Десериализация вложенного JSON из Cratejoy

Я пытаюсь десериализовать ниже JSON из Cratejoy и получить список идентификаторов shipment_id в DataGridView, но, похоже, он этого не делает для меня.

JSON выглядит так:

  "count": 2,
  "next": null,
  "prev": null,
  "results": [
      "adjusted_ordered_at": "2019-08-14T14:01:40Z",
      "created_at": "2019-08-14T14:01:40Z",
      "customer_id": 398862090,
      "feedback_responses": [],
      "fulfillments": [
          "adjusted_fulfillment_date": "2019-08-14T14:01:40Z",
          "cycle_number": 0,
          "fulfillment_date": "2019-08-14T14:01:40Z",
          "id": 2349318760,
          "instance": {
            "deleted": false,
            "gift": false,
            "id": 1445951944,
            "images": [],
            "inventory": null,
            "price": 0,
            "product": {
              "deleted": false,
              "id": 1445951937,
              "mp_visible": true,
              "name": "Monthly CULTURE Box ",
              "single_purchasable": false
            "product_id": 1445951937,
            "ship_weight": 10.0,
            "sku": "SQ6217913",
            "term_prices": [
                "id": 1445951946,
                "instance_id": 1445951944,
                "price": 1699,
                "term_id": 1445951938,
                "type": "product_instance_subscription_type_term_price"
                "id": 1445951951,
                "instance_id": 1445951944,
                "price": 4899,
                "term_id": 1445951939,
                "type": "product_instance_subscription_type_term_price"
                "id": 1445951952,
                "instance_id": 1445951944,
                "price": 9599,
                "term_id": 1445951940,
                "type": "product_instance_subscription_type_term_price"
                "id": 1445951953,
                "instance_id": 1445951944,
                "price": 18299,
                "term_id": 1445951941,
                "type": "product_instance_subscription_type_term_price"
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              "name": "Sarah Chug",
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            "received_gift": null,
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            "sent_gift": null,
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            "sub_total": 1699,
            "subscriptions": [
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                  "rebill_day": 15,
                  "rebill_months": 1,
                  "rebill_weeks": null,
                  "rebill_window": 10,
                  "store_id": 147108660,
                  "type": "product_billing"
                "billing_name": "Monthly",
                "credit": null,
                "customer": {
                  "country": "GB",
                  "email": "alice.Smith99@gmail.com",
                  "first_name": "Sarah",
                  "id": 398862090,
                  "last_name": "Chug",
                  "location": "GB",
                  "name": "Sarah Chug",
                  "type": "customer"
                "end_date": "2019-09-15T00:00:00Z",
                "id": 2349318754,
                "is_test": false,
                "merchant_billing": null,
                "note": null,
                "product_billing_id": 1445951935,
                "skipped_date": null,
                "source": 3,
                "start_date": "2019-08-14T14:01:40Z",
                "status": "active",
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                "term": {
                  "description": "Charged every month",
                  "enabled": true,
                  "id": 1445951938,
                  "images": [],
                  "name": "Month to Month",
                  "num_cycles": 1,
                  "type": "subscription_type_term"
                "type": "subscription"
            "total": 1699,
            "total_app_fees": null,
            "total_label_cost": null,
            "total_pending_fees": null,
            "total_price": 1699,
            "total_shipping": 0,
            "total_tax": 0,
            "transaction_fee": 30,
            "transaction_fee_status": 1,
            "type": "order"
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          "shipping": 0,
          "status": "open",
          "subscription_id": 2349318754,
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          "total_cycles": 1,
          "type": "fulfillment"
      "id": 2349318762,
      "is_gift": false,
      "is_test": false,
      "labels": [],
      "ship_address": {
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        "company": "",
        "country": "GB",
        "icon": "United-Kingdom.png",
        "id": 2349292377,
        "phone_number": "7835888303",
        "state": "",
        "status": 3,
        "status_message": "Cannot verify international addresses.",
        "street": "6 victoria gardens, heston",
        "to": "ALICE Kingdom",
        "type": "address",
        "unit": "heston",
        "zip_code": "TW59DE"
      "shipped_at": null,
      "status": "unshipped",
      "target_at": "2019-08-14T14:01:40Z",
      "tracking_number": null,
      "type": "shipment",
      "url": "/v1/shipments/2349318762/"
      "adjusted_ordered_at": "2019-08-14T15:39:32Z",
      "created_at": "2019-08-14T15:39:32Z",
      "customer_id": 2349459101,
      "feedback_responses": [],
      "fulfillments": [
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          "cycle_number": null,
          "fulfillment_date": "2019-08-14T15:39:32Z",
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            "gift": false,
            "id": 2347700148,
            "images": [],
            "inventory": {
              "confidence": 10,
              "id": 2347700153,
              "out_of_stock_purchases": false,
              "product_instance_id": 2347700148,
              "quantity_on_hand": 13,
              "track_inventory": true,
              "type": "product_inventory"
            "price": 1499,
            "product": {
              "deleted": false,
              "id": 2347700147,
              "mp_visible": true,
              "name": "Inspire Me Korea TRAVEL GUIDE BUNDLE [SAVE 17%]",
              "single_purchasable": true
            "product_id": 2347700147,
            "ship_weight": 0.0,
            "sku": "SQ7195254",
            "term_prices": [],
            "type": "product_instance",
            "variants": []
          "is_test": false,
          "order": {
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            "credit_applied": 0,
            "customer": {
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              "email": "delaunaylily22@gmail.com",
              "first_name": "Margaret",
              "id": 2349459101,
