swagger-tools - Невозможно получить доступ к объекту res
Я пытаюсь следить за http://miguelduarte.pt/2017/04/19/using-jwt-authentication-with-swagger-and-node-js/, чтобы узнать, можем ли мы создать собственный модуль аутентификации.
У меня возникли проблемы с доступом к объекту res, чтобы перегрузить статус (который будет поднят во время сценариев ошибок). Документ ссылается на req.res.status, ноreq.res
не определено.
var jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
var sharedSecret = 'shh';
var issuer = 'my-awesome-website.com';
//Here we setup the security checks for the endpoints
//that need it (in our case, only /protected). This
//function will be called every time a request to a protected
//endpoint is received
exports.verifyToken = function (req, authOrSecDef, token, callback) {
//these are the scopes/roles defined for the current endpoint
var currentScopes = req.swagger.operation["x-security-scopes"];
function sendError() {
return req.res.status(403).json({message: 'Error: Access Denied'});
//validate the 'Authorization' header. it should have the following format:
//'Bearer tokenString'
if (token && token.indexOf("Bearer ") == 0) {
var tokenString = token.split(' ')[1];
jwt.verify(tokenString, sharedSecret, function (verificationError, decodedToken) {
//check if the JWT was verified correctly
if (verificationError == null && Array.isArray(currentScopes) && decodedToken && decodedToken.role) {
// check if the role is valid for this endpoint
var roleMatch = currentScopes.indexOf(decodedToken.role) !== -1;
// check if the issuer matches
var issuerMatch = decodedToken.iss == issuer;
// you can add more verification checks for the
// token here if necessary, such as checking if
// the username belongs to an active user
if (roleMatch && issuerMatch) {
//add the token to the request so that we
//can access it in the endpoint code if necessary
req.auth = decodedToken;
//if there is no error, just return null in the callback
return callback(null);
} else {
//return the error in the callback if there is one
return callback(sendError());
} else {
//return the error in the callback if the JWT was not verified
return callback(sendError());
} else {
//return the error in the callback if the Authorization header doesn't have the correct format
return callback(sendError());
Цените любые указатели.
- S