Прокрутите RecyclerView до определенной позиции в списке [PagedListAdapter + Room + LiveData]
Я создал список из 2000+ элементов, используя ViewModel, LiveData, Room, PagedListAdapter
В моем приложении есть возможность выбрать элемент в списке за раз. В моем списке я могу отметить выбранный элемент. Теперь я хочу прокрутить recyclerview к выбранному элементу всякий раз, когда пользователь заходит на страницу.
Следуя моим фрагментам кода
Местоположение Dao.java
public interface LocationDao {
@Query("SELECT * from tbl_location ORDER BY timestamp ASC")
DataSource.Factory<Integer, Location> getLiveDataLocations();
public class LocationRepository {
LocationDao mDao;
public LocationRepository(Application application) {
DeviceRoomDatabase db = DeviceRoomDatabase.getDatabase(application);
this.mDao = db.locationDao();
public LiveData<PagedList<Location>> getLiveDataAllLocations() {
LiveData<PagedList<Location>> locationList = new LivePagedListBuilder<>(
mDao.getLiveDataLocations(), 10).build();
return locationList;
public class LocationViewModel extends AndroidViewModel {
final String TAG = getClass().getSimpleName();
LocationRepository mLocationRepository;
public LocationViewModel(@NonNull Application application) {
mLocationRepository = new LocationRepository(application);
public LiveData<PagedList<Location>> getLocationList() {
return mLocationRepository.getLiveDataAllLocations();
public class LocationRecyclerAdapter extends PagedListAdapter<Location, FooterViewHolder> {
OnRecyclerItemClickListener mItemClickListener;
final int VIEW_TYPE_FOOTER=1;
final int VIEW_TYPE_ITEM=2;
public LocationRecyclerAdapter() {
public void setItemClickListener(OnRecyclerItemClickListener mItemClickListener) {
this.mItemClickListener = mItemClickListener;
public int getItemViewType(int position) {
// Just as an example, return 0 or 2 depending on position
// Note that unlike in ListView adapters, types don't have to be contiguous
return position==getItemCount()?VIEW_TYPE_FOOTER:VIEW_TYPE_ITEM;
public FooterViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(@NonNull ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
View v;
v= LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()).inflate(R.layout.layout_location_list,parent,false);
FooterViewHolder vh= new LocationViewHolder(v);
return vh;
v= LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()).inflate(R.layout.layout_footer,parent,false);
FooterViewHolder vh= new FooterViewHolder(v);
return vh;
public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull FooterViewHolder holder, int position) {
if(holder instanceof LocationViewHolder) {
Location loc= getItem(position);
if(loc!=null) {
((LocationViewHolder) holder).bind(position, loc);
private static DiffUtil.ItemCallback<Location> DIFF_CALLBACK =
new DiffUtil.ItemCallback<Location>() {
// Concert details may have changed if reloaded from the database,
// but ID is fixed.
public boolean areItemsTheSame(Location oldLoc, Location newLoc) {
return oldLoc.networkId == newLoc.networkId&&oldLoc.locationName.equals(newLoc.locationName);
public boolean areContentsTheSame(Location oldLoc, Location newLoc) {
return oldLoc.equals(newLoc);
И в классе активности
RecyclerView rv_main =view. findViewById(R.id.rv_main);
rv_main.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(getActivity(), RecyclerView.VERTICAL, false));
mLocationViewModel.getLocationListV2().observe(this, mAdapter::submitList);
int storedLocationId=1100;
//***TODO: here I need to move a particular position of the list item, in which location id 1100 [assume that it is in the 1100 position of the list and i have to move the recycler position to 1100th position]***