Сбой webRTC на peerConnection.dispose()

Я занимаюсь разработкой приложения для видеочата с использованием собственного WebRTC с моим сервером Java Signaling.

У меня есть успех создать связь, и она работает очень хорошо.

НО, когда я пытаюсь отключить звонок, приложение падает со следующим сообщением об ошибке:

D/ZCF: Closing audio source.
    Stopping capture.
I/org.webrtc.Logging: CameraCapturer: Stop capture
    CameraCapturer: Stop capture: Nulling session
I/org.webrtc.Logging: CameraCapturer: Stop capture done
    CameraCapturer: dispose
    CameraCapturer: Stop capture
    CameraCapturer: Stop capture: No session open
I/org.webrtc.Logging: Camera1Session: Stop camera1 session on camera 1
I/org.webrtc.Logging: CameraCapturer: Stop capture done
D/ZCF: Closing video source.
D/ZCF: Closing peer connection.
I/org.webrtc.Logging: Camera1Session: Stop internal
    SurfaceTextureHelper: stopListening()
I/ZCF: onIceConnectionChange CLOSED
I/org.webrtc.Logging: WebRtcAudioRecord: stopRecording
    WebRtcAudioRecord: stopThread
I/org.webrtc.Logging: WebRtcAudioEffects: release
I/org.webrtc.Logging: WebRtcAudioRecord: releaseAudioResources
I/org.webrtc.Logging: HardwareVideoEncoder: Releasing MediaCodec on output thread
I/org.webrtc.Logging: HardwareVideoEncoder: Release on output thread done
I/org.webrtc.Logging: AndroidVideoDecoder: release
I/org.webrtc.Logging: Camera1Session: Stop done
I/org.webrtc.Logging: Camera1Session: Bytebuffer frame captured but camera is no longer running.
I/org.webrtc.Logging: AndroidVideoDecoder: Releasing MediaCodec on output thread
D/SurfaceUtils: disconnecting from surface 0x713adfd010, reason disconnectFromSurface
I/org.webrtc.Logging: AndroidVideoDecoder: Release on output thread done
I/org.webrtc.Logging: SurfaceTextureHelper: stopListening()
I/org.webrtc.Logging: SurfaceTextureHelper: dispose()
I/org.webrtc.Logging: WebRtcAudioTrack: stopPlayout
    WebRtcAudioTrack: underrun count: 1
I/org.webrtc.Logging: WebRtcAudioTrack: stopThread
    WebRtcAudioTrack: Stopping the AudioTrackThread...
I/org.webrtc.Logging: WebRtcAudioTrack: Calling AudioTrack.stop...
D/AudioTrack: stop() called with 324000 frames delivered
I/org.webrtc.Logging: WebRtcAudioTrack: AudioTrack.stop is done.
I/org.webrtc.Logging: WebRtcAudioTrack: AudioTrackThread has now been stopped.
I/org.webrtc.Logging: WebRtcAudioTrack: releaseAudioResources
V/AudioTrack: ~AudioTrack, releasing session id 26833 from 19927 on behalf of 19927
I/org.webrtc.Logging: NetworkMonitor: Stop monitoring with native observer 486337727744
I/org.webrtc.Logging: NetworkMonitorAutoDetect: Unregister network callback
E/rtc: #
    # Fatal error in: ../../../../usr/local/google/home/sakal/code/webrtc-aar-release/src/pc/peerconnection.cc, line 6729
    # last system error: 0
    # Check failed: observer_
A/libc: Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 (SI_TKILL) in tid 20013 (signaling_threa), pid 19927 (i.myapplication)
Application terminated.

Сбой происходит, когда я вызываю peerConnection.dispose() или peerConnection.close();

Вот мой код для отключения вызова:

    private void callDisconnect() {
    if (peerConnectionFactory != null) {
    Log.d("ZCF", "Closing audio source.");
    if (audioSource != null) {
        audioSource = null;
    Log.d("ZCF", "Stopping capture.");
    if (videoCapturer != null) {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        videoCapturer = null;
    Log.d("ZCF", "Closing video source.");
    if (videoSource != null) {
        videoSource = null;

    Log.d("ZCF", "Closing peer connection.");
    if (peerConnection != null) {
        peerConnection = null;

    Log.d("ZCF", "Closing peer connection factory.");
    if (peerConnectionFactory != null) {
        peerConnectionFactory = null;

    Log.d("ZCF", "Closing peer connection done.");

Я попытался сначала вызвать peerConnection.dispose(), но он все еще не работал. Что бы ни пытались, это всегда сбой со следующим:

I/org.webrtc.Logging: NetworkMonitorAutoDetect: Unregister network callback

что я делаю не так?

2 ответа

Я исправил эту проблему, удалив peerConnectionFactory перед peerConnection.

public void disconnect() {

    if(executor == null) return;

    executor.execute(() -> {



Я в onResume() добавляю NetworkMonitor.getInstance().startMonitoring(getActivity()); не найти эту аварию

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