Мой алгоритм не работает правильно - Диофантовое линейное уравнение
Этот код пытается решить линейное уравнение Диофантики, форма этого уравнения Ax + By = C. Этот класс имеет две атрибуты "a" и "b", и конструкция должна получить эти числа
public class LongPair {
private long a, b; // the pair of longs
public LongPair(long aIn, long bIn) {
a = aIn;
b = bIn;
public LongPair() {
a = 0;
b = 0;
public long getFirst() {
return a;
public long getSecond() {
return b;
public void setFirst(long aIn) {
a = aIn;
public void setSecond(long bIn) {
b = bIn;
// Compute the greatest common divisor of to integers r and s.
// Either may be positive, negative, or zero. For negative numbers,
// the GCD is that if their absolute values, that is,
// GCD(r,s) = GCD(|r|,|s|).
// For zero, GCD(r,0) = r, and GCD(0,0) = 0.
// The Euclidean algorithm is used to compute the GCD.
public static long GCD(long r, long s) {
if (r == 0) {
return s;
if (s == 0) {
return r;
if (r < 0) {
r = -r;
if (s < 0) {
s = -s;
if (r > s) {
return GCD(r % s, s);
} else {
return GCD(r, s % r);
} // GCD
// Compute the least common multiple of two integers
public static long LCM(long r, long s) {
if (r == 0 || s == 0) {
return 0;
return (r / GCD(r, s)) * s;
} // LCM
// Return the greatest common divisor of the pair of numbers
public long GCD() {
return GCD(a, b);
// Return the least common multiple of the pair of numbers
public long LCM() {
return LCM(a, b);
// Find a solution to the linear Diophantine equation
// ax + by = c
// If GCD(a,b) does not divide c, then an ArithmeticException is thrown
public static LongPair linearDiophantine(long a, long b, long c)
throws ArithmeticException {
if (c == 0) { // then a solution to ax + by = 0 is x = 0, y = 0.
return new LongPair(0, 0);
} else if (a == 0) { // then a solution to 0x + by = c is x = 0, y = c/b.
if (b == 0 || c % b != 0) {
throw new ArithmeticException("No solution to the linear Diophantine equation " + a + "x + " + b + "y = " + c);
} else {
return new LongPair(0, c / b);
} else if (b == 0) { // then a solution to ax + 0y = c is x = c/a, y = 0.
if (c % a != 0) {
throw new ArithmeticException("No solution to the linear Diophantine equation " + a + "x + " + b + "y = " + c);
} else {
return new LongPair(c / a, 0);
} else if (c % GCD(a, b) != 0) {
throw new ArithmeticException("No solution to the linear Diophantine equation " + a + "x + " + b + "y = " + c);
} // else there is a solution
// work with positive numbers
long d = Math.abs(a);
long e = Math.abs(b);
long x, y;
if (d <= e) { // Divide d into e with quotient q and remainder r
long q = e / d; // so that e = qd + r.
long r = e % d; // Then a solution to the equation dx + ey = c is x = z-q where
// the pair y, z is a solution to the equation dz + ry = c
LongPair solution = linearDiophantine(d, r, c);
x = solution.getFirst() - q;
y = solution.getSecond();
} else { // d>e
long q = d / e;
long r = d % e; // d = qe + r.
LongPair solution = linearDiophantine(r, e, c);
x = solution.getFirst();
y = solution.getSecond() - q ;
} // if/else
// take care of the signs
if (a < 0) {
x = -x;
if (b < 0) {
y = -y;
return new LongPair(x, y);
} // linearDiophantine
// Solve the linear Diophantine equation where the coefficients are this pair
// of numbers
public LongPair linearDiophantine(long c) {
return linearDiophantine(a, b, c);
public static void main(String[] args) {
LongPair lpn = new LongPair(8, 20);
LongPair solucion = lpn.linearDiophantine(120);
System.out.println("x = " + solucion.getFirst());
System.out.println("y = "+ solucion.getSecond());
что-то не так происходит в алгоритме