Получить медиа-элементы из RSS с помощью SyndicationFeed

Я пытаюсь проанализировать RSS-канал, используя C# и класс SyndicationFeed. Я перебираю элементы, чтобы получить список SyndicationItems, который раскрывает большинство свойств канала, но что я не могу получить, так это элемент media:thumbnail:

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      <title>Tekzilla Bites - Toyota Announces New Zero-Emission Fuel Cell Vehicle For 2015!</title>
&lt;p&gt;This year at their 2014 CES press conference, Toyota announced the Fuel Cell Vehicle (FCV): a hydrogen-powered vehicle whose only emission is water vapor going to market in 2015. Join Patrick for a look at the car, plus some of Toyota&apos;s announced specs, right from the CES show floor.
&lt;p&gt;This year at their 2014 CES press conference, Toyota announced the Fuel Cell Vehicle (FCV): a hydrogen-powered vehicle whose only emission is water vapor going to market in 2015. Join Patrick for a look at the car, plus some of Toyota&apos;s announced specs, right from the CES show floor.
      <author>feedback@revision3.com (Revision3)</author>
      <pubDate>Tue, 07 Jan 2014 07:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
      <itunes:image href="http://revision3.com/forum/image.php?u=415677" />
      <itunes:keywords>toyota, fuel cell vehicle, hydrogen electric, hydrogen electricity, fcv, fuel cell, water exhaust, electric car, ces 2014</itunes:keywords>
This year at their 2014 CES press conference, Toyota announced the Fuel Cell Vehicle (FCV): a hydrogen-powered vehicle whose only emission is water vapor going to market in 2015. Join Patrick for a look at the car, plus some of Toyota's announced specs, 
      <guid isPermaLink="false">/tekzilla/tekzillabites/0025/tekzilla--tekzillabites--0025--toyota-fuel-cell--hd720p30.h264.mp4</guid>
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        <media:title>Tekzilla Bites - Toyota Announces New Zero-Emission Fuel Cell Vehicle For 2015!</media:title>
&lt;p&gt;This year at their 2014 CES press conference, Toyota announced the Fuel Cell Vehicle (FCV): a hydrogen-powered vehicle whose only emission is water vapor going to market in 2015. Join Patrick for a look at the car, plus some of Toyota&apos;s announced specs, right from the CES show floor.
        <media:thumbnail url="http://videos.revision3.com/revision3/images/shows/tekzilla/tekzillabites/0025/tekzilla--tekzillabites--0025--toyota-fuel-cell--marge.thumb.jpg" width="640" height="360" />
        <media:thumbnail url="http://videos.revision3.com/revision3/images/shows/tekzilla/tekzillabites/0025/tekzilla--tekzillabites--0025--toyota-fuel-cell--medium.thumb.jpg" width="300" height="169" />
        <media:thumbnail url="http://videos.revision3.com/revision3/images/shows/tekzilla/tekzillabites/0025/tekzilla--tekzillabites--0025--toyota-fuel-cell--mini.thumb.jpg" width="100" height="100" />
        <media:player url="http://revision3.com/tekzillabites/toyota-fuel-cell" />
        <media:keywords>toyota, fuel cell vehicle, hydrogen electric, hydrogen electricity, fcv, fuel cell, water exhaust, electric car, ces 2014</media:keywords>
      <title>Film Riot - Mondays: Getting Recognized, Poster Credits &amp; Royalty Free Music!</title>
Ryan opens up the mail sack and answers some questions!
Ryan opens up the mail sack and answers some questions!
      <author>feedback@revision3.com (Revision3)</author>
      <pubDate>Tue, 07 Jan 2014 05:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
      <itunes:image href="http://revision3.com/forum/image.php?u=415677" />
      <itunes:keywords>getting recognized, getting yourself out there, poster credits, royalty free music, music, getting permission to use music, film riot, mail sack, questions, answers, q&amp;a, ryan connolly</itunes:keywords>
Ryan opens up the mail sack and answers some questions!
      <guid isPermaLink="false">/filmriot/0364/filmriot--0364--poster-credits--hd720p30.h264.mp4</guid>
      <enclosure url="http://videos.revision3.com/revision3/web/filmriot/0364/filmriot--0364--poster-credits--hd720p30.h264.mp4" length="73676325" type="video/mp4" />
      <media:content duration="522" medium="video" fileSize="73676325" url="http://videos.revision3.com/revision3/web/filmriot/0364/filmriot--0364--poster-credits--hd720p30.h264.mp4" type="video/mp4">