              "last_name": "Tatcher",
              "location": "FR",
              "name": "Margaret Tatcher",
              "type": "customer"
            "customer_id": 2349459101,
            "financial_status": "paid",
            "fulfillment_status": "unfilled",
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            "gift_message": null,
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            "gross_shipping": 699,
            "id": 2349459127,
            "is_gift": false,
            "is_renewal": false,
            "is_test": false,
            "note": null,
            "order_gift_info": null,
            "placed_at": "2019-08-14T15:39:28Z",
            "prorated_charge": null,
            "received_gift": null,
            "refund_applied": null,
            "refunded_amount": 0,
            "sent_gift": null,
            "status": "closed",
            "store_id": 147108660,
            "sub_total": 3897,
            "subscriptions": [
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                  "rebill_day": 15,
                  "rebill_months": 1,
                  "rebill_weeks": null,
                  "rebill_window": 10,
                  "store_id": 147108660,
                  "type": "product_billing"
                "billing_name": "Monthly",
                "credit": null,
                "customer": {
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                  "email": "delaunaylily@gmail.com",
                  "first_name": "Margeret",
                  "id": 2349459101,
                  "last_name": "Delaunay",
                  "location": "FR",
                  "name": "Margaret Tatcher",
                  "type": "customer"
                "end_date": "2019-09-15T00:00:00Z",
                "id": 2349459172,
                "is_test": false,
                "merchant_billing": null,
                "note": null,
                "product_billing_id": 1445951935,
                "skipped_date": null,
                "source": 3,
                "start_date": "2019-08-14T15:39:32Z",
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                "store_id": 147108660,
                "term": {
                  "description": "Charged every month",
                  "enabled": true,
                  "id": 1445951938,
                  "images": [],
                  "name": "Month to Month",
                  "num_cycles": 1,
                  "type": "subscription_type_term"
                "type": "subscription"
            "total": 3643,
            "total_app_fees": null,
            "total_label_cost": null,
            "total_pending_fees": null,
            "total_price": 2944,
            "total_shipping": 699,
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            "type": "order"
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          "shipping": 0,
          "status": "open",
          "subscription_id": null,
          "tax": 0,
          "test": false,
          "total_cycles": null,
          "type": "fulfillment"
          "adjusted_fulfillment_date": "2019-08-14T15:39:32Z",
          "cycle_number": 0,
          "fulfillment_date": "2019-08-14T15:39:32Z",
          "id": 2349459177,
          "instance": {
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            "id": 1445951944,
            "images": [],
            "inventory": null,
            "price": 0,
            "product": {
              "deleted": false,
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              "mp_visible": true,
              "name": "Monthly CULTURE Box ",
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            "product_id": 1445951937,
            "ship_weight": 10.0,
            "sku": "SQ6217913",
            "term_prices": [
                "id": 1445951946,
                "instance_id": 1445951944,
                "price": 1699,
                "term_id": 1445951938,
                "type": "product_instance_subscription_type_term_price"
                "id": 1445951951,
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                "price": 4899,
                "term_id": 1445951939,
                "type": "product_instance_subscription_type_term_price"
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                "price": 9599,
                "term_id": 1445951940,
                "type": "product_instance_subscription_type_term_price"
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                "instance_id": 1445951944,
                "price": 18299,
                "term_id": 1445951941,
                "type": "product_instance_subscription_type_term_price"
            "type": "product_instance",
            "variants": []
          "is_test": false,
          "order": {
            "card_refunded_amount": 0,
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            "customer_id": 2349459102,
            "financial_status": "paid",
            "fulfillment_status": "unfilled",
            "gift_card_discount": 0,
            "gift_message": null,
            "gift_renewal_notif": false,
            "gross_shipping": 699,
            "id": 2349459123,
            "is_gift": false,
            "is_renewal": false,
            "is_test": false,
            "note": null,
            "placed_at": "2019-08-14T15:39:28Z",
            "prorated_charge": null,
            "refund_applied": null,
            "refunded_amount": 0,
            "status": "closed",
            "store_id": 147108660,
            "sub_total": 3897,
            "total": 3643,
            "total_app_fees": null,
            "total_label_cost": null,
            "total_pending_fees": null,
            "total_price": 2944,
            "total_shipping": 699,
            "total_tax": 0,
            "transaction_fee": 54,
            "transaction_fee_status": 1,
            "type": "order"
          "shipment_id": 2349459174,
          "shipping": 699,
          "status": "open",
          "subscription_id": 2349459172,
          "tax": 0,
          "test": false,
          "total_cycles": 1,
          "type": "fulfillment"
      "id": 2349459174,
      "is_gift": false,
      "is_test": false,
      "labels": [],
      "ship_address": {
        "city": "Chambray-lès-Tours",
        "company": "",
        "country": "FR",
        "icon": "France.png",
        "id": 2349459103,
        "phone_number": "06 58 71 19 33 ",
        "state": "",
        "status": 3,
        "status_message": "Cannot verify international addresses.",
        "street": "35 rue Vasco de Gama",
        "to": "John Smith",
        "type": "address",
        "unit": "",
        "zip_code": "37170"
      "shipped_at": null,
      "status": "unshipped",
      "target_at": "2019-08-14T15:39:32Z",
      "tracking_number": null,
      "type": "shipment",
      "url": "/v1/shipments/2349459174/"

