Невозможно получить объекты для декодирования моего запланированного отчета о потоке MS из фильтра xml

У меня есть поток, который я пытаюсь настроить для отправки отчета персоналу один раз в неделю. Этот отчет предназначен для оптовых заказов для бизнеса по продаже оконной мебели и мелкого строительства. Я использую функцию XML в записях списка для сбора необходимых данных от сущностей.

The issue I have is that my XML file (filter) gathers the correct information in CRM and using fetchXML using the XRM toolbox (this is where I finalise the XML file from advanced find CRM).

From here the XML fetch is this below.

       enter code here
       <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false" >
  <entity name="salesorderdetail" >
   <attribute name="productdescription" />
  <attribute name="baseamount_base" />
   <attribute name="new_number" />
   <attribute name="new_primarycolour" />
   <attribute name="new_productionstatus" />
   <attribute name="salesorderdetailid" />
   <order attribute="productdescription" descending="false" />
    <link-entity name="salesorder" from="salesorderid" to="salesorderid" link-type="inner" alias="aa" >
   <attribute name="new_organisationid" />
    <attribute name="new_quoteid" />
    <attribute name="submitdate" />
    <attribute name="statuscode" />
    <attribute name="new_expecteddate" />
    <filter type="and" >
     <condition attribute="statecode" operator="not-in" >
       <condition attribute="new_organisationid" operator="not-null" />
       <condition attribute="pricelevelid" operator="eq" uiname="Wholesale" uitype="pricelevel" value="{0C03D141-AEB0-E811-A967-000D3AE0A339}" />
       <condition attribute="statuscode" operator="in" >

this provides the correct data on the create HTML table, but obviously i see GUID's etc due to the list records using Orders (sales order entity) and the other data is linked entity is (order products (detail). I have searched the web to use parse json or get records but they both fail during the flow process so I removed them, the flow works but my report only has some legible data.

thanks in advance for help

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