Как остановить цикл for для асинхронного запроса Swift 5

Вот функция, которую я хочу, чтобы цикл for ждал завершения от func getVenueDetails, и если завершение истинно, выйдите из цикла, а если нет, продолжите со следующим идентификатором места проведения.

    func searchVenues(lat: Double, lng: Double) {
    let parameter: [String: String] = [
        "ll": "\(lat),\(lng)",
        "radius": "600",
        "limit": "10",
        "intent": "browse",
        "categoryId": "4bf58dd8d48988d1e4931735,4bf58dd8d48988d1f1931735,4deefb944765f83613cdba6e,4bf58dd8d48988d17f941735,52e81612bcbc57f1066b79eb,4bf58dd8d48988d181941735,4bf58dd8d48988d1f4931735,4bf58dd8d48988d189941735,4bf58dd8d48988d182941735,4bf58dd8d48988d17b941735,4bf58dd8d48988d163941735,4bf58dd8d48988d164941735,4bf58dd8d48988d165941735,56aa371be4b08b9a8d57356a,4bf58dd8d48988d12f941735"

    var isSent2: Bool = false

    client.request(path: "venues/search", parameter: parameter) { result in
        switch result {
        case let .success(data):

            let jsonResponse = try! JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: [])
            let json = JSON(jsonResponse)

             let name = json["response"]["venues"][0]["name"].string
                print("NAME FROM JSON: ", name)

                let id = json["response"]["venues"][0]["id"].string
                print("id of foursquare", id)

            let group = DispatchGroup()

            group.notify(queue: .main) {

            for (key,subJson):(String, JSON) in json["response"]["venues"] {
                let placeName = subJson["name"].string
                print("place name:",placeName.unsafelyUnwrapped)

                let placeId = subJson["id"].string
                print("place id:",placeId.unsafelyUnwrapped)


                    self.getVenueDetails(id: placeId!) { (isSent) in

                        print("isSent", isSent)
                        isSent2 = isSent



               if (isSent2){


            }//end of for loop

        //  print("json == ", jsonResponse)
        case let .failure(error):
            // Error handling
            switch error {
            case let .connectionError(connectionError):
            case let .responseParseError(responseParseError):
                print(responseParseError)   // e.g. JSON text did not start with array or object and option to allow fragments not set.
            case let .apiError(apiError):
                print(apiError.errorType)   // e.g. endpoint_error
                print(apiError.errorDetail) // e.g. The requested path does not exist.


вот другая функция, в которой выполняется запрос сведений о месте проведения, поэтому я хочу, чтобы, когда isSent вернул true, цикл for в searchVenues остановился (прервал) и, если вернул false, продолжил работу со следующим.

func getVenueDetails(id: String, completionHandler: @escaping (Bool)->Void) {

    var isSent: Bool = false

    let parameter: [String: String] = [
        "VENUE_ID": "\(id)",


    client.request(path: "venues/\(id)", parameter: parameter) { result in

        switch result {
        case let .success(data):

            let jsonResponse = try! JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: [])

            let json = JSON(jsonResponse)
            // print("json == ", jsonResponse)

            let name = json["response"]["venue"]["name"].string

            if let rating:Double = json["response"]["venue"]["rating"].double {
                print("rating from: ", rating)
                //rat = rating

                if (rating > 2)  {
                    self.foursquareNotification(name: name!)
                    print("here inside lol")
                    isSent = true
                    DispatchQueue.main.async {

                    print("isSent hereee", isSent)

                } //end if
                else {
                    isSent = false
                    DispatchQueue.main.async {

                }//end else
            } //end if rating

            //                rat = json["response"]["venue"]["rating"].double!
            //                print("rating from: ", rat)
            //                //rat = rating.unsafelyUnwrapped

        case let .failure(error):
            // Error handling
            switch error {
            case let .connectionError(connectionError):
            case let .responseParseError(responseParseError):
                print(responseParseError)   // e.g. JSON text did not start with array or object and option to allow fragments not set.
            case let .apiError(apiError):
                print(apiError.errorType)   // e.g. endpoint_error
                print(apiError.errorDetail) // e.g. The requested path does not exist.
    //return isSent
}//end getVenueDetails

1 ответ


Вам нужно удалить цикл for

var res =  json["response"]["venues"] 


var current = 0
func start(item:ItemType) {
    let placeName = subJson["name"].string 
    let placeId = subJson["id"].string
     self.getVenueDetails(id: placeId!) { (isSent) in 
        if isSent {
            counter += 1
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