iOS Swift Hw для доступа к данным, созданным в закрытии обработчика завершения - вне закрытия

У меня есть код, который создает направления MapKit, используя

directions.calculateDirectionsWithCompletionHandler({(response, error) in


Код работает нормально - в обработчике завершения, но я не могу понять, как получить доступ к данным вне обработчика завершения. Я определил переменные, используемые вне обработчика завершения.

Я понимаю, что обработчик завершения работает асинхронно, но я не знаю, что делать, чтобы компенсировать это.

Наконец, представленный код находится в Swift Playground, потому что там выполняется закрытие обработчика завершения - в приложении закрытие обработчика завершения никогда не запускается из-за ошибки SSL.

Вот минимальный код, который я мог бы сделать:

//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play

import UIKit
import MapKit
import CoreLocation
import Contacts
import XCPlayground


var directionsArray = [String]()
var addressString = ""

// Identify the Source and Destination
let source = MKMapItem(placemark: MKPlacemark(
    coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(32.2345760,-110.8444420), addressDictionary: nil))
let destination = MKMapItem(placemark: MKPlacemark(
    coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(34.104908,-118.137903), addressDictionary: nil))
let theLocation = CLLocation(latitude: source.placemark.coordinate.latitude, longitude: source.placemark.coordinate.longitude)

let directionsRequest = MKDirectionsRequest()
directionsRequest.source = source
directionsRequest.destination = destination
directionsRequest.requestsAlternateRoutes = true

let directions = MKDirections(request: directionsRequest)

print("before: directions.calculateDirectionsWithCompletionHandler addressString: \(addressString)")
print("before: directions.calculateDirectionsWithCompletionHandler directionsArray: \(directionsArray)")
directions.calculateDirectionsWithCompletionHandler({(response, error) in
    var selectedRoute = 1

    addressString += "\n source: 6922 E 1st St, 85710 Tucson, AZ United States"
    addressString += "\n Destination: 2014–2048 Huntington Dr, 91030 South Pasadena, CA United States"

    print("\nwithin: directions.calculateDirectionsWithCompletionHandler: \n")
    print("error: \(error)")
    print("response!.routes.count \(response!.routes.count)")
    print("response!.routes[selectedRoute] \(response!.routes[selectedRoute])")

    let theSteps = response?.routes[selectedRoute].steps.count as Int!

    print("theSteps: \(theSteps)")
    print("distance: \(response!.routes[selectedRoute].distance) meters") // time \(response?.routes.first?.time)")
    addressString += "\n distance: \(response!.routes[selectedRoute].distance) meters"
    let myRoute = response?.routes[selectedRoute]
    print("myRoute!.polyline.pointCount \(myRoute!.polyline.pointCount)")
    print("myRoute!.steps[0].polyline.points(): \(myRoute!.steps[0].polyline.points())")
    print("polyline.points \(myRoute!.polyline.points())")

    // Build an array of Route Step Coordinates for later inclusion in Directions
    var stepCoordinates = [CLLocationCoordinate2D]()
    for step in myRoute!.steps as [MKRouteStep] {
        let pointCount = step.polyline.pointCount
        var cArray = UnsafeMutablePointer<CLLocationCoordinate2D>.alloc(pointCount)
        step.polyline.getCoordinates(cArray, range: NSMakeRange(0, pointCount))

        for var c=0; c < pointCount; c++ {
            let coord = cArray[c]
            if c == 0 {
               var theCoordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(coord.latitude, coord.longitude)

    // get the Directions Steps including the latitidude / longitude from thearray of Step Coordinates
    for index in  0..<theSteps {
        let lat = stepCoordinates[index].latitude
        let lon = stepCoordinates[index].longitude
        directionsArray.append("\n steps[\(index)] \(lat),\(lon) - \(myRoute!.steps[index].distance) meters - \(myRoute!.steps[index].instructions)")

    print("\nwithin: directions.calculateDirectionsWithCompletionHandler: addressString: \(addressString)")
    print("\nwithin: directions.calculateDirectionsWithCompletionHandler: directionsArray: \(directionsArray)")

print("\nafter: directions.calculateDirectionsWithCompletionHandler: addressString: \(addressString)")
print("after: directions.calculateDirectionsWithCompletionHandler: directionsArray: \(directionsArray)\n")

