Почему этот код не может правильно определить тоны DTMF?

Я пытаюсь обнаружить сигналы DTMF, которые воспроизводятся на моей машине. У меня есть код от другого человека, которого я нашел на веб-сайте. Я перестроил код на основе моих потребностей. Все выглядит хорошо, но код распознает тоны, даже когда никто не играет!

Что я здесь не так делаю? Этот фрагмент кода использует алгоритм Гертцеля для обнаружения тонов DTMF.

import java.io.IOException;

import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem;
import javax.sound.sampled.DataLine;
import javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException;
import javax.sound.sampled.TargetDataLine;

public class DTMFDetect {

     * @param args

        float[] lowFreq = new float[]{697.0F, 770.0F, 852.0F, 941.0F};
        float[] highFreq = new float[]{1209.0F, 1336.0F, 1477.0F, 1633.0F};
        float[] dtmfTones = new float[]{697.0F, 770.0F, 852.0F, 941.0F, 1209.0F, 1336.0F, 1477.0F, 1633.0F};
        int dtmfBoard[][] = { { 1, 2, 3, 12 }, { 4, 5, 6, 13 }, { 7, 8, 9, 14 }, { 10, 0, 11, 15} };
        //byte[] buffer = new byte[2000];
        static final char FRAME_SIZE = 160;

        AudioFormat format = getAudioFormat();
        //int[] buf;
        public boolean wait = false;
        static boolean continueParsingDtmf = false;

        public DTMFDetect() 

        public AudioFormat getAudioFormat() 
        //  float sampleRate = 8000.0F;         
        float sampleRate = 44100.0F;    
        //int sampleSizeInBits = 16;            
            int sampleSizeInBits = 8;
        int channels = 1;                   
        boolean signed = true;              
        boolean bigEndian = true;           

        return new AudioFormat(sampleRate, sampleSizeInBits, channels, signed, bigEndian);

        public static void main(String args[]) throws LineUnavailableException, IOException

        // start seaching for audio signals 
        DtmfCapture dtmfCapture = dtmfDetect.new DtmfCapture();

                // decode for a minute
        try {   Thread.sleep(60000); } catch (Exception e){}
            continueParsingDtmf = false;


        public class DtmfCapture extends Thread {

            public void run() {
            continueParsingDtmf = true;
            try {
            int tone = 0;
            DataLine.Info info = new DataLine.Info(TargetDataLine.class, format);
            TargetDataLine out= (TargetDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine(info);
                int[] buf ;

            int count = 0;

            while (continueParsingDtmf) {
            byte[] buffer = new byte[2000];

                        //grab audio data
            count = out.read(buffer,0,buffer.length);

            if(count > 0){
                DecodeDtmf dtmf = new DecodeDtmf(buffer);

            if (!wait){

                        dtmf.start(); //look for dtmf
             } else
                  Thread.sleep(4000); // wait before searching again
                  wait = false;


        }   catch(Exception e){



        public class DecodeDtmf extends Thread {
            byte[] buffer;
            DecodeDtmf(byte[] buffer) {
                this.buffer = buffer;


            public void run() {
            int[] buf;

            buf = new int[buffer.length/2];

            for(int j = 0; j<buffer.length/2-1; j++)
                    buf[j] = (int) ((buffer[j*2+1] & 0xFF) + (buffer[j*2] << 8));
            int tone = findDTMF(buf);

            if (tone  >=0)
                {    wait = true;
                    if ( tone <10)
                        {System.out.println(" THE TONE IS : " + tone);


                if (tone ==12)
                { System.out.println(" THE TONE IS :  A"  );

                if (tone ==13)
                {   System.out.println(" THE TONE IS : B"  );


                if (tone ==14)
                {   System.out.println(" THE TONE IS : C"  );

                if (tone ==15)
                { System.out.println(" THE TONE IS : D"  );

                if (tone ==10)
                {  System.out.println(" THE TONE IS : *"  );

                if (tone ==11)
                {  System.out.println(" THE TONE IS : #"  );



                      Check if sample has dtmf tone

                public int findDTMF(int[] samples)
                double[] goertzelValues = new double[8];
                double lowFreqValue = 0;
                int lowFreq = 0;
                double sumLow = 0;
                double highFreqValue = 0;
                int highFreq = 0;
                double sumHigh = 0;

                for(int i = 0; i<8; i++) 
                        goertzelValues[i] = goertzel(samples,dtmfTones[i]);

                    for(int i = 0; i<4; i++) // Find st?rste low frequency
                        sumLow += goertzelValues[i]; // Sum til signal-test
                        if(goertzelValues[i] > lowFreqValue) 
                            lowFreqValue = goertzelValues[i];
                            lowFreq = i;
                    for(int i = 4; i<8; i++) // Find st?rste high frequency
                        sumHigh += goertzelValues[i]; // Sum til signal-test
                        if(goertzelValues[i] > highFreqValue)
                            highFreqValue = goertzelValues[i]; 
                            highFreq = i-4;
                    if(lowFreqValue < sumLow/2 || highFreqValue < sumHigh/2) // Test signalstyrke
                        return -1;
                        return dtmfBoard[lowFreq][highFreq]; // Returner DTMF tone

        public double goertzel(int[] samples, float freq)
        double vkn = 0;
        double vkn1 = 0;
        double vkn2 = 0;

        for(int j = 0; j<samples.length -1; j++)
        vkn2 = vkn1;
        vkn1 = vkn;
        vkn = 2 * Math.cos(2 * Math.PI * (freq * samples.length / format.getSampleRate() ) / samples.length) * vkn1 - vkn2 + samples[j];
        double WNk = Math.exp(-2 * Math.PI * (freq * samples.length / format.getSampleRate() ) / samples.length);   

        return Math.abs(vkn - WNk * vkn1);


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