Где находится каталог установки?

Я скачал ссылку LEDA

но когда я делаю make install, то возникает проблема: каталог incl/LEDA/INCLUDE не существует.

Это makefile


cc = $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
sys = $(shell cmd/leda.sys)
instdir = /LEDA/INSTALL/$(sys)/$(cc)

default: lib

    $(MAKE) lib xlman

all: lib tests

install: FORCE
    cp -r -L incl /LEDA/INSTALL/$(sys)
    if [ -f leda.lib   ]; then cp leda.lib $(instdir); fi
    if [ -f leda.dll   ]; then cp leda.dll $(instdir); fi
    if [ -f libleda.a  ]; then cp libleda.a $(instdir); fi
    if [ -f libleda.so ]; then cp libleda.so $(instdir); fi

FORCE: lib

# libraries

lib: .license
    @if [ -f .license -a -d src  ]; then $(MAKE) -C src;      fi
    @if [ -f .license -a -d src1 ]; then $(MAKE) -C src1;     fi
    @if [ -f .license -a -f closelib  ]; then ./closelib;     fi
    @if [ -f .license -a -f static.mk ]; then $(MAKE) static; fi
    @if [ -f .license -a -f shared.mk ]; then $(MAKE) shared; fi

    @if [ -f .license -a -d src  ]; then $(MAKE) -C src   touch; fi
    @if [ -f .license -a -d src1 ]; then $(MAKE) -C src1  touch; fi
    @if [ -f .license -a -f static.mk ]; then $(MAKE) static; fi
    @if [ -f .license -a -f shared.mk ]; then $(MAKE) shared; fi

nogui: .license
    mv libleda.a libleda.a.gui
    mv libleda.so libleda.so.gui
    mv src/graphics src/graphics_
    mv src1/graphics src1/graphics_
    $(MAKE) touch
    mv src/graphics_ src/graphics
    mv src1/graphics_ src1/graphics
    mv libleda.a libleda.so no_gui
    mv libleda.a.gui libleda.a
    mv libleda.so.gui libleda.so

gui: .license
    $(MAKE) touch

lib0: .license
    @if [ -f .license -a -d src  ]; then $(MAKE) -C src; fi
    @if [ -f .license -a -f closelib  ]; then ./closelib; fi
    @if [ -f .license -a -f static.mk ]; then $(MAKE) static; fi
    @if [ -f .license -a -f shared.mk ]; then $(MAKE) shared; fi

lib1: .license
    @if [ -f .license -a -d src1 ]; then $(MAKE) -C src1; fi
    @if [ -f .license -a -f closelib  ]; then ./closelib; fi
    @if [ -f .license -a -f static.mk ]; then $(MAKE) static; fi
    @if [ -f .license -a -f shared.mk ]; then $(MAKE) shared; fi

    cp libL.a libL1.a
    mv src/system/_leda.o src/system/_leda_orig.o
    $(MAKE) -C src/system  -i L=L1 DFLAGS=-DLEDA_CHECK_LICENSE
    mv src/system/_leda_orig.o src/system/_leda.o

    $(MAKE) -C AGD 
    @if [ -f AGD/static.mk ]; then $(MAKE) -f AGD/static.mk; fi
    @if [ -f AGD/shared.mk ]; then $(MAKE) -f AGD/shared.mk; fi

shared: .license
    @if [ -f .license ]; then \
    if [ -f shared.mk ]; then \
    echo "$(MAKE) -f shared.mk"; $(MAKE) -f shared.mk; \
    if [ -f libAGD.a ]; then \
    echo "$(MAKE) -f shared.mk agd";    $(MAKE) -f shared.mk agd; fi; \
    else echo "Not configured to build shared libs."; fi; fi

static: .license
    @if [ -f .license ]; then $(MAKE) -f static.mk; fi

    @/bin/sh confdir/util/unix/license.sh

# programs

xlman: .license
    @if [ -f .license ]; then \
    echo "$(MAKE) -C demo/xlman "; $(MAKE) -C demo/xlman; fi

static_xlman: .license
    @if [ -f .license ]; then \
    echo "$(MAKE) -C demo/xlman "; $(MAKE) -C demo/xlman  static_xlman; fi

demos: .license
    @if [ -f .license ]; then \
    if [ -d demo ]; then $(MAKE) -C demo; fi; fi

tests: .license
    @if [ -f .license ]; then \
    if [ -d test ]; then $(MAKE) -C test; fi; fi

# manual

man: .license
    @if [ -f .license ]; then \
    echo "$(MAKE) -C Manual/MANUAL ";\
    $(MAKE) -C Manual/MANUAL; fi

pdfman: .license
    @if [ -f .license ]; then \
    echo "$(MAKE) -C Manual/MANUAL  pdf";\
    $(MAKE) -C Manual/MANUAL  pdf; fi

dvi: .license
    @if [ -f .license ]; then \
    echo "$(MAKE) -C Manual/MANUAL  dvi";\
    $(MAKE) -C Manual/MANUAL  dvi; fi