Вот консольный вывод:

before: directions.calculateDirectionsWithCompletionHandler addressString:

before: directions.calculateDirectionsWithCompletionHandler directionsArray: []

after: directions.calculateDirectionsWithCompletionHandler: addressString: 
after: directions.calculateDirectionsWithCompletionHandler: directionsArray: []

2015-07-06 14:00:58.421 GetDirectionsBasic[9758:4735303] Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/folders/7l/cgpb6wr9489b1qhxl8y38hvm0000gn/T/ Errno:1
2015-07-06 14:00:58.422 GetDirectionsBasic[9758:4735303] Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/folders/7l/cgpb6wr9489b1qhxl8y38hvm0000gn/T/ Errno:1

within: directions.calculateDirectionsWithCompletionHandler: 

error: nil
response!.routes.count 3
response!.routes[selectedRoute] <MKRoute: 0x7fd7e0549220>
theSteps: 15
distance: 821009.0 meters
myRoute!.polyline.pointCount 2743
myRoute!.steps[0].polyline.points(): 0x00007fd7e1073000
polyline.points 0x00007fd7e1073000

within: directions.calculateDirectionsWithCompletionHandler: addressString: 
 source: 6922 E 1st St, 85710 Tucson, AZ United States
 Destination: 2014–2048 Huntington Dr, 91030 South Pasadena, CA United States
 distance: 821009.0 meters

within: directions.calculateDirectionsWithCompletionHandler: directionsArray: [
 steps[0] 32.2345979232341,-110.844443056463 - 0.0 meters - Proceed to E 1st St, 
 steps[1] 32.2345979232341,-110.844443056463 - 105.0 meters - At the end of the road, turn left onto N Green Hills Ave, 
 steps[2] 32.2345979232341,-110.843325078218 - 117.0 meters - Turn left onto E Speedway Blvd, 
 steps[3] 32.2356559708714,-110.843304039641 - 13216.0 meters - Turn right onto N Freeway Rd toward Phoenix, 
 steps[4] 32.235831990838,-110.983517018841 - 132.0 meters - Keep left to merge onto I-10 W, 
 steps[5] 32.236999925226,-110.9837630277 - 92506.0 meters - Take exit 199 to merge onto I-8 W toward San Diego, 
 steps[6] 32.8114569280297,-111.674388011842 - 374340.0 meters - Take exit 118B onto CA-111 N toward Indio, 
 steps[7] 32.773857973516,-115.495294079998 - 33287.0 meters - Turn right onto State Highway 86, 
 steps[8] 33.0002589616925,-115.585204073131 - 107741.0 meters - Continue onto I-10 W, 
 steps[9] 33.7204659450799,-116.19523705826 - 184120.0 meters - Keep left, 
 steps[10] 34.0650959406048,-118.013762030288 - 11125.0 meters - Take exit 23A onto Atlantic Blvd, 
 steps[11] 34.0716939233243,-118.132452042339 - 103.0 meters - Keep right on S Atlantic Blvd, 
 steps[12] 34.0717909857631,-118.133564069433 - 3815.0 meters - Turn left onto Garfield Ave, 
 steps[13] 34.1057089436799,-118.134696045456 - 108.0 meters - Turn left onto Huntington Dr, 
 steps[14] 34.1065149474889,-118.13535704234 - 294.0 meters - The destination is on your left]

3 ответа

Вы правы, что здесь есть фундаментальная проблема асинхронности. И это действительно не имеет никакого отношения к MapKit или большинству других деталей вашего кода, поэтому я абстрагировал их в следующем ответе.

"Асинхронный" означает, что для всего, что выглядит так:

код с цветной аннотацией

... зеленые и синие блоки бегут перед коричневым блоком:

порядок исполнения цветов

(Кроме того, время между синими и коричневыми блоками может быть произвольно коротким или длинным, так как основной поток обновляет интерфейс в течение этого времени.)