        <media:title>Film Riot - Mondays: Getting Recognized, Poster Credits &amp; Royalty Free Music!</media:title>
Ryan opens up the mail sack and answers some questions!
        <media:thumbnail url="http://videos.revision3.com/revision3/images/shows/filmriot/0364/filmriot--0364--poster-credits--marge.thumb.jpg" width="640" height="360" />
        <media:thumbnail url="http://videos.revision3.com/revision3/images/shows/filmriot/0364/filmriot--0364--poster-credits--medium.thumb.jpg" width="300" height="169" />
        <media:thumbnail url="http://videos.revision3.com/revision3/images/shows/filmriot/0364/filmriot--0364--poster-credits--mini.thumb.jpg" width="100" height="100" />
        <media:player url="http://revision3.com/filmriot/poster-credits" />
        <media:keywords>getting recognized, getting yourself out there, poster credits, royalty free music, music, getting permission to use music, film riot, mail sack, questions, answers, q&amp;a, ryan connolly</media:keywords>
      <title>Tekzilla Bites - Roku&apos;s Smart TV, More Channels, No Box- CES 2014</title>
&lt;p&gt;Roku known for their ever popular line up of stand-alone media streaming devices, shook things up at CES 2014 this year. Enter: Roku TV, a TV with the Roku platform baked in and a few new extras that will surprise even veteran Roku users. Patrick Norton has the details. &lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Roku known for their ever popular line up of stand-alone media streaming devices, shook things up at CES 2014 this year. Enter: Roku TV, a TV with the Roku platform baked in and a few new extras that will surprise even veteran Roku users. Patrick Norton has the details. &lt;/p&gt;
      <author>feedback@revision3.com (Revision3)</author>
      <pubDate>Tue, 07 Jan 2014 05:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
      <itunes:image href="http://revision3.com/forum/image.php?u=415677" />
      <itunes:keywords>roku tv, roku, tcl, hisense, ces2014, ces 2014, roku lt, ruku 1, streaming, stream, media, tekzilla, roku remote, set top box, coard cutting</itunes:keywords>
Roku known for their ever popular line up of stand-alone media streaming devices, shook things up at CES 2014 this year. Enter: Roku TV, a TV with the Roku platform baked in and a few new extras that will surprise even veteran Roku users. Patrick Norton 
      <guid isPermaLink="false">/tekzilla/tekzillabites/0024/tekzilla--tekzillabites--0024--roku-tv-ces-2014--hd720p30.h264.mp4</guid>
      <enclosure url="http://videos.revision3.com/revision3/web/tekzilla/tekzillabites/0024/tekzilla--tekzillabites--0024--roku-tv-ces-2014--hd720p30.h264.mp4" length="21262105" type="video/mp4" />
      <media:content duration="105" medium="video" fileSize="21262105" url="http://videos.revision3.com/revision3/web/tekzilla/tekzillabites/0024/tekzilla--tekzillabites--0024--roku-tv-ces-2014--hd720p30.h264.mp4" type="video/mp4">
        <media:title>Tekzilla Bites - Roku&apos;s Smart TV, More Channels, No Box- CES 2014</media:title>
&lt;p&gt;Roku known for their ever popular line up of stand-alone media streaming devices, shook things up at CES 2014 this year. Enter: Roku TV, a TV with the Roku platform baked in and a few new extras that will surprise even veteran Roku users. Patrick Norton has the details. &lt;/p&gt;
        <media:thumbnail url="http://videos.revision3.com/revision3/images/shows/tekzilla/tekzillabites/0024/tekzilla--tekzillabites--0024--roku-tv-ces-2014--marge.thumb.jpg" width="640" height="360" />
        <media:thumbnail url="http://videos.revision3.com/revision3/images/shows/tekzilla/tekzillabites/0024/tekzilla--tekzillabites--0024--roku-tv-ces-2014--medium.thumb.jpg" width="300" height="169" />
        <media:thumbnail url="http://videos.revision3.com/revision3/images/shows/tekzilla/tekzillabites/0024/tekzilla--tekzillabites--0024--roku-tv-ces-2014--mini.thumb.jpg" width="100" height="100" />
        <media:player url="http://revision3.com/tekzillabites/roku-tv-ces-2014" />
        <media:keywords>roku tv, roku, tcl, hisense, ces2014, ces 2014, roku lt, ruku 1, streaming, stream, media, tekzilla, roku remote, set top box, coard cutting</media:keywords>

