voltage scaling allows optimizing the power consumption when the device is
     clocked below the maximum system frequency, to update the voltage scaling value
     regarding system frequency refer to product datasheet.  */

  /* Enable HSE Oscillator and activate PLL with HSE as source */
  RCC_OscInitStruct.OscillatorType = RCC_OSCILLATORTYPE_HSE;
  RCC_OscInitStruct.HSEState = RCC_HSE_ON;
  RCC_OscInitStruct.HSIState = RCC_HSI_OFF;
  RCC_OscInitStruct.CSIState = RCC_CSI_OFF;
  RCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLState = RCC_PLL_ON;

  RCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLM = 5;
  RCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLN = 160;
  RCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLFRACN = 0;
  RCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLP = 2;
  RCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLR = 2;
  RCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLQ = 4;

  ret = HAL_RCC_OscConfig(&RCC_OscInitStruct);
  if(ret != HAL_OK)
/* Select PLL as system clock source and configure  bus clocks dividers */
                                 RCC_CLOCKTYPE_PCLK2  | RCC_CLOCKTYPE_D3PCLK1);

  RCC_ClkInitStruct.SYSCLKDivider = RCC_SYSCLK_DIV1;
  RCC_ClkInitStruct.AHBCLKDivider = RCC_HCLK_DIV2;
  RCC_ClkInitStruct.APB3CLKDivider = RCC_APB3_DIV2;  
  RCC_ClkInitStruct.APB1CLKDivider = RCC_APB1_DIV2; 
  RCC_ClkInitStruct.APB2CLKDivider = RCC_APB2_DIV2; 
  RCC_ClkInitStruct.APB4CLKDivider = RCC_APB4_DIV2; 
  ret = HAL_RCC_ClockConfig(&RCC_ClkInitStruct, FLASH_LATENCY_4);
  if(ret != HAL_OK)

  /*Activate CSI clock mondatory for I/O Compensation Cell*/ 
  /* Enable SYSCFG clock mondatory for I/O Compensation Cell */
  /* Enables the I/O Compensation Cell */ 

  * @brief  This function is executed in case of error occurrence.
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
static void Error_Handler(void)
  /* User may add here some code to deal with this error */
  /* Turn LED3 on */

  * @brief  Perform the SDRAM exernal memory inialization sequence
  * @param  hsdram: SDRAM handle
  * @param  Command: Pointer to SDRAM command structure
  * @retval None
  * @brief  Perform the SDRAM exernal memory inialization sequence
  * @param  hsdram: SDRAM handle
  * @param  Command: Pointer to SDRAM command structure
  * @retval None
static void SDRAM_Initialization_Sequence(SDRAM_HandleTypeDef *hsdram, FMC_SDRAM_CommandTypeDef *Command)
  __IO uint32_t tmpmrd =0;
  /* Step 1:  Configure a clock configuration enable command */
  Command->CommandMode = FMC_SDRAM_CMD_CLK_ENABLE;
  Command->CommandTarget = FMC_SDRAM_CMD_TARGET_BANK2;;
  Command->AutoRefreshNumber = 1;
  Command->ModeRegisterDefinition = 0;

  /* Send the command */
  HAL_SDRAM_SendCommand(hsdram, Command, SDRAM_TIMEOUT);

  /* Step 2: Insert 100 us minimum delay */
  /* Inserted delay is equal to 1 ms due to systick time base unit (ms) */

  /* Step 3: Configure a PALL (precharge all) command */
  Command->CommandMode = FMC_SDRAM_CMD_PALL;
  Command->CommandTarget = FMC_SDRAM_CMD_TARGET_BANK2;
  Command->AutoRefreshNumber = 1;
  Command->ModeRegisterDefinition = 0;

  /* Send the command */
  HAL_SDRAM_SendCommand(hsdram, Command, SDRAM_TIMEOUT);

  /* Step 4 : Configure a Auto-Refresh command */
  Command->CommandTarget = FMC_SDRAM_CMD_TARGET_BANK2;
  Command->AutoRefreshNumber = 8;
  Command->ModeRegisterDefinition = 0;

  /* Send the command */
  HAL_SDRAM_SendCommand(hsdram, Command, SDRAM_TIMEOUT);

  /* Step 5: Program the external memory mode register */
  tmpmrd = (uint32_t)SDRAM_MODEREG_BURST_LENGTH_1          |
                     SDRAM_MODEREG_CAS_LATENCY_3           |

  Command->CommandMode = FMC_SDRAM_CMD_LOAD_MODE;
  Command->CommandTarget = FMC_SDRAM_CMD_TARGET_BANK2;
  Command->AutoRefreshNumber = 1;
  Command->ModeRegisterDefinition = tmpmrd;

  /* Send the command */
  HAL_SDRAM_SendCommand(hsdram, Command, SDRAM_TIMEOUT);

  /* Step 6: Set the refresh rate counter */
  /* Set the device refresh rate */
  HAL_SDRAM_ProgramRefreshRate(hsdram, REFRESH_COUNT);

  * @brief  Fills buffer with user predefined data.
  * @param  pBuffer: pointer on the buffer to fill
  * @param  uwBufferLenght: size of the buffer to fill
  * @param  uwOffset: first value to fill on the buffer
  * @retval None
static void Fill_Buffer(uint32_t *pBuffer, uint32_t uwBufferLenght, uint32_t uwOffset)
  uint32_t tmpIndex = 0;

  /* Put in global buffer different values */
  for (tmpIndex = 0; tmpIndex < uwBufferLenght; tmpIndex++ )
    pBuffer[tmpIndex] = tmpIndex + uwOffset;


  * @brief  Reports the name of the source file and the source line number
  *         where the assert_param error has occurred.
  * @param  file: pointer to the source file name
  * @param  line: assert_param error line source number
  * @retval None
void assert_failed(uint8_t *file, uint32_t line)
  /* User can add his own implementation to report the file name and line number,
     ex: printf("Wrong parameters value: file %s on line %d\r\n", file, line) */

  /* Infinite loop */
  while (1)

  * @brief  CPU L1-Cache enable.
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
static void CPU_CACHE_Enable(void)
  /* Enable I-Cache */

  /* Enable D-Cache */

  * @}

  * @}

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