Нужна помощь в восстановлении таймера обратного отсчета JavaScript
Так что я веб-дизайнер и унаследовал сайт от другого разработчика. Данный сайт предназначен для ежегодного мероприятия и имеет таймер обратного отсчета на главной странице. Я все еще довольно новичок в js и могу использовать некоторую помощь для сброса таймера на дату следующего года 1 марта 2019 года. Я разместил код для таймера обратного отсчета ниже. Любые советы будут высоко ценится!
(function($) {
$.fn.countdown = function(options, callback) {
//custom 'this' selector
thisEl = $(this);
//array of custom settings
var settings = {
'date': null,
'format': null
//append the settings array to options
if(options) {
$.extend(settings, options);
//main countdown function
function countdown_proc() {
eventDate = Date.parse(settings['date']) / 1000;
currentDate = Math.floor($.now() / 1000);
if(eventDate <= currentDate) {
seconds = eventDate - currentDate;
days = Math.floor(seconds / (60 * 60 * 24)); //calculate the number of days
seconds -= days * 60 * 60 * 24; //update the seconds variable with no. of days removed
hours = Math.floor(seconds / (60 * 60));
seconds -= hours * 60 * 60; //update the seconds variable with no. of hours removed
minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60);
seconds -= minutes * 60; //update the seconds variable with no. of minutes removed
//conditional Ss
if (days == 1) { thisEl.find(".timeRefDays").text("day"); } else { thisEl.find(".timeRefDays").text("days"); }
if (hours == 1) { thisEl.find(".timeRefHours").text("hour"); } else { thisEl.find(".timeRefHours").text("hours"); }
if (minutes == 1) { thisEl.find(".timeRefMinutes").text("minute"); } else { thisEl.find(".timeRefMinutes").text("minutes"); }
if (seconds == 1) { thisEl.find(".timeRefSeconds").text("second"); } else { thisEl.find(".timeRefSeconds").text("seconds"); }
//logic for the two_digits ON setting
if(settings['format'] == "on") {
days = (String(days).length >= 2) ? days : "0" + days;
hours = (String(hours).length >= 2) ? hours : "0" + hours;
minutes = (String(minutes).length >= 2) ? minutes : "0" + minutes;
seconds = (String(seconds).length >= 2) ? seconds : "0" + seconds;
//update the countdown's html values.
if(!isNaN(eventDate)) {
} else {
alert("Invalid date. Here's an example: 12 Tuesday 2012 17:30:00");
//run the function
//loop the function
interval = setInterval(countdown_proc, 1000);
}) (jQuery);
1 ответ
Вам нужно построить дату через Date
объект, а затем передать дату и функцию обратного вызова countdown
const oneHourFromNow= new Date();
oneHourFromNow.setHours(oneHourFromNow.getHours() + 1);
const config = {
"date": oneHourFromNow.toString(),
"format": "off"
const callbackFunc = function() {console.log("Do something");}
$.fn.countdown(config , callbackFunc );
(function($) {
let interval;
$.fn.countdown = function(options, callback) {
//custom 'this' selector
// I hard-coded this ***
thisEl = $('#countdown-timer');
//array of custom settings
var settings = {
'date': null,
'format': null
//append the settings array to options
if(options) {
$.extend(settings, options);
//main countdown function
function countdown_proc() {
eventDate = Date.parse(settings['date']) / 1000;
currentDate = Math.floor($.now() / 1000);
if(eventDate <= currentDate) {
seconds = eventDate - currentDate;
days = Math.floor(seconds / (60 * 60 * 24)); //calculate the number of days
seconds -= days * 60 * 60 * 24; //update the seconds variable with no. of days removed
hours = Math.floor(seconds / (60 * 60));
seconds -= hours * 60 * 60; //update the seconds variable with no. of hours removed
minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60);
seconds -= minutes * 60; //update the seconds variable with no. of minutes removed
//console.log(thisEl, thisEl.find(".timeRefDays"));
//conditional Ss
if (days == 1) { thisEl.find(".timeRefDays").text("day"); } else { thisEl.find(".timeRefDays").text("days"); }
if (hours == 1) { thisEl.find(".timeRefHours").text("hour"); } else { thisEl.find(".timeRefHours").text("hours"); }
if (minutes == 1) { thisEl.find(".timeRefMinutes").text("minute"); } else { thisEl.find(".timeRefMinutes").text("minutes"); }
if (seconds == 1) { thisEl.find(".timeRefSeconds").text("second"); } else { thisEl.find(".timeRefSeconds").text("seconds"); }
//logic for the two_digits ON setting
if(settings['format'] == "on") {
days = (String(days).length >= 2) ? days : "0" + days;
hours = (String(hours).length >= 2) ? hours : "0" + hours;
minutes = (String(minutes).length >= 2) ? minutes : "0" + minutes;
seconds = (String(seconds).length >= 2) ? seconds : "0" + seconds;
//update the countdown's html values.
if(!isNaN(eventDate)) {
} else {
alert("Invalid date. Here's an example: 12 Tuesday 2012 17:30:00");
//run the function
//loop the function
interval = setInterval(countdown_proc, 1000);
// here you can create your Date instance any way you like:
const oneHourFromNow= new Date();
oneHourFromNow.setHours(oneHourFromNow.getHours() + 1);
const config = {
"date": oneHourFromNow.toString(),
"format": "off"
const callbackFunc = function() {console.log("Do something");}
$.fn.countdown(config , callbackFunc );
}) (jQuery);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="countdown-timer">
<span class="days"></span> <span class="timeRefDays"></span>
<span class="hours"></span> <span class="timeRefHours"></span>
<span class="minutes"></span> <span class="timeRefMinutes"></span>
<span class="seconds"></span> <span class="timeRefSeconds"></span>