Весь блок media:content не десериализован из переданного XML. Я перебрал весь блок расширений элементов, используя

foreach (SyndicationElementExtension extension in item.ElementExtensions)

но его там нет. Можно ли как-то сказать, что метод SyndicationFeed.Load() также проанализировать этот блок для меня:

SyndicationFeed feed = SyndicationFeed.Load(xmlReader);

3 ответа


Хорошо.. Нашел ваши данные.

Попробуйте это, где переменная данных - это строка, которую вы указали.

Внутренний XElement.Value содержит весь медиа-блок, поэтому вам потребуется запросить его и выбрать нужный элемент.

Метод Dump() - это метод расширения, доступный в LinqPad, где я делаю отладку.

var data = @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>
<rss version=""2.0"" xmlns:itunes=""http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd""
    <title>Revision3 Feed</title>
    <description>Customized RSS Feed of all your favorite Revision3 shows.</description>
    <itunes:image href=""http://revision3.com/forum/image.php?u=415677"" />
    <itunes:keywords />
      <title>Revision3 Feed</title>
    <atom:link rel=""self"" type=""application/rss+xml"" title=""Revision3 Feed"" href=""http://revision3.com/feed/user/0a7ehtg09b0ab0/"" />
      <title>Tekzilla Bites - Toyota Announces New Zero-Emission Fuel Cell Vehicle For 2015!</title>
&lt;p&gt;This year at their 2014 CES press conference, Toyota announced the Fuel Cell Vehicle (FCV): a hydrogen-powered vehicle whose only emission is water vapor going to market in 2015. Join Patrick for a look at the car, plus some of Toyota&apos;s announced specs, right from the CES show floor.
&lt;p&gt;This year at their 2014 CES press conference, Toyota announced the Fuel Cell Vehicle (FCV): a hydrogen-powered vehicle whose only emission is water vapor going to market in 2015. Join Patrick for a look at the car, plus some of Toyota&apos;s announced specs, right from the CES show floor.
      <author>feedback@revision3.com (Revision3)</author>
      <pubDate>Tue, 07 Jan 2014 07:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
      <itunes:image href=""http://revision3.com/forum/image.php?u=415677"" />
      <itunes:keywords>toyota, fuel cell vehicle, hydrogen electric, hydrogen electricity, fcv, fuel cell, water exhaust, electric car, ces 2014</itunes:keywords>
This year at their 2014 CES press conference, Toyota announced the Fuel Cell Vehicle (FCV): a hydrogen-powered vehicle whose only emission is water vapor going to market in 2015. Join Patrick for a look at the car, plus some of Toyota's announced specs, 
      <guid isPermaLink=""false"">/tekzilla/tekzillabites/0025/tekzilla--tekzillabites--0025--toyota-fuel-cell--hd720p30.h264.mp4</guid>
      <enclosure url=""http://videos.revision3.com/revision3/web/tekzilla/tekzillabites/0025/tekzilla--tekzillabites--0025--toyota-fuel-cell--hd720p30.h264.mp4"" length=""27874999"" type=""video/mp4"" />
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        <media:title>Tekzilla Bites - Toyota Announces New Zero-Emission Fuel Cell Vehicle For 2015!</media:title>
&lt;p&gt;This year at their 2014 CES press conference, Toyota announced the Fuel Cell Vehicle (FCV): a hydrogen-powered vehicle whose only emission is water vapor going to market in 2015. Join Patrick for a look at the car, plus some of Toyota&apos;s announced specs, right from the CES show floor.
        <media:thumbnail url=""http://videos.revision3.com/revision3/images/shows/tekzilla/tekzillabites/0025/tekzilla--tekzillabites--0025--toyota-fuel-cell--marge.thumb.jpg"" width=""640"" height=""360"" />
        <media:thumbnail url=""http://videos.revision3.com/revision3/images/shows/tekzilla/tekzillabites/0025/tekzilla--tekzillabites--0025--toyota-fuel-cell--medium.thumb.jpg"" width=""300"" height=""169"" />
        <media:thumbnail url=""http://videos.revision3.com/revision3/images/shows/tekzilla/tekzillabites/0025/tekzilla--tekzillabites--0025--toyota-fuel-cell--mini.thumb.jpg"" width=""100"" height=""100"" />
        <media:player url=""http://revision3.com/tekzillabites/toyota-fuel-cell"" />
        <media:keywords>toyota, fuel cell vehicle, hydrogen electric, hydrogen electricity, fcv, fuel cell, water exhaust, electric car, ces 2014</media:keywords>
      <title>Film Riot - Mondays: Getting Recognized, Poster Credits &amp; Royalty Free Music!</title>
Ryan opens up the mail sack and answers some questions!
Ryan opens up the mail sack and answers some questions!
      <author>feedback@revision3.com (Revision3)</author>
      <pubDate>Tue, 07 Jan 2014 05:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
      <itunes:image href=""http://revision3.com/forum/image.php?u=415677"" />
      <itunes:keywords>getting recognized, getting yourself out there, poster credits, royalty free music, music, getting permission to use music, film riot, mail sack, questions, answers, q&amp;a, ryan connolly</itunes:keywords>
