NoClassDefFoundError: Не удалось инициализировать класс com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient

Я получаю следующее исключение при настройке верблюжьего маршрута для отправки сообщения в AWS на Red Hat Fuse 7.2.0 с camel-aws. Я выполнил maven-forcer-plugin и разрешил конфликты зависимостей, но все равно получаю то же исключение. Я также пробовал разные исключения и зависимости. Я включил мой оригинальный pom.xml.

jboss.fuse.version: 7.2.0.fuse-720035-redhat-00001

верблюд-версия: 2.21.0.fuse-720050-redhat-00001

Java 1.8

Кто-нибудь еще сталкивался с этим на Red Hat Fuse 7.2?

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient
    at com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient.<init>( ~[]
    at<init>( ~[]
    at ~[]
    at ~[]
    at ~[]
    at ~[]
    at org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder.checkInitialized( ~[60:org.apache.camel.camel-core:2.21.0.fuse-720050-redhat-00001]
    at org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder.configureRoutes( ~[60:org.apache.camel.camel-core:2.21.0.fuse-720050-redhat-00001]
    at org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder.addRoutesToCamelContext( ~[60:org.apache.camel.camel-core:2.21.0.fuse-720050-redhat-00001]


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""






        <!-- logging -->

        <!-- testing -->

        <!-- set filtering to true makes sure versions are replaced in the features.xml 
            file in the src/main/resources directory -->
                                <!-- Features included in this project's feature descriptor may depend 
                                    on other features -->
                                <!-- These other features can be found in one or more of following 
                                    list of feature descriptors -->
                                                                        <!-- Some of these are not relevent for this project's features -->


            <!-- testing -->
<!--                <testFailureIgnore>true</testFailureIgnore> -->
                  <!-- 'uniqueVersions' (default:false) can be set to true if you want to compare the timestamped SNAPSHOTs  -->
                  <!-- <uniqueVersions>true</uniqueVersions> -->
                  <!-- If you wish to ignore certain cases:
                <!-- <DependencyConvergence/> -->

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