Solr Solaruim Client->ping не работает
Я новичок в этом деле. Я просто унаследовал эту старую систему! Мне удалось запустить Solr, и я пытаюсь выполнить какой-то старый код, который перестраивает данные Solr. Пинг клиента не работает, и я не понимаю, почему.
Вот код, который пытается инициировать переиндексацию
// these are correct, now Solarium is falling over
// with a 404. pile of junk
print(SOLR_SERVER_PORT . "\n");
print(SOLR_SERVER_CORE . "\n");
$options = array(
'adapteroptions' => array(
'timeout' => 60
try {
// Ping the Solr server to check its availability
// create a new client. This seems to work
$this->client = new Solarium_Client($options);
if ($this->client) {
print("Solarium returned something \n");
} else {
echo 'Solarium screwed the pooch';
// and create a ping whatever that means
// this also seems to work
$ping = $this->client->createPing();
if ($ping) {
print("ping creation worked \n");
} else {
print("ping creation failed \n");
// this always fails and terminate the
// program run
} catch (Solarium_Exception $e) {
print("exeption from ping request \n");
throw $e;
print("about to reset \n");
// Reset all filters and queries and process request params if requested
Экран администрирования Solr открыт. У меня есть пустая коллекция1..
Вот вывод от следа, который я застрял здесь
15/01/18 17:38:54 [INFO] Index started
Index started
Solarium returned something
Solarium_Client Object
[_options:protected] => Array
[adapter] => Solarium_Client_Adapter_Http
[adapteroptions] => Array
[host] => localhost
[port] => 9999
[core] => collection1
[path] => /solr/
[timeout] => 60
[_queryTypes:protected] => Array
[select] => Array
[query] => Solarium_Query_Select
[requestbuilder] => Solarium_Client_RequestBuilder_Select
[responseparser] => Solarium_Client_ResponseParser_Select
[update] => Array
[query] => Solarium_Query_Update
[requestbuilder] => Solarium_Client_RequestBuilder_Update
[responseparser] => Solarium_Client_ResponseParser_Update
[ping] => Array
[query] => Solarium_Query_Ping
[requestbuilder] => Solarium_Client_RequestBuilder_Ping
[responseparser] => Solarium_Client_ResponseParser_Ping
[mlt] => Array
[query] => Solarium_Query_MoreLikeThis
[requestbuilder] => Solarium_Client_RequestBuilder_MoreLikeThis
[responseparser] => Solarium_Client_ResponseParser_MoreLikeThis
[analysis-document] => Array
[query] => Solarium_Query_Analysis_Document
[requestbuilder] => Solarium_Client_RequestBuilder_Analysis_Document
[responseparser] => Solarium_Client_ResponseParser_Analysis_Document
[analysis-field] => Array
[query] => Solarium_Query_Analysis_Field
[requestbuilder] => Solarium_Client_RequestBuilder_Analysis_Field
[responseparser] => Solarium_Client_ResponseParser_Analysis_Field
[terms] => Array
[query] => Solarium_Query_Terms
[requestbuilder] => Solarium_Client_RequestBuilder_Terms
[responseparser] => Solarium_Client_ResponseParser_Terms
[suggester] => Array
[query] => Solarium_Query_Suggester
[requestbuilder] => Solarium_Client_RequestBuilder_Suggester
[responseparser] => Solarium_Client_ResponseParser_Suggester
[_pluginTypes:protected] => Array
[loadbalancer] => Solarium_Plugin_Loadbalancer
[postbigrequest] => Solarium_Plugin_PostBigRequest
[customizerequest] => Solarium_Plugin_CustomizeRequest
[parallelexecution] => Solarium_Plugin_ParallelExecution
[bufferedadd] => Solarium_Plugin_BufferedAdd
[prefetchiterator] => Solarium_Plugin_PrefetchIterator
[_pluginInstances:protected] => Array
[_adapter:protected] =>
[_requestBuilders:protected] =>
ping creation worked
Solarium_Query_Ping Object
[_options:protected] => Array
[resultclass] => Solarium_Result_Ping
[handler] => admin/ping
[_helper:protected] =>
[_params:protected] => Array
exeption from ping request
Failed to initialise Solr client:
Solr HTTP error: Not Found (404)
Failed to initialise Solr client: Solr HTTP error: Not Found (404)
Есть намеки? Это первый раз, когда я видел это.
Ура, Марк.
1 ответ
Исправлена. Имя ядра стало сглаживаться еще одним фрагментом кода. Две константы для одного свойства. Два разных значения! - Addinall 22 сек