Пользовательский виджет AgileCRM - TypeError: undefined не является объектом (оценка 'App_Contacts.contactDetailView.model')
Почему я получаю эту ошибку? Пробуем использовать этот код в пользовательских виджетах AgileCRM для получения контактных данных. Любой, у кого есть решение. Код взят из их API https://github.com/agilecrm/widget-api-html/blob/master/Sample_Widget_Contact.html, который, вероятно, немного устарел.
Креативный бесплатный аккаунт AgileCRM для тестирования. https://www.agilecrm.com
Мой код:
<div id="ContactDesciptionDiv" style="display:block;">
<img id = "contactImg" alt = "loading..." height=150 width=150/>
<h2 id="contactName" style="margin:0; font-weight:bold"></h2>
<h3 id="jobDescription" style="margin:0; font-style:italic"> </h3>
<p id="extraDetails"></p>
<p id="tags"> </p>
<input type="submit" id="showHideButton" name="ShowHide" value="Show/Hide" onclick="showHideFlip()"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
var widgetName = "Contact Widget";
var contactDetails;
var widgetPrefs;
var isShowing;
var showHideButton = document.getElementById("showHideButton");
var div = document.getElementById("ContactDesciptionDiv");
// Fetches the global widget preference.
function getWidgetPrefs(callback) {
This function is used to get the global widget preference.
If there's some preference present then it returns its
stringified json representation otherwise undefined object.
widgetPrefs = agile_crm_get_widget_prefs(widgetName);
if(typeof(widgetPrefs) !="undefined"){
widgetPrefs = JSON.parse(widgetPrefs);
if(typeof(widgetPrefs) == "undefined" || typeof(widgetPrefs["isShow"]) == "undefined"){
isShowing = "true";
isShowing = widgetPrefs["isShow"];
if(typeof(callback) == "function"){
callback(showContactDetails); // invoke getContactDetails(showContactDetails);
// Fetches contact details from AgileCRM.
function getContactDetails(callback) {
contactDetails = new Object();
This function returns the property associated with propertyName,
if it exists, otherwise returns undefined.
contactDetails.firstName = agile_crm_get_contact_property("first_name");
contactDetails.lastName = agile_crm_get_contact_property("last_name");
contactDetails.title = agile_crm_get_contact_property("title");
contactDetails.image = agile_crm_get_contact_property("image");
This function returns the object in the form of json object.
More details about the structure of contact object is
provided in documentation.
var contact = agile_crm_get_contact();
contactDetails.lead_score = contact["lead_score"];
contactDetails.star_value = contact["star_value"];
contactDetails.tags = contact["tags"];
for(var key in contactDetails) {
if(typeof (contactDetails[key]) == "undefined") {
contactDetails[key] = "";
contactDetails["image"] = "https://www.agilecrm.com/icons/service.svg";
if(typeof(callback) == "function"){
callback(); // invoke showContactDetails();
// Adding data to html container.
function showContactDetails() {
showHideButton = document.getElementById("showHideButton");
div = document.getElementById("ContactDesciptionDiv");
var img = document.getElementById("contactImg");
img.src = contactDetails.image;
img.alt = "no_image";
img.align = "center";
var contactNameContainer = document.getElementById("contactName");
var contactName = contactDetails.firstName + " " + contactDetails.lastName;
contactNameContainer.innerHTML= contactName;
var jobContainer = document.getElementById("jobDescription");
jobContainer.innerHTML = contactDetails.title;
var extraDetailsContainer = document.getElementById("extraDetails");
var data = contactName + " is our <b>" + contactDetails.star_value + " star</b> customer.";
if(contactDetails.lead_score >= 80){
data += " He is <b>actively involved</b> in our business. DON'T LET HIM GO.";
}else if(contactDetails.lead_score >= 60){
data += " He has <b>shown interest</b> in our business. He can be our potential customer. GO GRAB HIM.";
}else if(contactDetails.lead_score >= 40){
data += " There is a <b>mild chance</b> of business with him. You can spend your energy on other.";
}else if(contactDetails.lead_score >= 20){
data += " There is <b>very little chance</b> of business with him. You can spend your energy on other.";
}else {
data += " You <b> still have to explore business opportunities</b> with this person.";
extraDetailsContainer.innerHTML = data;
if(contactDetails.tags.length > 0) {
var tags = document.getElementById("tags");
data = "He is tagged with <b>";
for(var i = 0; i < contactDetails.tags.length; i++) {
if(i > 0)
data += ", ";
data += contactDetails.tags[i];
data += "</b>.";
tags.innerHTML = data;
if(isShowing == "true") {
showHideButton.value = "Hide";
} else {
showHideButton.value = "Show";
function showHideFlip() {
if(isShowing == "true") {
isShowing = "false";
showHideButton.value = "Show";
else {
isShowing = "true";
showHideButton.value = "Hide";
if(typeof (widgetPrefs) == "undefined")
widgetPrefs = new Object();
widgetPrefs.isShow = isShowing;
This function can be used to save global widget preference.
'pref' should be a stringified json object. In case, if the
preference already exists it will overwrite it.
agile_crm_save_widget_prefs(widgetName, JSON.stringify(widgetPrefs));
// callbacks: getWidgetPrefs -> getContactDetails -> showContactDetails