UV4L (RPi) - конференц-связь с Janus WebRTC
Я попробовал страницу "Аудио / видео конференции с Janus WebRTC Gateway". Я оставил все по умолчанию, за исключением того, что я установил "Просмотр живого аудио и видео от других участников" на "Да". Затем я зашел на страницу видео-комнат Janus по адресу " https://janus.conf.meetecho.com/videoroomtest.html" из браузера Chrome (мой ноутбук). Я мог видеть потоковое видео с камеры моего ноутбука на странице, но потоковое видео от RPi отсутствовало. Хотя он показывает скорость потоковой передачи от камеры RPI, которая меняется каждую секунду, но не показывает видео. Также, когда я говорю, я слышу свой голос из динамиков RPi, поэтому RPi определенно подключен, но не может правильно передавать видео. Любая идея? Заранее спасибо.
Также это мой raspicam.conf:
# This file contains the default values of SOME of all the available
# options for the UV4L core module, the raspicam driver, and the
# streaming server front-end.
# This file is referenced by the 'uv4l_raspicam' init script.
# Alternatively, it can be passed as argument to
# the '--driver-config-file' driver option and/or to the
# '--config-file' option of uv4l.
# Please refer to the 'uv4l', 'uv4l-raspicam' and 'uv4l-server' manual
# pages for all the valid options and values or for more informations
# about their meaning.
# NOTE: for multi argument options you must specify one arg per line,
# e.g --min-object-size 80 120 becomes:
# min-object-size = 80
# min-object-size = 120
# uv4l core options
driver = raspicam
# video_nr = 0
auto-video_nr = yes
# verbosity = 6
# syslog-host = localhost
# syslog-port = 514
# frame-timeout = 5000
frame-buffers = 4
# drop-bad-frames = yes
# relaxed-ownership = yes
# raspicam driver options
encoding = mjpeg
# width = 640
# height = 480
framerate = 30
#custom-sensor-config = 2
### dual camera options:
# stereoscopic-mode = side_by_side
# camera-number = 1
# decimate = yes
# swap-eyes = yes
### still and/or video options:
# quality = 85
# stills-denoise = yes
video-denoise = no
# raw = no
### h264 options:
# profile = high
# level = 4.2
# bitrate = 8000000
# intra-refresh-mode = dummy
# intra-period = #arg
# inline-headers = yes
# quantisation-parameter #arg
### video overlay options:
nopreview = no
fullscreen = no
# osd-layer = 2
# opacity = 255
### preview window <x, y, w, h>:
preview = 480
preview = 240
preview = 320
preview = 240
### post-processing options:
# text-overlay = yes
# text-filename = /usr/share/uv4l/raspicam/text.json
# object-detection = yes
# object-detection-mode = accurate_tracking
# min-object-size = 80
# min-object-size = 80
# main-classifier = /usr/share/uv4l/raspicam/lbpcascade_frontalface.xml
# secondary-classifier =/usr/share/uv4l/raspicam/lbpcascade_frontalface.xml
### image settings options:
# sharpness = 0
# contrast = 0
# brightness = 50
# saturation = 0
# iso = 400
# vstab = yes
# ev = 0
# exposure = auto
# awb = auto
# imgfx = none
# metering = average
# rotation = 0
# hflip = no
# vflip = no
# shutter-speed = 0
# drc = off
# red-gain = 100
# blue-gain = 100
# text-annotation = HelloWorld!
# text-annotation-background = yes
### ROI <x, y, w, h> normalized to [0, 1]
# roi = 0
# roi = 0
# roi = 1
# roi = 1
### ISP blocks
# black-level-compensation = yes
# lens-shading = yes
# automatic-defective-pixel-correlation = yes
# white-balance-gain = yes
# crosstalk = yes
# gamma = yes
# sharpening = yes
### TC358743 HDMI to MIPI converter options:
# tc358743 = no
# tc358743-i2c-dev = /dev/i2c-1
# tc358743-init-command = /usr/share/uv4l/raspicam/tc358743_init.sh
# tc358743-no-signal-fallthrough = no
### advanced options:
# statistics = yes
# output-buffers = 3
### serial Number & License Key:
# serial-number = #arg
# license-key = #arg
# streaming server options
### path to a separate config file that will be parsed by the streaming server
### module directly when it's loaded,
### in which you are allowed to specify all the streaming server options
### listed below in the short form "option=value" instead of the longer
### "--server-option = --option=value" form that you must use
### in this configuration file.
#server-config-file = #path
# server-option = --port=8080
# server-option = --bind-host-address=localhost
# server-option = --md5-passwords=no
# server-option = --user-password=myp4ssw0rd
# server-option = --admin-password=myp4ssw0rd
### To enable 'config' user authentication
# server-option = --config-password=myp4ssw0rd
### HTTPS options:
server-option = --use-ssl=yes
server-option = --ssl-private-key-file=/home/pi/selfsign.key
server-option = --ssl-certificate-file=/home/pi/selfsign.crt
### WebRTC options:
server-option = --enable-webrtc=yes
# server-option = --enable-webrtc-datachannels=yes
# server-option = --webrtc-datachannel-label=uv4l
# server-option = --webrtc-datachannel-socket=/tmp/uv4l.socket
server-option = --enable-webrtc-video=yes
server-option = --enable-webrtc-audio=yes
# server-option = --webrtc-receive-video=yes
# server-option = --webrtc-receive-datachannels=no
# server-option = --webrtc-received-datachannel-socket=/tmp/uv4l.socket
server-option = --webrtc-receive-audio=yes
server-option = --webrtc-received-audio-volume=10.0