Ryan opens up the mail sack and answers some questions!
      <guid isPermaLink=""false"">/filmriot/0364/filmriot--0364--poster-credits--hd720p30.h264.mp4</guid>
      <enclosure url=""http://videos.revision3.com/revision3/web/filmriot/0364/filmriot--0364--poster-credits--hd720p30.h264.mp4"" length=""73676325"" type=""video/mp4"" />
      <media:content duration=""522"" medium=""video"" fileSize=""73676325"" url=""http://videos.revision3.com/revision3/web/filmriot/0364/filmriot--0364--poster-credits--hd720p30.h264.mp4"" type=""video/mp4"">
        <media:title>Film Riot - Mondays: Getting Recognized, Poster Credits &amp; Royalty Free Music!</media:title>
Ryan opens up the mail sack and answers some questions!
        <media:thumbnail url=""http://videos.revision3.com/revision3/images/shows/filmriot/0364/filmriot--0364--poster-credits--marge.thumb.jpg"" width=""640"" height=""360"" />
        <media:thumbnail url=""http://videos.revision3.com/revision3/images/shows/filmriot/0364/filmriot--0364--poster-credits--medium.thumb.jpg"" width=""300"" height=""169"" />
        <media:thumbnail url=""http://videos.revision3.com/revision3/images/shows/filmriot/0364/filmriot--0364--poster-credits--mini.thumb.jpg"" width=""100"" height=""100"" />
        <media:player url=""http://revision3.com/filmriot/poster-credits"" />
        <media:keywords>getting recognized, getting yourself out there, poster credits, royalty free music, music, getting permission to use music, film riot, mail sack, questions, answers, q&amp;a, ryan connolly</media:keywords>
      <title>Tekzilla Bites - Roku&apos;s Smart TV, More Channels, No Box- CES 2014</title>
&lt;p&gt;Roku known for their ever popular line up of stand-alone media streaming devices, shook things up at CES 2014 this year. Enter: Roku TV, a TV with the Roku platform baked in and a few new extras that will surprise even veteran Roku users. Patrick Norton has the details. &lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Roku known for their ever popular line up of stand-alone media streaming devices, shook things up at CES 2014 this year. Enter: Roku TV, a TV with the Roku platform baked in and a few new extras that will surprise even veteran Roku users. Patrick Norton has the details. &lt;/p&gt;
      <author>feedback@revision3.com (Revision3)</author>
      <pubDate>Tue, 07 Jan 2014 05:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
      <itunes:image href=""http://revision3.com/forum/image.php?u=415677"" />
      <itunes:keywords>roku tv, roku, tcl, hisense, ces2014, ces 2014, roku lt, ruku 1, streaming, stream, media, tekzilla, roku remote, set top box, coard cutting</itunes:keywords>
Roku known for their ever popular line up of stand-alone media streaming devices, shook things up at CES 2014 this year. Enter: Roku TV, a TV with the Roku platform baked in and a few new extras that will surprise even veteran Roku users. Patrick Norton 
      <guid isPermaLink=""false"">/tekzilla/tekzillabites/0024/tekzilla--tekzillabites--0024--roku-tv-ces-2014--hd720p30.h264.mp4</guid>
      <enclosure url=""http://videos.revision3.com/revision3/web/tekzilla/tekzillabites/0024/tekzilla--tekzillabites--0024--roku-tv-ces-2014--hd720p30.h264.mp4"" length=""21262105"" type=""video/mp4"" />
      <media:content duration=""105"" medium=""video"" fileSize=""21262105"" url=""http://videos.revision3.com/revision3/web/tekzilla/tekzillabites/0024/tekzilla--tekzillabites--0024--roku-tv-ces-2014--hd720p30.h264.mp4"" type=""video/mp4"">
        <media:title>Tekzilla Bites - Roku&apos;s Smart TV, More Channels, No Box- CES 2014</media:title>
&lt;p&gt;Roku known for their ever popular line up of stand-alone media streaming devices, shook things up at CES 2014 this year. Enter: Roku TV, a TV with the Roku platform baked in and a few new extras that will surprise even veteran Roku users. Patrick Norton has the details. &lt;/p&gt;
        <media:thumbnail url=""http://videos.revision3.com/revision3/images/shows/tekzilla/tekzillabites/0024/tekzilla--tekzillabites--0024--roku-tv-ces-2014--marge.thumb.jpg"" width=""640"" height=""360"" />
        <media:thumbnail url=""http://videos.revision3.com/revision3/images/shows/tekzilla/tekzillabites/0024/tekzilla--tekzillabites--0024--roku-tv-ces-2014--medium.thumb.jpg"" width=""300"" height=""169"" />
        <media:thumbnail url=""http://videos.revision3.com/revision3/images/shows/tekzilla/tekzillabites/0024/tekzilla--tekzillabites--0024--roku-tv-ces-2014--mini.thumb.jpg"" width=""100"" height=""100"" />
        <media:player url=""http://revision3.com/tekzillabites/roku-tv-ces-2014"" />
        <media:keywords>roku tv, roku, tcl, hisense, ces2014, ces 2014, roku lt, ruku 1, streaming, stream, media, tekzilla, roku remote, set top box, coard cutting</media:keywords>