Это означает:

  • любой код в синем блоке не знает о том, что происходит в коричневом блоке, потому что это еще не произошло. (Если иначе произойдет, вы нарушили причинно-следственную связь... уведомите Стивена Хокинга. И подайте радар.)

  • все, что вы хотите, чтобы произошло в результате кода в коричневом блоке, должно запускаться из коричневого блока. (Или откуда-то еще, что гарантированно будет "позже".)

Это также означает, что, если вы пытаетесь использовать такой шаблон:

func getDirections() -> String {
    var directions: [String]
    getMKDirectionsWithCompletionHandler() { result, error in 
        directions = // something from result
    return directions

... у вас принципиально неработоспособный дизайн. Вместо этого вам нужно будет посмотреть на места, которые вы хотите назвать getDirections() функционировать и использовать его результат, и проектировать их как асинхронные.

Например, если вы хотите сделать что-то вроде этого:

let theDirections = getDirections()
destinationLabel.text = theDirections.last!

Вместо этого вам нужно будет сделать что-то вроде этого:

getMKDirectionsWithCompletionHandler() { result, error in 
    let directions: [String] = // something from result
    destinationLabel.text = directions.last! // use it *in* the completion block

Или помните, как я сказал "где-то еще, что гарантированно будет позже"? Предположим, вы хотите отобразить эти строки в табличном представлении:

class MyViewController: UITableViewController {
    var directions = [String]()

    func viewWillAppear() {
        getMKDirectionsWithCompletionHandler() { result, error in 
            directions = // something from result

            // make sure the UI updates after we have our result

    func tableView(tv: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
        return directions.count

    func tableView(tv: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
        let directionsItem = directions[indexPath.row]
        return // cell constructed from directionsItem

С помощью подпрограммы задержки из @matt и подпрограммы чтения / записи файла из @gooroo7, вот рабочий пример на игровой площадке...

Мне не удалось заставить его работать в приложении из-за проблем с установкой соединения SSL при инициализации запроса получения маршрутов:

mapDirections.calculateDirectionsWithCompletionHandler({(response, error) in

Я включил довольно длинный код и вывод на консоль. Процедуры из @matt и @ gooroo7 документированы там, где они используются. Кроме того, консольный вывод довольно длинный - он показывает состояние до, во время и после (закрытие) файла и используемых переменных.

Вот код игровой площадки:

//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play

import UIKit
import MapKit
import CoreLocation
import Contacts
import XCPlayground


var directionsArray = [String]()
var addressString = String()

func setAddressString(theString:String){
    addressString = theString
    print("setAddressString \(addressString)")

// answer by goroo7
//To avoid confusion and add ease, I have created two functions for reading and writing strings to files in the documents directory. Here are the functions:
func writeToDocumentsFile(fileName:String,value:String) {
    let documentsPath = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.DocumentDirectory, .UserDomainMask, true)[0] // as! NSString
    let path = documentsPath.stringByAppendingPathComponent(fileName)
    //    var error:NSError?
    do {
        try value.writeToFile(path, atomically: true, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding) //, error: nil)
    catch let error as NSError {
        // Catch fires here, with an NSErrror being thrown from the value.writeToFile method
        print("A write to file error occurred, here are the details:\n \(error)")

func readFromDocumentsFile(fileName:String) -> String {
    let documentsPath = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.DocumentDirectory, .UserDomainMask, true)[0] //as! NSString
    let path = documentsPath.stringByAppendingPathComponent(fileName)
    let checkValidation = NSFileManager.defaultManager()
    //    var error:NSError?
    //    var file:String

    var file = ""
    if checkValidation.fileExistsAtPath(path) {
        do {
            try file = NSString(contentsOfFile: path, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding) as String
        catch let error as NSError {
            // Catch fires here, with an NSErrror being thrown from the JSONObjectWithData method
            print("A read from file error occurred, here are the details:\n \(error)")

