петлю трубы для просмотра сетки и очистки сетки на каждом цикле?
Мне просто интересно, могу ли я очистить Out-Gridview в каждом цикле, как в консоли:
while (1) { ps | select -first 5; sleep 1; clear-host }
К сожалению, это не очищает сетку каждый раз:
& { while (1) { ps | select -first 5; sleep 1; clear-host } } | out-gridview
1 ответ
clears the display of the host, which is the console window's content in a regular PowerShell console.
By contrast, Out-GridView
is a separate GUI window, over which PowerShell offers no programmatic display once it is being displayed.
Notably, you can neither clear no refresh the window's content after it is displayed with the initial data.
The best approximation of this functionality is to close the old window and open a new one with the new data in every iteration - but note that this will be visually disruptive.
In the simplest case, move the Out-GridView
into the loop and call it with -Wait
, which requires you to close it manually in every iteration, however:
# NOTE: Doesn't move to the next iteration until you manually close the window.
while (1) { ps | select -first 5 | Out-GridView -Wait }
This answer shows how to implement an auto-closing Out-GridView
window, but it is a nontrivial effort - and with a sleep period as short as 1
second it will be too visually disruptive.
Ultimately, what you're looking for is a GUI version of the Unix watch
utility (or, more task-specifically, the top
However, since you're not looking to interact with the Out-GridView
window, there's little benefit to using Out-GridView
in this case.
Instead, you could just spawn a new console window that uses Clear-Host
to display the output in the same screen position periodically:
The following defines helper function Watch-Output
to facilitate that:
# Simple helper function that opens a new console window and runs
# the given command periodically, clearing the screen beforehand every time.
function Watch-Output ([scriptblock] $ScriptBlock, [double] $timeout = 1) {
$watchCmd = @"
while (1) {
& { $($ScriptBlock -replace '"', '\"') } | Out-Host
Start-Sleep $timeout
"@ #'
Start-Process powershell.exe "-command $watchCmd"
# Invoke with the command of interest and a timeout.
Watch-Output -ScriptBlock { ps | Select -First 5 } -Timeout 1
Обратите внимание, что он все равно будет мигать каждый раз при обновлении содержимого окна. Чтобы избежать этого, потребуется значительно больше усилий.
В PowerShellCookbook
модуль предлагает сложныеWatch-Command
командлет, который не только предотвращает мерцание, но и предлагает дополнительные функции. Большой нюанс в том, что - в версии1.3.6
- в модуле есть несколько командлетов, конфликтующих со встроенными (Format-Hex
, Get-Clipboard
, New-SelfSignedCertificate
, Send-MailMessage
,Set-Clipboard), и единственный способ импортировать модуль - разрешить командам модуля переопределять встроенные (Import-Module PowerShellCookbook -AllowClobber