var rss = new Rss20FeedFormatter();
rss.ReadFrom(XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(data)));

var elements = rss.Feed.Items.SelectMany(s => s.ElementExtensions.Select(x => x.GetObject<XElement>().Value));

Другой SO-ответ, который может ответить на ваш вопрос, можно найти здесь: Чтение нестандартных элементов в SyndicationItem с помощью SyndicationFeed.

Ура, Аарон

Я добавил метод расширения для класса SyndicationItem. Просто создайте класс с именем ExtensionMethods.cs в корневом каталоге вашего проекта и используйте код ниже. Обязательно измените пространство имен, чтобы оно соответствовало пространству вашего проекта.

using System;

namespace RFAnnouncer
    public static class ExtensionMethods
        public static string GetEnclosureUri(this System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationItem item)
            for (int i = 0; i < item.Links.Count; i++)
                if (item.Links[i].RelationshipType == "enclosure")
                    return item.Links[i].Uri.AbsoluteUri;
            return "";

Вы можете проверить наш MediaRssSharp для анализа RSS-каналов мультимедиа. MediaRssSharp выполняет для вас большую часть анализа формата mrss, включая необязательные / необязательные элементы.

Это моё решение. Я возвращаю первое уменьшенное изображение.

// Read the feed
while (await feedReader.Read())
    if (feedReader.ElementType == SyndicationElementType.Item)
        // Read the item as generic content
        ISyndicationContent content = await feedReader.ReadContent();

        // Parse the item if needed (unrecognized tags aren't available)
        // Utilize the existing parser
        ISyndicationItem item = parser.CreateItem(content);

        string urlImage = GetThumbailsImage(content, url);

private string GetThumbailsImage(ISyndicationContent content, string source)
    // Get <media:thumbnail> field
    ISyndicationContent customElement = content.Fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name == "thumbnail");
    var thimbUrl = customElement.Attributes.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name == "url");
    return thimbUrl?.Value;
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