OpenImageIO вылетает при открытии.EXR файла
Я пытаюсь открыть файл.exr, но программа падает на xtree#275
Я думаю, что проблема происходит в exrinput.cpp#804
for (auto ci = channels.begin(); ci != channels.end(); ++c, ++ci)
Для большего контекста это функция
OpenEXRInput::PartInfo::query_channels (OpenEXRInput *in,
const Imf::Header *header)
ASSERT (! initialized);
bool ok = true;
spec.nchannels = 0;
const Imf::ChannelList &channels (header->channels());
std::vector<std::string> channelnames; // Order of channels in file
std::vector<ChanNameHolder> cnh;
int c = 0;
for (auto ci = channels.begin(); ci != channels.end(); ++c, ++ci)
cnh.emplace_back (, c,;
spec.nchannels = int(cnh.size());
std::sort (cnh.begin(), cnh.end(), ChanNameHolder::compare_cnh);
// Now we should have cnh sorted into the order that we want to present
// to the OIIO client.
spec.format = TypeDesc::UNKNOWN;
bool all_one_format = true;
for (int c = 0; c < spec.nchannels; ++c) {
spec.channelnames.push_back (cnh[c].fullname);
spec.channelformats.push_back (cnh[c].datatype);
spec.format = TypeDesc(ImageBufAlgo::type_merge (TypeDesc::BASETYPE(spec.format.basetype),
pixeltype.push_back (cnh[c].exr_data_type);
chanbytes.push_back (cnh[c].datatype.size());
all_one_format &= (cnh[c].datatype == cnh[0].datatype);
if (spec.alpha_channel < 0 && (Strutil::iequals (cnh[c].suffix, "A") ||
Strutil::iequals (cnh[c].suffix, "Alpha")))
spec.alpha_channel = c;
if (spec.z_channel < 0 && (Strutil::iequals (cnh[c].suffix, "Z") ||
Strutil::iequals (cnh[c].suffix, "Depth")))
spec.z_channel = c;
if (cnh[c].xSampling != 1 || cnh[c].ySampling != 1) {
ok = false;
in->error ("Subsampled channels are not supported (channel \"%s\" has sampling %d,%d).",
cnh[c].fullname, cnh[c].xSampling, cnh[c].ySampling);
// FIXME: Some day, we should handle channel subsampling.
ASSERT ((int)spec.channelnames.size() == spec.nchannels);
ASSERT (spec.format != TypeDesc::UNKNOWN);
if (all_one_format)
return ok;
Это код для открытия файла.exr
#include "pch.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <OpenImageIO/imagebuf.h>
#include <OpenImageIO/imagebufalgo.h>
using namespace OpenImageIO_v1_8;
int main()
/* Simple image read */
const auto *FileName = "C:/HM.exr";
int xres, yres, channels;
unsigned char *pixels;
ImageInput *FileImage = ImageInput::create(FileName);
if (!FileImage)
std::cout << printf("ERROR: %s", geterror().c_str());
return 1;
ImageSpec ImageSpecification;
FileImage->open(FileName, ImageSpecification);
xres = ImageSpecification.width;
yres = ImageSpecification.height;
channels = ImageSpecification.nchannels;
pixels = new unsigned char[xres*yres*channels];
FileImage->read_image(TypeDesc::UINT32, pixels);
delete FileImage;