Передать словарь в другой класс

У меня есть приложение FastAPI, и я хочу передать словарь из метода POST в другой модуль в подкаталоге. Мой main.py выглядит так

from fastapi import FastAPI
from pydantic import BaseModel
from app.api import mymodule
from app.api.mymodule import MyClass

app = FastAPI(debug = True, version="0.0.1")

class MyAPIModel(BaseModel):
    Required input from frontend for IP Allocation
    forename: str
    surname: str
    age: int

async def default():
    return {"Default root page"}

async def home():
    return {"message": "Homepage for Application"}

async def ip(request: MyAPIModel):
    superhero = request.dict()
    superhero_request = MyClass.get_type(superhero)

Mymodule.py выглядит так

import api

class MyClass:

    def __init__(self, superhero):
        self.mysetup = api(url, token)
        self.superhero_info = superhero

    Here is where I want to access the dictionary
    and use it

    def get_type(self):
        return self.superhero_info

Мой запрос POST - это json-код BaseModel

    "forename": "peter", 
    "surname": "parker",
    "age": 28

Но при этом я получаю следующую ошибку

   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/starlette/middleware/errors.py", line 159, in __call__
    await self.app(scope, receive, _send)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/starlette/exceptions.py", line 82, in __call__
    raise exc from None
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/starlette/exceptions.py", line 71, in __call__
    await self.app(scope, receive, sender)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/starlette/routing.py", line 550, in __call__
    await route.handle(scope, receive, send)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/starlette/routing.py", line 227, in handle
    await self.app(scope, receive, send)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/starlette/routing.py", line 41, in app
    response = await func(request)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fastapi/routing.py", line 148, in app
    dependant=dependant, values=values, is_coroutine=is_coroutine
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fastapi/routing.py", line 101, in run_endpoint_function
return await dependant.call(**values)
  File "./app/main.py", line 36, in ip
  File "./app/api/mymodule.py", line 21, in get_type
return self.superhero_info
AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'superhero'

Есть ли способ передать словарь в класс метода, чтобы я мог выполнять с ним другие задачи перед возвратом?

1 ответ

Комментарии указали в правильном направлении. Полный рабочий код

async def ip(request: MyAPIModel):
    mydata = request.dict()
    test = MyClass()
    results = test.get_type(mydata)
    return results

Необходимо вернуть как в подклассе, так и в main.py

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