# cleaning up

    @if [ -d src   ]; then $(MAKE) -C src    clean; fi
    @if [ -d src1  ]; then $(MAKE) -C src1   clean; fi
    @if [ -d prog  ]; then $(MAKE) -C prog   del; fi
    @if [ -d test  ]; then $(MAKE) -C test   del; fi
    @if [ -d demo  ]; then $(MAKE) -C demo   del; fi
    rm -f lib*.a lib*.so lib*.sl lib*.lib leda.dll leda.lib

    @if [ -d src   ]; then $(MAKE) -C src    clean; fi
    @if [ -d src1  ]; then $(MAKE) -C src1   clean; fi
    @if [ -d prog  ]; then $(MAKE) -C prog   clean; fi
    @if [ -d test  ]; then $(MAKE) -C test   clean; fi
    @if [ -d demo  ]; then $(MAKE) -C demo   clean; fi

и это руководство по установке

*                                                                  *
*                                LEDA                              *
*                                                                  *
*                    UNIX OBJECT CODE INSTALLATION                 *
*                                                                  *

Remark: This file describes the situation in a LEDA package. 

1. Files and Directories

To compile and link your programs with LEDA, the LEDA main directory 
should contain at least the following files and subdirectories: 

Readme.txt                  Readme File 
Install/unix.txt            this file 
incl/                       the LEDA include directory 
libleda.a (libleda.so)      basic library 

The static library has extension .a. If a shared library is provided 
it has extension .so. 

2. Preparations

Unpacking the LEDA distribution file 
LEDA-<ver>-<sys>-<cc>.tar.gz will create the LEDA root 
directory "LEDA-<ver>-<sys>-<cc>". You might want to rename 
it or move it to some different place. Let <LEDA> denote the final 
complete path name of the LEDA root directory. 

To install and use the Unix object code of LEDA you have to modify 
your environment as follows: 

Set the environment variable LEDAROOT to the LEDA root directory: 

csh/tcsh: setenv LEDAROOT <LEDA> 

sh/bash: LEDAROOT=<LEDA> 
  export LEDAROOT 

b)  Command Search Path:
Include $LEDAROOT/Manual/cmd into your command search path 
(environment variable path (csh) or PATH (sh)) and call rehash (if 
required by your system). 

c)  Shared Library: (for solaris, linux, irix, osf1) 
If you planning to use shared libraries include $LEDAROOT into the 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH search path. Then go to $LEDAROOT and type 
make shared. This will construct the shared libraries from the static
Please note: Building the shared library is not supported on each

d)  xlman and demos: Go to $LEDAROOT and type make xlman to compile 
and link LEDA's interactive manual reader xlman. Now you can start 
xlman for reading and printing manual pages, starting demo programs 
and browsing more release notes. 

3. Compiling and linking application programs

a) Use the -I compiler flag to tell the compiler where to find the 
LEDA header files.

CC (g++) -I$LEDAROOT/incl -c file.c

b) Use the -L compiler flag to tell the compiler where to find the 
library (libleda.a/so)

CC (g++)  -L$LEDAROOT file.o -lleda -lX11 -lm

If using windows on solaris systems you might have to link 
with the system socket library and the network services library as 
CC (g++)  ... -lleda -lX11 -lsocket -lnsl -lm

c) Compile and link simultaneously with

CC (g++)  -I$LEDAROOT/incl -L$LEDAROOT file.c -lleda -lX11 -lm

You may want to ask your system adminstrator to install the header 
files and library in the system's default directories.
Then you no longer have to specify header and library search paths on 
the compiler command line.

4. Example programs and demos

The source code of all example and demo programs can be found in 
$LEDAROOT/test and $LEDAROOT/demo. Goto $LEDAROOT/test or 
$LEDAROOT/demo and type "make" to compile and link all test or  demo 
programs, respectively. 

5. User Manual

Postscript, PDF, and HTML versions of the manual are available at 


Мне нужна общая библиотека. Но я не могу понять, как установить его. Я новичок в ЛЕДА. Можете ли вы помочь мне закончить объяснение шаг за шагом?

Если я поставлю make share, то получится: не настроен для создания общих библиотек. Что я могу сделать?

1 ответ

Makefile разветвляется на два других make-файла, в зависимости от того, какая у вас библиотека (статическая (всегда должна быть там) или общая). Ваш вывод предполагает, что у вас нет подходящей общей библиотеки ни в одном из мест, где находится make-файл. Добавили ли вы переменную $LEDAROOT в LD_LIBRARY_PATH (под sh / bash:export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LEDAROOT:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH") как указано в руководстве по установке (раздел 2.c.)?

В противном случае стоит попробовать построить с make static, Только после того, как эта сборка успешно завершена,make install сможет работать.

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