Переменная объекта отладки Microsoft Acess VBA с не установленным блоком
У меня есть описанная ниже процедура, и я получаю переменную объекта с блоком Net Set Debug. Я рассмотрел это и просто могу найти, как решить это. Какие-либо предложения?
Это отлаживает чуть более половины пути, где я помещаю комментарий "Отладки кода в Do To rstMaster.EOF.
Ваша помощь очень ценится.
Sub AllocateImmediately()
Dim x As Long
Dim y As Long
Dim z As Long
Dim sMonths(1 To 12) As String
Dim lAllocation As Long
Dim iMonth As Integer
Dim iCurrentMonth As Integer
Dim sCurrentDLRNumber As String
Dim iAlreadyAllocated As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim sDealerID As String
Dim iPriorProduction As Integer
Dim iAllocation As Integer
'Assign Month names to be used when writing to the master table
sMonths(1) = "January"
sMonths(2) = "February"
sMonths(3) = "March"
sMonths(4) = "April"
sMonths(5) = "May"
sMonths(6) = "June"
sMonths(7) = "July"
sMonths(8) = "August"
sMonths(9) = "September"
sMonths(10) = "October"
sMonths(11) = "November"
sMonths(12) = "December"
Dim iTotalProduction As Long
Dim iLastMonth As Integer
'Dim iCurrentMonth As Integer
'Dim iLastMonth As Integer
Dim iStartingMonth As Integer
Dim rstAllocations As Recordset
Dim rstMaster As Recordset
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
Dim Fld As DAO.Field
Dim strField As String
Dim iProduction As Integer
Dim k As Integer
Dim o As Integer
Dim i As Integer
'Dim iAllocation As Integer
Dim sCurrentModel As String
Dim sSpec As String
Dim sFilter As String
Dim sPreviousModel As String
Dim sPreviousSpec As String
Dim iMonthTry As Integer
If Not IsNull(cboStartingProductionMonth.Value) Then 'check to see starting month was selected.
iStartingMonth = cboStartingProductionMonth.Value
MsgBox "Please use the drop down box and select the starting month.", vbCritical
End If
Set rstAllocations = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("select * from Allocations order by [Model Name],[Spec]") 'Loop through allocations table for each model
Do Until rstAllocations.EOF
sCurrentModel = rstAllocations("Model Name")
sSpec = IIf(IsNull(rstAllocations("Spec")) Or rstAllocations("Spec") = "", "", rstAllocations("Spec"))
sFilter = ""
'At the last record
If rstAllocations.EOF = True Then
End If
If Not (rstAllocations.EOF) Then
If rstAllocations.EOF Then
'at the last record it is either "CA" or "All" due to sort order.
If sPreviousModel = sCurrentModel And sSpec = "CA" Then sFilter = "CA"
If sFilter <> "" Then GoTo sSQLStatements
GoTo NextTry:
End If
If sCurrentModel = rstAllocations("Model Name") Then sFilter = "AllButCA" 'Going to be a CA model next round
If sFilter <> "" Then GoTo sSQLStatements
End If
If Not (rstAllocations.EOF) Then
If rstAllocations.EOF Then
If sPreviousModel <> sCurrentModel And sSpec = "CA" Then sFilter = "CA"
If sFilter <> "" Then GoTo sSQLStatements
GoTo NextTry2:
End If
If sCurrentModel <> rstAllocations("Model Name") And sSpec = "CA" Then sFilter = "CA" 'only a CA model needs to be filtered
If sFilter <> "" Then GoTo sSQLStatements
End If
If Not (rstAllocations.EOF) Then
If rstAllocations.EOF Then
If sPreviousModel <> sCurrentModel And sSpec = "" Then sFilter = "ALL"
If sFilter <> "" Then GoTo sSQLStatements
End If
If sCurrentModel <> rstAllocations("Model Name") And (IsNull(sSpec) Or sSpec = "") Then sFilter = "ALL" 'only a CA model needs to be filtered
If sFilter <> "" Then GoTo sSQLStatements
End If
sDealerID = "" 'Reset Dealer
iProduction = 0 'Reset Production
iTotalProduction = 0
k = 0
iMonth = 0
sPreviousModel = sCurrentModel
sPreviousSpec = sSpec
'create recordset based on if the recordset should filter on CA, All states, or All But CA depending on Specs for a particular model.
Select Case UCase(sFilter)
Case "ALL"
Set rstMaster = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select * from tblMaster where [New Model] = " & "'" & rstAllocations("Model Name") & "'" & " AND [Alloc Calculation]>0 order by [Alloc Calculation] desc, [Months Supply Model] ASC")
Case "CA"
Set rstMaster = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select * from tblMaster where [New Model] = " & "'" & rstAllocations("Model Name") & "'" & " AND [Alloc Calculation]>0 and [STATE_NAME] ='CA' order by [Alloc Calculation] desc, [Months Supply Model] ASC")
Set rstMaster = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select * from tblMaster where [New Model] = " & "'" & rstAllocations("Model Name") & "'" & " AND [Alloc Calculation]>0 and [STATE_NAME] <>'CA' order by [Alloc Calculation] desc, [Months Supply Model] ASC")
End Select
iCurrentMonth = iStartingMonth - 1
'calculate total production in the allocations table for a model for all months.
