Как отследить путь на карте Киви?

Я пытаюсь нарисовать улицы на самом деле я хочу нарисовать путь strets (например, карты Google), но это то, что я получил. введите описание изображения здесь

    puntoA = self.puntos[0]
    puntoB = self.puntos[1]
    direccionx = puntoA.lon - puntoB.lon
    direcciony = puntoA.lat - puntoB.lat
    distanciax = direccionx/25
    distanciay = direcciony/25
    for i in range(25):
        print i
        puntox = distanciax*i
        puntoy = distanciay*i
        self.mv.add_marker(MapMarker(lat = self.puntos[1].lat + puntoy , lon = self.puntos[1].lon + puntox, source = self.icons + "Entypo_e78b(0)_32.png"))

1 ответ


Я нашел это в группе Google, и это работает.

class LineMapLayer(MapLayer):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
    super(LineMapLayer, self).__init__(**kwargs)
    self.zoom = 15

    geo_dover   = [18.455750,-69.970347]
    geo_calais  = [18.456259,-69.966334]

    # NOTE: Points must be valid as they're no longer clamped
    self.coordinates = []

def newpointgeo(self,longlat):
    longlatx = (longlat[1],longlat[0])

def reposition(self):
    mapview = self.parent

    #: Must redraw when the zoom changes 
    #: as the scatter transform resets for the new tiles
    if (self.zoom != mapview.zoom):

def gen_point(self):
    n = len(self.coordinates)
    dx,dy = random.randint(-100,100)/10000.0,random.randint(0,100)/10000.0
    c = (self.coordinates[-1][0]+dx,

    return c

def add_point(self):
    #: Add a random point close to the previous one
    for i in range(len(self.coordinates)):

def get_x(self, lon):
    """Get the x position on the map using this map source's projection
    (0, 0) is located at the top left.
    return clamp(lon, MIN_LONGITUDE, MAX_LONGITUDE)

def get_y(self, lat):
    """Get the y position on the map using this map source's projection
    (0, 0) is located at the top left.
    lat = clamp(-lat, MIN_LATITUDE, MAX_LATITUDE)
    lat = lat * pi / 180.
    return ((1.0 - log(tan(lat) + 1.0 / cos(lat)) / pi))

def draw_line(self, *args):
    mapview = self.parent
    self.zoom = mapview.zoom

    # When zooming we must undo the current scatter transform
    # or the animation distorts it
    scatter = mapview._scatter
    map_source = mapview.map_source
    sx,sy,ss = scatter.x, scatter.y, scatter.scale
    vx,vy,vs = mapview.viewport_pos[0], mapview.viewport_pos[1], mapview.scale

    # Account for map source tile size and mapview zoom
    ms = pow(2.0,mapview.zoom) * map_source.dp_tile_size

    #: Since lat is not a linear transform we must compute manually 
    line_points = []
    for lat,lon in self.coordinates:

    with self.canvas:
        # Clear old line

        # Undo the scatter animation transform

        # Apply the get window xy from transforms

        # Apply the what we can factor out
        # of the mapsource long,lat to x,y conversion

        # Draw new
        Color( 0, 0 , 0 , .8)
        Line(points=line_points , width=4/ms , joint_presicion = 100)#4/ms)#,joint_precision=100)
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