Как использовать Google Certificate Transparency Go для отслеживания новых сертификатов?
Мне нужно использовать https://github.com/google/certificate-transparency, а точнее модуль Go https://github.com/google/certificate-transparency-go, чтобы отслеживать новые выданные сертификаты.
К сожалению, я не нашел документации о том, как использовать такую библиотеку для выполнения этой задачи. Есть ли какая-нибудь документация / руководство по использованию библиотеки Go, или вы не могли бы объяснить, как это сделать?
Другие примеры того, что я пытаюсь сделать:
- https://b1tst0rm.net/2019/06/11/certguard.html
- https://medium.com/@yassineaboukir/automated-monitoring-of-subdomains-for-fun-and-profit-release-of-sublert-634cfc5d7708
- https://blog.0day.rocks/catching-phishing-using-certstream-97177f0d499a
- https://github.com/SSLMate/certspotter
- https://medium.com/cali-dog-security/introducing-certstream-3fc13bb98067
- https://github.com/x0rz/phishing_catcher
- https://securityevil.blogspot.com/2017/12/catching-phishing-sites-with-certstream_26.html
В соответствии со спецификациями RFC для монитора я должен вести себя следующим образом:
Monitors watch logs and check that they behave correctly. They also
watch for certificates of interest.
A monitor needs to, at least, inspect every new entry in each log it
watches. It may also want to keep copies of entire logs. In order
to do this, it should follow these steps for each log:
1. Fetch the current STH (Section 4.3).
2. Verify the STH signature.
3. Fetch all the entries in the tree corresponding to the STH
(Section 4.6).
4. Confirm that the tree made from the fetched entries produces the
same hash as that in the STH.
5. Fetch the current STH (Section 4.3). Repeat until the STH
6. Verify the STH signature.
7. Fetch all the new entries in the tree corresponding to the STH
(Section 4.6). If they remain unavailable for an extended
period, then this should be viewed as misbehavior on the part of
the log.
8. Either:
1. Verify that the updated list of all entries generates a tree
with the same hash as the new STH.
Or, if it is not keeping all log entries:
2. Fetch a consistency proof for the new STH with the previous
STH (Section 4.4).
3. Verify the consistency proof.
4. Verify that the new entries generate the corresponding
elements in the consistency proof.
9. Go to Step 5.