    } else {
        file = "*ERROR* \(fileName) does not exist."
    print("return file: \(file)")
    return file

func getDirections() {
    // Identify the Source and Destination
    let source = MKMapItem(placemark: MKPlacemark(
        coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(32.2345760,-110.8444420), addressDictionary: nil))
    let destination = MKMapItem(placemark: MKPlacemark(
        coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(34.104908,-118.137903), addressDictionary: nil))
    let theLocation = CLLocation(latitude: source.placemark.coordinate.latitude, longitude: source.placemark.coordinate.longitude)

    let directionsRequest = MKDirectionsRequest()
    directionsRequest.source = source
    directionsRequest.destination = destination
    directionsRequest.requestsAlternateRoutes = true

    let mapDirections = MKDirections(request: directionsRequest)

    print("before: directions.calculateDirectionsWithCompletionHandler addressString: \(addressString)")
    print("before: directions.calculateDirectionsWithCompletionHandler directionsArray: \(directionsArray)\n")
    mapDirections.calculateDirectionsWithCompletionHandler({(response, error) in
        let selectedRoute = 1

        let todaysDate:NSDate = NSDate()
        let dateFormatter:NSDateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
        dateFormatter.dateFormat = "MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm"
        let DateInFormat:String = dateFormatter.stringFromDate(todaysDate)
        //print("\nDateInFormat: \(DateInFormat)\n")

        addressString = "\n..........addressString" //\n \(DateInFormat)"
        addressString += ("\n Date \(DateInFormat)")
        addressString += ("\n source: 6922 E 1st St, 85710 Tucson, AZ United States")
        addressString += ("\n Destination: 2014–2048 Huntington Dr, 91030 South Pasadena, CA United States")

        print("\nwithin: directions.calculateDirectionsWithCompletionHandler: \n")
        print("error: \(error)")
        print("response!.routes.count \(response!.routes.count)")
        print("response!.routes[selectedRoute] \(response!.routes[selectedRoute])")

        let theSteps = response?.routes[selectedRoute].steps.count as Int!

        print("theSteps: \(theSteps)")
        print("distance: \(response!.routes[selectedRoute].distance) meters") // time \(response?.routes.first?.time)")
        addressString += ("\n distance: \(response!.routes[selectedRoute].distance) meters")
        let myRoute = response?.routes[selectedRoute]
        print("myRoute!.polyline.pointCount \(myRoute!.polyline.pointCount)")
        print("myRoute!.steps[0].polyline.points(): \(myRoute!.steps[0].polyline.points())")
        print("polyline.points \(myRoute!.polyline.points())")

        // Build an array of Route Step Coordinates for later inclusion in Directions
        var stepCoordinates = [CLLocationCoordinate2D]()
        for step in myRoute!.steps as [MKRouteStep] {
            let pointCount = step.polyline.pointCount
            var cArray = UnsafeMutablePointer<CLLocationCoordinate2D>.alloc(pointCount)
            step.polyline.getCoordinates(cArray, range: NSMakeRange(0, pointCount))

            for var c=0; c < pointCount; c++ {
                let coord = cArray[c]
                if c == 0 {
                   var theCoordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(coord.latitude, coord.longitude)

        // get the Directions Steps including the latitidude / longitude from thearray of Step Coordinates
        for index in  0..<theSteps {
            let lat = stepCoordinates[index].latitude
            let lon = stepCoordinates[index].longitude
            directionsArray.append("\n steps[\(index)] \(lat),\(lon) - \(myRoute!.steps[index].distance) meters - \(myRoute!.steps[index].instructions)")
            addressString += ("\n steps[\(index)] \(lat),\(lon) - \(myRoute!.steps[index].distance) meters - \(myRoute!.steps[index].instructions)")


        //        let directions: [String] = addressString
        print("\nwithin: directions.calculateDirectionsWithCompletionHandler: addressString: \(addressString)")
        print("\nwithin: directions.calculateDirectionsWithCompletionHandler: directionsArray: \(directionsArray)")

        // answer by goroo7
        //To avoid confusion and add ease, I have created two functions for reading and writing strings to files in the documents directory. Here are the functions: ... Here is an example of their use:
        writeToDocumentsFile("addressString.txt",value: addressString)


