Неверное название канала - что может быть причиной этого?
Я работаю над сайтом, на котором есть чат, в основном на нем есть несколько каналов для разных языков, а также канал для модераторов и канал для объявлений.
Я получаю ошибку [join] invalid channel name
и так как я настолько новичок в кодировании / разработке, я подумал, что поделюсь своим кодом в надежде, что кто-то здесь скажет мне, где я что-то напутал.
var assert = require('assert');
var CBuffer = require('CBuffer');
var events = require('events');
var util = require('util');
var _ = require('lodash');
var debug = require('debug')('app:chat');
var db = require('./database');
var lib = require('./lib');
//Mute users by ip/username and store muted users in the database
all: {
desc: 'Channel where all messages are broadcasted, read only',
writable: false,
modsOnly: false
moderators: {
desc: 'Channel for moderators only, they are joinedds',
writable: true,
modsOnly: true
//This is the behaviour for all the other channels:
//defaultProps: {
// desc: '',
// writable: true,
// modsOnly: false
// There is a mods channel for every channel
// The mods are joined to a channel called mod:channelName
function Chat(io) {
var self = this;
self.io = io;
// Number of connected clients
self.clientCount = 0;
Collection of muted users.
key: Username
value: Object with the following fields
time: Date object when the user was muted
moderator: The username of the moderator that muted the user
timespec: Initial (nominal diff) time the user has been muted
end: Until when the user is muted
shadow: If the mute is a shadow mute
self.muted = {};
io.on('connection', onConnection);
function onConnection(socket) { //socket.user is attached on the login middleware
debug('socket connection event received');
//Attach disconnect handler
socket.on('disconnect', function() {
console.log('Client disconnect, left: ', self.clientCount);
debug('client disconnect');
//Join to a Room
socket.on('join', function(channelName) {
debug('join event received from user %s', socket.user ? socket.user.username : '~guest~');
self.join(socket, channelName);
//Register the message event
socket.on('say', function(message, isBot, customChannelName) {
self.onSay(socket, message, isBot, customChannelName);
console.log('Client joined: ', self.clientCount, ' - ', socket.user ? socket.user.username : '~guest~'); //TODO: Add ip address
events.EventEmitter.call(self); //Call event emitter 'constructor' function
util.inherits(Chat, events.EventEmitter);
Chat.prototype.join = function(socket, channelName) {
var self = this;
var moderator = socket.user && socket.user.moderator;
//Check channelName variable and avoid users to join the mods channel
**if(isChannelNameInvalid(channelName) || isChannelNameModsOnly(channelName))
return sendError(socket, '[join] Invalid channel name');**
//Check if the channel is moderators only
if(SPECIAL_CHANNELS[channelName].modsOnly && !moderator)
return sendError(socket, '[join] This channel is moderators only');
//Check if the user was joined to another room before, if it was leave that room
//If mod leave the mods channel for this channel
//Save the name of the current room in the socket, this can also be used to check if the user is joined into a channel
socket.currentChannel = channelName;
//Get user history of a room and send it to the user
self.getHistory(channelName, function(err, history) {
//If we couldn't reach the history send an empty history to the user
if(err) {
history = [];
var res = {
history: history,
username: socket.user ? socket.user.username : null,
channel: channelName,
moderator: moderator
//Actually join the socket.io room
//If the user is mod and is not on the mods channel join him to the channel mod:channelName
if(moderator && channelName !== 'moderators') {
var chan = 'mod:'+channelName;
socket.modCurrentChannel = chan;
//Return join info to the user
socket.emit('join', res);
Chat.prototype.onSay = function(socket, message, isBot, customChannelName) {
if (!socket.user)
return sendError(socket, '[say] you must be logged in to chat');
if (!socket.currentChannel)
return sendError(socket, '[say] you must be joined before you can chat');
//Check if the message is for a custom channel
var channelName;
return sendError(socket, '[say] invalid channel name');
channelName = customChannelName;
channelName = socket.currentChannel;
//Check if the message is for a non writable channel ('all')
if(SPECIAL_CHANNELS.hasOwnProperty(channelName) && !SPECIAL_CHANNELS[channelName].writable)
return sendErrorChat(socket, 'The all channel is read only');
//Message validation
message = message.trim();
if (typeof message !== 'string')
return sendError(socket, '[say] no message');
if (message.length == 0 || message.length > 500)
return sendError(socket, '[say] invalid message size');
var cmdReg = /^\/([a-zA-z]*)\s*(.*)$/;
var cmdMatch = message.match(cmdReg);
if (cmdMatch) //If the message is a command try to execute it
this.doChatCommand(socket.user, cmdMatch, channelName, socket);
else //If not broadcast the message
this.say(socket, socket.user, message, channelName, isBot);
Chat.prototype.doChatCommand = function(user, cmdMatch, channelName, socket) {
var self = this;
var cmd = cmdMatch[1];
var rest = cmdMatch[2];
switch (cmd) {
case 'shutdown':
return sendErrorChat(socket, '[shutdown] deprecated feature boss');
case 'mute':
case 'shadowmute':
if (user.moderator) {
var muteReg = /^\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+)\s*([1-9]\d*[dhms])?\s*$/;
var muteMatch = rest.match(muteReg);
if (!muteMatch)
return sendErrorChat(socket, 'Usage: /mute <user> [time]');
var username = muteMatch[1];
var timespec = muteMatch[2] ? muteMatch[2] : "30m";
var shadow = cmd === 'shadowmute';
self.mute(shadow, user, username, timespec, channelName,
function (err) {
if (err)
return sendErrorChat(socket, err);
} else {
return sendErrorChat(socket, '[mute] Not a moderator.');
case 'unmute':
if (user.moderator) {
var unmuteReg = /^\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+)\s*$/;
var unmuteMatch = rest.match(unmuteReg);
if (!unmuteMatch)
return sendErrorChat(socket, 'Usage: /unmute <user>');
var username = unmuteMatch[1];
user, username, channelName,
function (err) {
if (err) return sendErrorChat(socket, err);
sendErrorChat(socket, 'Unknown command ' + cmd);
Chat.prototype.getHistory = function (channelName, callback) {
if(channelName === 'all')
db.getAllChatTable(CHAT_HISTORY_SIZE, fn);
db.getChatTable(CHAT_HISTORY_SIZE, channelName, fn);
function fn (err, history) {
if(err) {
console.error('[INTERNAL_ERROR] got error ', err, ' loading chat table');
return callback(err);
callback(null, history);
Chat.prototype.say = function(socket, user, message, channelName, isBot) {
var self = this;
var date = new Date();
isBot = !!isBot;
var msg = {
date: date,
type: 'say',
username: user.username,
role: user.userclass,
message: message,
bot: isBot,
channelName: channelName
//Check if the user is muted
if (lib.hasOwnProperty(self.muted, user.username)) {
var muted = self.muted[user.username];
if (muted.end < date) {
// User has been muted before, but enough time has passed.
