How to implement the voting smart contract in cardano Plutus language?

Contact is created with locked in reward, voters vote for addresses, after the deadline winners that can collect the reward.

The voting is inherently stateful. Is it possible to implement it in cardano?

What is the data script type? What is the redeemer script type?

For example this is a implementation for tezos in liquidity language found here

(* Smart contract for voting. Winners of vote split the contract
   balance at the end of the voting period. *)

(** Type of storage for this contract *)
type storage = {
  voters : (address, unit) big_map; (** Used to register voters *)
  votes : (string, nat) map; (** Keep track of vote counts *)
  addresses : (string, key_hash) map; (** Addresses for payout *)
  deadline : timestamp; (** Deadline after which vote closes *)

(** Initial storage *)
let%init storage addresses = {
  (* Initialize vote counts to zero *)
  votes = Map.fold (fun ((name, _kh), votes) ->
      Map.add name 0p votes
    ) addresses Map;
  voters = BigMap ; (* No voters *)
  deadline = Current.time () + 3600 * 24 (* 1 day from now *)

(** Entry point for voting.
    @param choice A string corresponding to the candidate *)
let%entry vote choice storage =
  (* Only allowed while voting period is ongoing *)
  if Current.time () > storage.deadline then failwith "Voting closed";
  (* Voter must send at least 5tz to vote *)
  if Current.amount () < 5.00tz then
    failwith "Not enough money, at least 5tz to vote";
  (* Voter cannot vote twice *)
  if Map.mem (Current.sender ()) storage.voters then
    failwith ("Has already voted", Current.sender ());
  let votes = storage.votes in
  match Map.find choice votes with
  | None ->
    (* Vote must be for an existing candidate *)
    failwith ("Bad vote", choice)
  | Some x ->
    (* Increase vote count for candidate *)
    let storage = storage.votes <- Map.add choice (x + 1p) votes in
    (* Register voter *)
    let storage =
      storage.voters <- Map.add (Current.sender ()) () storage.voters in
    (* Return updated storage *)
    ([], storage)

(* Auxiliary function : returns the list of candidates with the
   maximum number of votes (there can be more than one in case of
   draw). *)
let find_winners votes =
  let winners, _max =
    Map.fold (fun ((name, nb), (winners, max)) ->
        if nb = max then
          name :: winners, max
        else if nb > max then
          [name], nb
        else winners, max
      ) votes ([], 0p) in

(** Entry point for paying winning candidates. *)
let%entry payout () storage =
  (* Only allowed once voting period is over *)
  if Current.time () <= storage.deadline then failwith "Voting ongoing";
  (* Indentify winners of vote *)
  let winners = find_winners storage.votes in
  (* Balance of contract is split equally between winners *)
  let amount = match Current.balance () / List.length winners with
    | None -> failwith "No winners"
    | Some (v, _rem) -> v in
  (* Generate transfer operations *)
  let operations = (fun name ->
      let dest = match Map.find name storage.addresses with
        | None -> failwith () (* This cannot happen *)
        | Some d -> d in
      Account.transfer ~amount ~dest
    ) winners in
  (* Return list of operations. Storage is unchanged *)
  operations, storage


this is continuation of /questions/51252034/kak-realizovat-vstrechnuyu-igru-s-sostoyaniem-v-cardano-plutus-10-j-igrok-mozhet

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