// answer by @matt
// I use dispatch_after so often that I wrote a top-level utility function to make the syntax simpler:
func delay(delay:Double, closure:()->()) {
            Int64(delay * Double(NSEC_PER_SEC))
        dispatch_get_main_queue(), closure)

//And now you can talk like this:

delay(3.0) {
    // do stuff
    let value = readFromDocumentsFile("addressString.txt")
    print("\nAfter Delay - readFromDocumentsFile written in closure: \(value)\n")  //Would output 'Hello world!'
    print("\nAfter Delay - read from external var addressString updated in closure: \(addressString)")
    print("\nAfter Delay - read from external var directionsArray updated in closure:\(directionsArray)")

Вот вывод консоли:

before: directions.calculateDirectionsWithCompletionHandler addressString: 
before: directions.calculateDirectionsWithCompletionHandler directionsArray: []

2015-07-07 16:12:31.116 GetDirectionsBasic[1768:630471] Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/folders/7l/cgpb6wr9489b1qhxl8y38hvm0000gn/T/ Errno:1
2015-07-07 16:12:31.116 GetDirectionsBasic[1768:630471] Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/folders/7l/cgpb6wr9489b1qhxl8y38hvm0000gn/T/ Errno:1

within: directions.calculateDirectionsWithCompletionHandler: 

error: nil
response!.routes.count 3
response!.routes[selectedRoute] <MKRoute: 0x7fed8a212e60>
theSteps: 15
distance: 821009.0 meters
myRoute!.polyline.pointCount 2743
myRoute!.steps[0].polyline.points(): 0x00007fed89052a00
polyline.points 0x00007fed89052a00
 Date 07-07-2015 16:12
 source: 6922 E 1st St, 85710 Tucson, AZ United States
 Destination: 2014–2048 Huntington Dr, 91030 South Pasadena, CA United States
 distance: 821009.0 meters
 steps[0] 32.2345979232341,-110.844443056463 - 0.0 meters - Proceed to E 1st St
 steps[1] 32.2345979232341,-110.844443056463 - 105.0 meters - At the end of the road, turn left onto N Green Hills Ave
 steps[2] 32.2345979232341,-110.843325078218 - 117.0 meters - Turn left onto E Speedway Blvd
 steps[3] 32.2356559708714,-110.843304039641 - 13216.0 meters - Turn right onto N Freeway Rd toward Phoenix
 steps[4] 32.235831990838,-110.983517018841 - 132.0 meters - Keep left to merge onto I-10 W
 steps[5] 32.236999925226,-110.9837630277 - 92506.0 meters - Take exit 199 to merge onto I-8 W toward San Diego
 steps[6] 32.8114569280297,-111.674388011842 - 374340.0 meters - Take exit 118B onto CA-111 N toward Indio
 steps[7] 32.773857973516,-115.495294079998 - 33287.0 meters - Turn right onto State Highway 86
 steps[8] 33.0002589616925,-115.585204073131 - 107741.0 meters - Continue onto I-10 W
 steps[9] 33.7204659450799,-116.19523705826 - 184120.0 meters - Keep left
 steps[10] 34.0650959406048,-118.013762030288 - 11125.0 meters - Take exit 23A onto Atlantic Blvd
 steps[11] 34.0716939233243,-118.132452042339 - 103.0 meters - Keep right on S Atlantic Blvd
 steps[12] 34.0717909857631,-118.133564069433 - 3815.0 meters - Turn left onto Garfield Ave
 steps[13] 34.1057089436799,-118.134696045456 - 108.0 meters - Turn left onto Huntington Dr
 steps[14] 34.1065149474889,-118.13535704234 - 294.0 meters - The destination is on your left