# server-option = --webrtc-prerenderer-smoothing=yes
# server-option = --webrtc-recdevice-index=0
# server-option = --webrtc-vad=yes
# server-option = --webrtc-echo-cancellation=no
# server-option = --webrtc-preferred-vcodec=0
# server-option = --webrtc-enable-hw-codec=yes
# server-option = --webrtc-hw-vcodec-minbitrate=256
# server-option = --webrtc-hw-vcodec-maxbitrate=4000
# server-option = --webrtc-hw-vcodec-startbitrate=1200
server-option = --webrtc-max-playout-delay=34
# server-option = --webrtc-cpu-overuse-detection=no
# server-option = --webrtc-combined-audiovideo-bwe=no
# server-option = --webrtc-stun-urls=stun:stun.l.google.com:19302
# server-option = --webrtc-ice-servers=[{"urls": "stun:stun1.example.net"}, {"urls": "turn:turn.example.org", "username": "user", "credential": "myPassword"}]
# server-option = --webrtc-stun-server=yes
# server-option = --webrtc-tcp-candidate-policy=1
# server-option = --webrtc-rtcp-mux-policy=0
# server-option = --webrtc-enable-dscp=no
# server-option = --webrtc-ignore-loopback=yes
### video rendering window positions and sizes on the display.
### for each window, default values can be optionally overridden, but if you
### do this you must specify one line for each of the four x, y, width, height
### window properties (in that order).
### If fullscreen is set the image is stretched to the maximum available display
### resolution from the specified size.
### window 1
# server-option = --webrtc-renderer-window=0
# server-option = --webrtc-renderer-window=0
# server-option = --webrtc-renderer-window=480
# server-option = --webrtc-renderer-window=352
# server-option = --webrtc-renderer-fullscreen=no
# server-option = --webrtc-renderer-rotation=180
# server-option = --webrtc-renderer-opacity=255
### window 2
# server-option = --webrtc-renderer2-window=480
# server-option = --webrtc-renderer2-window=0
# server-option = --webrtc-renderer2-window=320
# server-option = --webrtc-renderer2-window=240
### window 3
# server-option = --webrtc-renderer3-window=0
# server-option = --webrtc-renderer3-window=352
# server-option = --webrtc-renderer3-window=176
# server-option = --webrtc-renderer3-window=128
### XMPP options:
# server-option = --xmpp-server=lambada.jitsi.net
# server-option = --xmpp-port=5222
# server-option = --xmpp-muc-domain=meet.jit.si
# server-option = --xmpp-room=room
# server-option = --xmpp-room-password=room_password
# server-option = --xmpp-username=me
# server-option = --xmpp-password=mypassword
# server-option = --xmpp-reconnect=yes
# server-option = --xmpp-bosh-enable
# server-option = --xmpp-bosh-tls
# server-option = --xmpp-bosh-server
# server-option = --xmpp-bosh-port
# server-option = --xmpp-bosh-hostname
# server-option = --xmpp-bosh-path
# server-option = --xmpp-bridge-host=localhost
# server-option = --xmpp-bridge-port=7999
### Janus WebRTC Gateway options:
# server-option = --janus-gateway-url=http://janus.conf.meetecho.com:8088
# server-option = --janus-gateway-root=/janus
# server-option = --janus-room=1234
# server-option = --janus-room-pin=#pin
# server-option = --janus-username=test
# server-option = --janus-token=#token
# server-option = --janus-proxy-host=#host
# server-option = --janus-proxy-port=80
# server-option = --janus-proxy-username=#user
# server-option = --janus-proxy-password=#password
# server-option = --janus-proxy-bypass=#regex
# server-option = --janus-force-hw-vcodec=no
# server-option = --janus-video-format=#code
# server-option = --janus-publish=yes
# server-option = --janus-subscribe=no
# server-option = --janus-reconnect=yes
### Fine-tuning options:
# server-option = --connection-timeout=15
# server-option = --enable-keepalive=yes
# server-option = --max-keepalive-requests=0
# server-option = --keepalive-timeout=7
# server-option = --max-queued-connections=8
# server-option = --max-streams=3
# server-option = --max-threads=5
# server-option = --thread-idle-time=10
# server-option = --chuncked-transfer-encoding=yes
### Advanced options:
# server-option = --frame-timeout=5000
# server-option = --frame-buffers=auto
### These options are specific to the HTTP/HTTPS Server
### serving custom Web pages only:
server-option = --enable-www-server=yes
server-option = --www-root-path=/usr/share/uv4l/demos/facedetection/
server-option = --www-index-file=index.html
server-option = --www-port=443
# server-option = --www-bind-host-address=#host
# server-option = --www-password=#password
server-option = --www-use-ssl=yes
server-option = --www-ssl-private-key-file=/home/pi/selfsign.key
server-option = --www-ssl-certificate-file=/home/pi/selfsign.crt
# server-option = --www-connection-timeout=15
# server-option = --www-enable-keepalive=no
# server-option = --www-max-keepalive-requests=0
# server-option = --www-keepalive-timeout=7
# server-option = --www-max-queued-connections=8
# server-option = --www-max-threads=4
# server-option = --www-thread-idle-time=10
# server-option = --www-chuncked-transfer-encoding=no
# server-option = --www-set-etag-header=yes
server-option = --www-webrtc-signaling-path=/webrtc
### Other options:
# server-option = --editable-config-file=#path
# server-option = --enable-control-panel=yes
# server-option = --enable-rest-api=yes