Как реализовать 3D-безопасную аутентификацию в полосе?
//Code Sample
$name = $_SESSION['namex'];
$email = $_SESSION['emailx'];
$phno = $_SESSION['mobilex'];
$purpose = $_SESSION['purposex'];
$amount = $_SESSION['amountx'];
$txn = $_SESSION['txnn'];
$token = $_POST['stripeToken'];
$fee = $amount*0.02;
$tax = $fee*0.18;
$famt = round($amount+$fee+$tax);
// payment information
$charge = \Stripe\PaymentIntent::create([
'amount' => $famt*100,
'currency' => 'inr',
'receipt_email'=> $email,
$charge -> confirm(['payment_method' => 'pm_card_threeDSecureRequired','return_url' => 'http://localhost/chstripe.php']);
#$charge -> capture();
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" dir="ltr">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Payment Status | STRIPE</title>
<div class="display-from">
<thead> </br> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++</br>
Final Details Are Given Below </br>++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ </br>
<tr><td>Name:</td><td><?php echo $name; ?></td></tr>
<tr><td>Email:</td><td><?php echo $email; ?></td></tr>
<tr><td>Mobile:</td><td><?php echo $phno; ?></td></tr>
<tr><td>Amount:</td><td><?php echo $amount; ?></td></tr>
<tr><td>Bank Charge:</td><td><?php echo $fee; ?> </br> <span>(2% of Transaction Amount)</span> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Tax:</td><td><?php echo $tax; ?> <br><span>(GST 18% Applicable on Bank Charge)</span> </td></tr>
//Response Log for Stripe Payment Intent
POST /v1/payment_intents/pi_1GPrqLK91kC2EVK/confirm
200 OK
View log detail
Request parameters
"payment_method": "pm_card_threeDSecureRequired",
"return_url": "http://localhost/chstripe.php"
Response body
"id": "pi_1GPrqLK91kC2EVK",
"object": "payment_intent",
"last_payment_error": null,
"livemode": false,
"next_action": {
"redirect_to_url": {
"return_url": "http://localhost/chstripe.php",
"url": "https://hooks.stripe.com/redirect/authenticate/src_1GPrqNK91kC2BHdNCUicA4Fq?client_secret=src_client_secret_kFR236NoiN07OUahwN0eR1JB"
"type": "redirect_to_url"
"payment_method": "pm_1GPrqMK91kC2BHdNOzYpCnGS",
"status": "requires_action",
"amount": 16200,
"amount_capturable": 0,
"amount_received": 0,
"application": null,
"application_fee_amount": null,
"canceled_at": null,
"cancellation_reason": null,
"capture_method": "automatic",
"charges": {
"object": "list",
"data": [
"has_more": false,
"total_count": 0,
"url": "/v1/charges?payment_intent=pi_1GPrqLK91kC2EVK"
"client_secret": "pi_1GPrqVK4Z_secret_GL8c7Y7Wt",
"confirmation_method": "automatic",
"created": 1584975933,
"currency": "inr",
"customer": null,
"description": null,
"invoice": null,
"metadata": {
"on_behalf_of": null,
"payment_method_options": {
"card": {
"installments": null,
"request_three_d_secure": "automatic"
"payment_method_types": [
"receipt_email": "Justice.Pouros@yahoo.com",
"review": null,
"setup_future_usage": null,
"shipping": null,
"source": null,
"statement_descriptor": null,
"statement_descriptor_suffix": null,
"transfer_data": null,
"transfer_group": null
This is the code sample I use to process payment from user. I cannot able to implement 3d secure authentication so my payments are failed showing card doesn't support this type of payment. When I try to contact support they say it's due to lack of 3D secure authentication.Can anyone help me with this. After running this code I check log in stripe dashboard, and it says screenshot >>[ Event Activity/Status ] << and response is given in above snippet.
1 ответ
Вам нужно использовать handleCardAction()
[0] на интерфейсе, когда вы видите status: requires_action
на PaymentIntent
что вы подтвердили на бэкэнде. См. Пример кода Stripe [1] для базовой интеграции этого шага.
[0] https://stripe.com/docs/js/payment_intents/handle_card_action
[1] https://stripe.com/docs/payments/accept-a-payment-synchronously