within: directions.calculateDirectionsWithCompletionHandler: addressString: 
 Date 07-07-2015 16:12
 source: 6922 E 1st St, 85710 Tucson, AZ United States
 Destination: 2014–2048 Huntington Dr, 91030 South Pasadena, CA United States
 distance: 821009.0 meters
 steps[0] 32.2345979232341,-110.844443056463 - 0.0 meters - Proceed to E 1st St
 steps[1] 32.2345979232341,-110.844443056463 - 105.0 meters - At the end of the road, turn left onto N Green Hills Ave
 steps[2] 32.2345979232341,-110.843325078218 - 117.0 meters - Turn left onto E Speedway Blvd
 steps[3] 32.2356559708714,-110.843304039641 - 13216.0 meters - Turn right onto N Freeway Rd toward Phoenix
 steps[4] 32.235831990838,-110.983517018841 - 132.0 meters - Keep left to merge onto I-10 W
 steps[5] 32.236999925226,-110.9837630277 - 92506.0 meters - Take exit 199 to merge onto I-8 W toward San Diego
 steps[6] 32.8114569280297,-111.674388011842 - 374340.0 meters - Take exit 118B onto CA-111 N toward Indio
 steps[7] 32.773857973516,-115.495294079998 - 33287.0 meters - Turn right onto State Highway 86
 steps[8] 33.0002589616925,-115.585204073131 - 107741.0 meters - Continue onto I-10 W
 steps[9] 33.7204659450799,-116.19523705826 - 184120.0 meters - Keep left
 steps[10] 34.0650959406048,-118.013762030288 - 11125.0 meters - Take exit 23A onto Atlantic Blvd
 steps[11] 34.0716939233243,-118.132452042339 - 103.0 meters - Keep right on S Atlantic Blvd
 steps[12] 34.0717909857631,-118.133564069433 - 3815.0 meters - Turn left onto Garfield Ave
 steps[13] 34.1057089436799,-118.134696045456 - 108.0 meters - Turn left onto Huntington Dr
 steps[14] 34.1065149474889,-118.13535704234 - 294.0 meters - The destination is on your left

within: directions.calculateDirectionsWithCompletionHandler: directionsArray: [
 steps[0] 32.2345979232341,-110.844443056463 - 0.0 meters - Proceed to E 1st St, 
 steps[1] 32.2345979232341,-110.844443056463 - 105.0 meters - At the end of the road, turn left onto N Green Hills Ave, 
 steps[2] 32.2345979232341,-110.843325078218 - 117.0 meters - Turn left onto E Speedway Blvd, 
 steps[3] 32.2356559708714,-110.843304039641 - 13216.0 meters - Turn right onto N Freeway Rd toward Phoenix, 
 steps[4] 32.235831990838,-110.983517018841 - 132.0 meters - Keep left to merge onto I-10 W, 
 steps[5] 32.236999925226,-110.9837630277 - 92506.0 meters - Take exit 199 to merge onto I-8 W toward San Diego, 
 steps[6] 32.8114569280297,-111.674388011842 - 374340.0 meters - Take exit 118B onto CA-111 N toward Indio, 
 steps[7] 32.773857973516,-115.495294079998 - 33287.0 meters - Turn right onto State Highway 86, 
 steps[8] 33.0002589616925,-115.585204073131 - 107741.0 meters - Continue onto I-10 W, 
 steps[9] 33.7204659450799,-116.19523705826 - 184120.0 meters - Keep left, 
 steps[10] 34.0650959406048,-118.013762030288 - 11125.0 meters - Take exit 23A onto Atlantic Blvd, 
 steps[11] 34.0716939233243,-118.132452042339 - 103.0 meters - Keep right on S Atlantic Blvd, 
 steps[12] 34.0717909857631,-118.133564069433 - 3815.0 meters - Turn left onto Garfield Ave, 
 steps[13] 34.1057089436799,-118.134696045456 - 108.0 meters - Turn left onto Huntington Dr, 
 steps[14] 34.1065149474889,-118.13535704234 - 294.0 meters - The destination is on your left]
return file: 
 Date 07-07-2015 16:12
 source: 6922 E 1st St, 85710 Tucson, AZ United States
 Destination: 2014–2048 Huntington Dr, 91030 South Pasadena, CA United States
 distance: 821009.0 meters
 steps[0] 32.2345979232341,-110.844443056463 - 0.0 meters - Proceed to E 1st St
 steps[1] 32.2345979232341,-110.844443056463 - 105.0 meters - At the end of the road, turn left onto N Green Hills Ave
 steps[2] 32.2345979232341,-110.843325078218 - 117.0 meters - Turn left onto E Speedway Blvd
 steps[3] 32.2356559708714,-110.843304039641 - 13216.0 meters - Turn right onto N Freeway Rd toward Phoenix
 steps[4] 32.235831990838,-110.983517018841 - 132.0 meters - Keep left to merge onto I-10 W
 steps[5] 32.236999925226,-110.9837630277 - 92506.0 meters - Take exit 199 to merge onto I-8 W toward San Diego
 steps[6] 32.8114569280297,-111.674388011842 - 374340.0 meters - Take exit 118B onto CA-111 N toward Indio
 steps[7] 32.773857973516,-115.495294079998 - 33287.0 meters - Turn right onto State Highway 86
 steps[8] 33.0002589616925,-115.585204073131 - 107741.0 meters - Continue onto I-10 W
 steps[9] 33.7204659450799,-116.19523705826 - 184120.0 meters - Keep left
 steps[10] 34.0650959406048,-118.013762030288 - 11125.0 meters - Take exit 23A onto Atlantic Blvd
 steps[11] 34.0716939233243,-118.132452042339 - 103.0 meters - Keep right on S Atlantic Blvd
 steps[12] 34.0717909857631,-118.133564069433 - 3815.0 meters - Turn left onto Garfield Ave
 steps[13] 34.1057089436799,-118.134696045456 - 108.0 meters - Turn left onto Huntington Dr
 steps[14] 34.1065149474889,-118.13535704234 - 294.0 meters - The destination is on your left