и мой код выглядит так:

    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Dim url As String = "https://api.cratejoy.com/v1/shipments/?with=fulfillments&created_at__gt=2019-08-01T10:00:00Z"

        'make a call
        Dim Request As HttpWebRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create(url)
        Request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic logpassword")
        Request.Proxy = Nothing

        'get a response
        On Error Resume Next
        Dim Response As HttpWebResponse = Request.GetResponse
        Dim ResponseStream As System.IO.Stream = Response.GetResponseStream
        Dim StreamReader As New System.IO.StreamReader(ResponseStream)
        Dim jobj As String = StreamReader.ReadToEnd 'response
        Dim Status As String = Response.StatusCode
        Dim ContentLength As String = Response.ContentLength
        Dim StatusDescription As String = Response.StatusDescription
        MsgBox("Status: " & Status & vbNewLine +
               "Content Length: " & ContentLength & vbNewLine +
               "Status Description: " & StatusDescription & vbNewLine)
        If Status = 404 Or Status = 400 Then
            MsgBox("Error downloading data!")
            Exit Sub
        End If

        Label1.Text = jobj 'show me the JSON - works for smaller JSONs but doesn't want to show the big ones??

        Dim SObject As New List(Of Result)()
        SObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of List(Of Result))(jobj)

        Dim a As Integer = 0

        For Each item As Object In SObject
            DataGridView1.Rows.Add(New String() {a + 1, item.shipment_id.ToString})
            a += 1

    End Sub

Мои занятия:

Public Class Root
    Public Property results As List(Of Result)()
End Class

Public Class Result
    Public Property adjusted_ordered_at As DateTime
    Public Property created_at As DateTime
    Public Property customer_id As Integer
    Public Property feedback_responses As Object()
    Public Property fulfillments As List(Of Fulfillment)()
    Public Property id As Long
    Public Property is_gift As Boolean
    Public Property is_test As Boolean
    Public Property labels As Object()
    Public Property ship_address As ShipAddress
    Public Property shipped_at As Object
    Public Property status As String
    Public Property target_at As DateTime
    Public Property tracking_number As Object
    Public Property type As String
    Public Property url As String
End Class

Public Class Fulfillment
    Public Property adjusted_fulfillment_date As DateTime
    Public Property cycle_number As Integer
    Public Property fulfillment_date As DateTime
    Public Property id As Long
    Public Property instance As Instance
    Public Property is_test As Boolean
    Public Property order As Order
    Public Property shipment_id As String
    Public Property shipping As Integer
    Public Property status As String
    Public Property subscription_id As Long
    Public Property tax As Integer
    Public Property test As Boolean
    Public Property total_cycles As Integer
    Public Property type As String
End Class

Я предполагаю, что что-то не так с классами, но я пробовал по-разному и не могу понять, что я делаю неправильно.

Кроме того, кто-нибудь знает, могу ли я фильтровать на Cratejoy, чтобы показывать только "не отправленные" грузы? Я уверен, что могу, но их инструкция на http://docs.cratejoy.com/docs/filtering-and-searching2 не хочет работать с адресом: https://api.cratejoy.com/v1/shipments/?fulfillments.status=open&created_at__gt=2019-08-14T14:00:00Z

Еще одна вещь - слишком большой JSON не хочет показываться на Label1.Text, как я могу увидеть, что мое приложение загрузило??

Спасибо за вашу помощь!

1 ответ


Вы можете сделать это так же:

Imports Newtonsoft.Json.Linq

Public Class Form1
    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        DataGridView1.Columns.Add("shipment_id", "Shipment ID")

        Dim ParseJSON As JObject = JObject.Parse(TextBox1.Text)

        For Each result As JToken In ParseJSON("results")
            For Each fullfilmentitem As JToken In result("fulfillments")
    End Sub
End Class

Или для обоих статусов:

Imports Newtonsoft.Json.Linq

Public Class Form1
    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        DataGridView1.Columns.Add("shipment_id", "Unshipped Shipment")
        DataGridView2.Columns.Add("shipment_id", "Shipped Shipment")

        Dim ParseJSON As JObject = JObject.Parse(TextBox1.Text)

        For Each result As JToken In ParseJSON("results")
            If result("status").ToString.Equals("unshipped") Then
                For Each fullfilmentitem As JToken In result("fulfillments")
            Else 'shipped
                For Each fullfilmentitem As JToken In result("fulfillments")
            End If
    End Sub
End Class

Другие вопросы по тегам