delete self.muted[user.username];
} else if (muted.shadow) {
// User is shadow muted. Echo the message back to the
// user but don't broadcast.
self.sendMessageToUser(socket, msg);
} else {
self.sendMessageToUser(socket, {
date: date,
type: 'info',
username: user.username,
role: user.userclass,
message: 'You\'re muted. ' + lib.printTimeString(muted.end - date) + ' remaining',
bot: false,
channelName: channelName
self.sendMessageToChannel(channelName, msg, user.id);
/** Send a message to the user of this socket **/
Chat.prototype.sendMessageToUser = function(socket, msg) {
socket.emit('msg', msg);
/** Send a message to a channel and to the all channel and store it in the database **/
Chat.prototype.sendMessageToChannel = function(channelName, msg, userID) {
console.assert(msg.hasOwnProperty('bot') && msg.date, msg.hasOwnProperty('message') && msg.type);
this.io.to(channelName).emit('msg', msg);
this.io.to('all').emit('msg', msg);
this.saveChatMessage(userID, msg.message, channelName, msg.bot, msg.date);
Chat.prototype.saveChatMessage = function(userId, message, channelName, isBot, date) {
db.addChatMessage(userId, date, message, channelName, isBot, function(err) {
console.error('[INTERNAL_ERROR] got error ', err, ' saving chat message of user id ', userId);
Chat.prototype.mute = function(shadow, moderatorUser, username, time, channelName, callback) {
var self = this;
var now = new Date();
var ms = lib.parseTimeString(time);
var end = new Date(Date.now() + ms);
// Query the db to make sure that the username exists.
db.getUserByName(username, function(err, userInfo) {
if (err) {
if(typeof err === 'string') //USERNAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST
console.error('[INTERNAL_ERROR] got error ', err, ' muting user ', userInfo.username);
// Overriding previous mutes.
self.muted[userInfo.username] = {
date: now,
moderator: moderatorUser.username,
timespec: time,
end: end,
shadow: shadow
var msg = {
date: now,
type: 'mute',
message: null,
moderator: moderatorUser.username,
username: userInfo.username,
timespec: time,
shadow: shadow,
bot: false
//If mute shadow inform only mods about it
if (shadow) {
self.io.to('moderators').emit('msg', msg);
self.io.to('mod:'+channelName).emit('msg', msg);
//If regular mute send mute message to the channel
} else {
self.io.to(channelName).emit('msg', msg);
self.io.to('moderators').emit('msg', msg);
Chat.prototype.unmute = function(moderatorUser, username, channelName, callback) {
var self = this;
var now = new Date();
if (!lib.hasOwnProperty(self.muted, username))
return callback('USER_NOT_MUTED');
var shadow = self.muted[username].shadow;
delete self.muted[username];
var msg = {
date: now,
type: 'unmute',
message: null,
moderator: moderatorUser.username,
username: username,
shadow: shadow,
bot: false
//If mute shadow inform only mods about it
if (shadow) {
self.io.to('moderators').emit('msg', msg);
self.io.to('mod:'+channelName).emit('msg', msg);
//If regular mute send mute message to the channel
} else {
self.io.to(channelName).emit('msg', msg);
self.io.to('moderators').emit('msg', msg);
//Send an error to the chat to a client's socket
function sendErrorChat(socket, message) {
socket.emit('msg', {
date: new Date(),
type: 'error',
message: message
//Send an error event to a client's socket
function sendError(socket, description) {
console.warn('Chat client error ', description);
socket.emit('err', description);
function isChannelNameInvalid(channelName) {
return (typeof channelName !== 'string' || channelName.length < 1 || channelName.length > 100);
function isChannelNameModsOnly(channelName) {
return /^mod:/.test(channelName);
module.exports = Chat;
1 ответ
Ну, я могу ошибаться, но я чувствую, что это не кусок кода, который вы написали, поэтому вам не хватает глубоких знаний о том, что происходит за укрытием. Я бы посоветовал вам начать что-то на 100% с нуля, не копируя учебники, чтобы получить более четкое представление о технологиях, которые вы используете, но вы можете выбрать любой путь, который предпочитаете. Во всяком случае, ошибка явно указывается из метода:
function isChannelNameInvalid(channelName) {
return (typeof channelName !== 'string' || channelName.length < 1 || channelName.length > 100);
Поэтому я думаю, что вы должны дать нам немного больше информации о названии канала, который вы использовали.