After Delay - readFromDocumentsFile written in closure: 
 Date 07-07-2015 16:12
 source: 6922 E 1st St, 85710 Tucson, AZ United States
 Destination: 2014–2048 Huntington Dr, 91030 South Pasadena, CA United States
 distance: 821009.0 meters
 steps[0] 32.2345979232341,-110.844443056463 - 0.0 meters - Proceed to E 1st St
 steps[1] 32.2345979232341,-110.844443056463 - 105.0 meters - At the end of the road, turn left onto N Green Hills Ave
 steps[2] 32.2345979232341,-110.843325078218 - 117.0 meters - Turn left onto E Speedway Blvd
 steps[3] 32.2356559708714,-110.843304039641 - 13216.0 meters - Turn right onto N Freeway Rd toward Phoenix
 steps[4] 32.235831990838,-110.983517018841 - 132.0 meters - Keep left to merge onto I-10 W
 steps[5] 32.236999925226,-110.9837630277 - 92506.0 meters - Take exit 199 to merge onto I-8 W toward San Diego
 steps[6] 32.8114569280297,-111.674388011842 - 374340.0 meters - Take exit 118B onto CA-111 N toward Indio
 steps[7] 32.773857973516,-115.495294079998 - 33287.0 meters - Turn right onto State Highway 86
 steps[8] 33.0002589616925,-115.585204073131 - 107741.0 meters - Continue onto I-10 W
 steps[9] 33.7204659450799,-116.19523705826 - 184120.0 meters - Keep left
 steps[10] 34.0650959406048,-118.013762030288 - 11125.0 meters - Take exit 23A onto Atlantic Blvd
 steps[11] 34.0716939233243,-118.132452042339 - 103.0 meters - Keep right on S Atlantic Blvd
 steps[12] 34.0717909857631,-118.133564069433 - 3815.0 meters - Turn left onto Garfield Ave
 steps[13] 34.1057089436799,-118.134696045456 - 108.0 meters - Turn left onto Huntington Dr
 steps[14] 34.1065149474889,-118.13535704234 - 294.0 meters - The destination is on your left