For o = 1 To 12
iTotalProduction = IIf(IsNull(rstAllocations(sMonths(o))), 0, rstAllocations(sMonths(o))) + iTotalProduction
''debug.print iTotalProduction, sMonths(o), rstMaster("New Model")
Next o
iMonthTry = iMonthTry + 1
'---Handle Months---------------Loops through months
iMonth = iMonth + 1
If iMonth = 13 And rstAllocations.EOF Then
Exit Do
ElseIf iMonth = 13 Then
GoTo kIsOver12:
End If
iCurrentMonth = iCurrentMonth + 1
If iCurrentMonth = 13 Then iCurrentMonth = 1 'Month can be greater than
'---Handle Months---------------
k = iCurrentMonth
'If k > 12 Then GoTo kIsOver12:
iProduction = IIf(IsNull(rstAllocations(sMonths(k))), 0, rstAllocations(sMonths(k))) + iProduction 'add production that can be allocated.
If sDealerID <> "" Then 'move to the previous dealership that recived an allocation and move to the next dealer in line.
rstMaster.FindFirst "[DLR_NO]= " & "'" & sDealerID & "'"
If rstMaster.EOF Then
' Else
' rstMaster.MoveNext
End If
End If
'If iProduction = 0 Then GoTo GetAnotherMonth
'The Code Debugs Here
Do Until rstMaster.EOF
If iProduction = 0 Then 'production for that month has ran out.
GoTo GetAnotherMonth:
End If
'--Does Dealer already have his allocated amount?--
iAlreadyAllocated = 0
For j = 1 To 12
iAlreadyAllocated = rstMaster(sMonths(j) & " Allocation") + iAlreadyAllocated
Next j
If iAlreadyAllocated + iNumberPerOrder(i) > rstMaster("Alloc Calculation") Then
''debug.print iAlreadyAllocated, rstMaster("Alloc Calculation")
GoTo NextRecord 'Only assign upto their alloc calc, don't assign another
End If
'--Does Dealer already have his allocated amount?--
With rstMaster
sDealerID = rstMaster("DLR_No")
For i = 0 To iTotalNumberofModels - 1 'Match Model being assigned with the number per order
If rstMaster("New Model") = sBaseModel(i) Or rstMaster("New Model") = sLimitedEdition(i) Then
iAllocation = iNumberPerOrder(i):: Exit For
End If
Next i
'remove one from both iProduction and iTotalProduction
iProduction = iProduction - iNumberPerOrder(i)
iTotalProduction = iTotalProduction - iNumberPerOrder(i)
If iProduction < 0 Then 'if that month's production is out, add back to the itotalproduction
iTotalProduction = iTotalProduction + iNumberPerOrder(i) 'since inumberperorder(i) was subtracted above.
GoTo GetAnotherMonth
End If
rstMaster(sMonths(iCurrentMonth) & " Allocation") = rstMaster(sMonths(iCurrentMonth) & " Allocation") + iNumberPerOrder(i)
' If iMonthTry <= 12 And iTotalProduction > 0 Then GoTo GetAnotherMonth 'added to loop through to make sure all months have been allocated
' If iMonthTry >= 12 Then iMonthTry = 0
End With
If iTotalProduction > 0 And rstMaster.EOF And iMonthTry < 12 Then
sDealerID = ""
GoTo GetAnotherMonth
End If
'If there are left over models during a month, attempt to allocate them again until the iProduction is equal to production
'meaning no more could be allocated.
If iProduction > 0 And rstMaster.EOF And iPriorProduction <> iProduction Then
iPriorProduction = iProduction
GoTo TryToAllocateAgain
End If
''debug.print rstAllocations("Model Name") & " " & Trim(Str(iTotalProduction)), iPriorProduction
iPriorProduction = 0
iMonthTry = 0
End Sub
2 ответа
Ошибка, скорее всего, вызвана вашими заявлениями goto. например
Эта линия
GoTo TryToAllocateAgain
заставляет следующий исполняемый оператор быть одним внутри цикла. Это не разрешено
так же
GoTo TryToAllocateAgain
выпрыгивает из петли.
Вы должны переосмыслить структуру вашего кода. Попробуйте создать мани-процедуру, которая при необходимости вызывает другие функции (все данные, необходимые для функции, передаются ей в качестве параметров).
Также обратите внимание, что вы можете назначить названия месяцев в одну строку, как это
sMonths = Split("Jan,Feb,Mar,etc", ",")
Также рассмотрим блок. "Вложение" операторов if может быть очень упрощено.
If rstAllocations.EOF = True Then ''' MovePrevious always done!
End If
If Not (rstAllocations.EOF) Then '''OPPOSITE - use else!
If rstAllocations.EOF Then
'at the last record it is either "CA" or "All" due to sort order.
If sPreviousModel = sCurrentModel And sSpec = "CA" Then sFilter = "CA"
If sFilter <> "" Then GoTo sSQLStatements
GoTo NextTry:
End If
If sCurrentModel = rstAllocations("Model Name") Then sFilter = "AllButCA" 'Going to be a CA model next round
If sFilter <> "" Then GoTo sSQLStatements
End If
Это странная ошибка, даже если вы говорите по-английски. возможно это поможет
"Переменная объекта или переменная блока не установлена"
Я думаю, что это правильно. это означает, что требуется блок with (блок, начинающийся с 'with'). надеюсь, это поможет немного. возможно With rstMaster...End With