After Delay - read from external var addressString updated in closure: 
 Date 07-07-2015 16:12
 source: 6922 E 1st St, 85710 Tucson, AZ United States
 Destination: 2014–2048 Huntington Dr, 91030 South Pasadena, CA United States
 distance: 821009.0 meters
 steps[0] 32.2345979232341,-110.844443056463 - 0.0 meters - Proceed to E 1st St
 steps[1] 32.2345979232341,-110.844443056463 - 105.0 meters - At the end of the road, turn left onto N Green Hills Ave
 steps[2] 32.2345979232341,-110.843325078218 - 117.0 meters - Turn left onto E Speedway Blvd
 steps[3] 32.2356559708714,-110.843304039641 - 13216.0 meters - Turn right onto N Freeway Rd toward Phoenix
 steps[4] 32.235831990838,-110.983517018841 - 132.0 meters - Keep left to merge onto I-10 W
 steps[5] 32.236999925226,-110.9837630277 - 92506.0 meters - Take exit 199 to merge onto I-8 W toward San Diego
 steps[6] 32.8114569280297,-111.674388011842 - 374340.0 meters - Take exit 118B onto CA-111 N toward Indio
 steps[7] 32.773857973516,-115.495294079998 - 33287.0 meters - Turn right onto State Highway 86
 steps[8] 33.0002589616925,-115.585204073131 - 107741.0 meters - Continue onto I-10 W
 steps[9] 33.7204659450799,-116.19523705826 - 184120.0 meters - Keep left
 steps[10] 34.0650959406048,-118.013762030288 - 11125.0 meters - Take exit 23A onto Atlantic Blvd
 steps[11] 34.0716939233243,-118.132452042339 - 103.0 meters - Keep right on S Atlantic Blvd
 steps[12] 34.0717909857631,-118.133564069433 - 3815.0 meters - Turn left onto Garfield Ave
 steps[13] 34.1057089436799,-118.134696045456 - 108.0 meters - Turn left onto Huntington Dr
 steps[14] 34.1065149474889,-118.13535704234 - 294.0 meters - The destination is on your left

After Delay - read from external var directionsArray updated in closure:[
 steps[0] 32.2345979232341,-110.844443056463 - 0.0 meters - Proceed to E 1st St, 
 steps[1] 32.2345979232341,-110.844443056463 - 105.0 meters - At the end of the road, turn left onto N Green Hills Ave, 
 steps[2] 32.2345979232341,-110.843325078218 - 117.0 meters - Turn left onto E Speedway Blvd, 
 steps[3] 32.2356559708714,-110.843304039641 - 13216.0 meters - Turn right onto N Freeway Rd toward Phoenix, 
 steps[4] 32.235831990838,-110.983517018841 - 132.0 meters - Keep left to merge onto I-10 W, 
 steps[5] 32.236999925226,-110.9837630277 - 92506.0 meters - Take exit 199 to merge onto I-8 W toward San Diego, 
 steps[6] 32.8114569280297,-111.674388011842 - 374340.0 meters - Take exit 118B onto CA-111 N toward Indio, 
 steps[7] 32.773857973516,-115.495294079998 - 33287.0 meters - Turn right onto State Highway 86, 
 steps[8] 33.0002589616925,-115.585204073131 - 107741.0 meters - Continue onto I-10 W, 
 steps[9] 33.7204659450799,-116.19523705826 - 184120.0 meters - Keep left, 
 steps[10] 34.0650959406048,-118.013762030288 - 11125.0 meters - Take exit 23A onto Atlantic Blvd, 
 steps[11] 34.0716939233243,-118.132452042339 - 103.0 meters - Keep right on S Atlantic Blvd, 
 steps[12] 34.0717909857631,-118.133564069433 - 3815.0 meters - Turn left onto Garfield Ave, 
 steps[13] 34.1057089436799,-118.134696045456 - 108.0 meters - Turn left onto Huntington Dr, 
 steps[14] 34.1065149474889,-118.13535704234 - 294.0 meters - The destination is on your left]

Спасибо всем, кто помог - надеюсь, что это принесет пользу другим!

Поскольку обработчик завершения выполняется в другом потоке, отправьте dispatch_async потоку, в котором вы хотите использовать данные, прямо в обработчике завершения. Таким образом, вы получите доступ к данным после их фактического поступления.

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