Добавление кнопки в заголовок (например, Firefox 4) в VB.NET и WPF или WinForms в XP или Vista/7
Мне было интересно, можно ли добавить кнопку в строку заголовка на vb.net - я нашел способ сделать это в одном или другом, но возможно ли сделать это на обоих?
Вот код, который работает, если Aero отключен (импортирует System.RunTime.InteropServices):
Private Const WM_NCPAINT As Integer = 133
Private Const WM_NCMOUSEMOVE As Integer = 160
Private Const WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN As Integer = 161
Private Const WM_NCLBUTTONUP As Integer = 162
Private Const WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK As Integer = 163
Private Const WM_NCACTIVATE As Integer = 134
Private Const WM_NCMOUSELEAVE As Integer = 674
Private TitleBarButtonRectangle As Rectangle
Private TitleBarButtonState As ButtonState
Private TitleBarMouseIsDown As Boolean
Private Enum ButtonState As Byte
End Enum
Protected Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef m As System.Windows.Forms.Message)
'Process the non client area messages here.
Select Case m.Msg
'process the message and reset the <strong class="highlight">button</strong> to the normal state
'and draw it. This will draw the initial <strong class="highlight">button</strong> and repaint it
'if the title bar needs a paint update.
TitleBarButtonState = ButtonState.Normal
TitleBarMouseIsDown = False
'The mouse is moving in the non client area.
If TitleBarButtonRectangle.Contains(GetNonClientPoint(CInt(m.LParam))) Then
'the mouse is in the <strong class="highlight">button</strong>
'If the mouse is down then draw it pressed if not already
'If the mouse is not down then draw it hot if not already
If TitleBarMouseIsDown Then
If TitleBarButtonState <> ButtonState.Pressed Then
TitleBarButtonState = ButtonState.Pressed
End If
If TitleBarButtonState <> ButtonState.Hot Then
TitleBarButtonState = ButtonState.Hot
End If
End If
'The mouse is not in the <strong class="highlight">button</strong>.
'If the mouse is down then draw it hot, when the
'mouse moves back into the <strong class="highlight">button</strong> it will be redrawn pressed.
'Otherwise draw it normal if its not already.
If TitleBarMouseIsDown Then
If TitleBarButtonState <> ButtonState.Hot Then
TitleBarButtonState = ButtonState.Hot
End If
If TitleBarButtonState <> ButtonState.Normal Then
TitleBarButtonState = ButtonState.Normal
End If
End If
End If
'When the mouse is down and it leaves the window
'it will remain in its hot or pressed state. when the
'mouse is let up outside the window and moved it will
'recieve a message to repaint.
'Process all the mouse moves.
'Left mouse <strong class="highlight">button</strong> has been held down in the non client area
'If the mouse is inside the <strong class="highlight">button</strong> then change its state to pressed
'and redraw it. Store that the mouse is down.
If TitleBarButtonRectangle.Contains(GetNonClientPoint(CInt(m.LParam))) Then
TitleBarButtonState = ButtonState.Pressed
TitleBarMouseIsDown = True
'process the message it was clicked somewhere in the non client
'area but not in the <strong class="highlight">button</strong>.
End If
'Mouse is being released in the non client area
If TitleBarMouseIsDown AndAlso TitleBarButtonRectangle.Contains(GetNonClientPoint(CInt(m.LParam))) Then
'The mouse was down and the mouse is in the <strong class="highlight">button</strong>.
'It has been pressed.
TitleBarButtonState = ButtonState.Hot
MsgBox("The Titlebar button was clicked")
'Process the message and reset the <strong class="highlight">button</strong> to normal if its not already.
If TitleBarButtonState <> ButtonState.Normal Then
TitleBarButtonState = ButtonState.Normal
End If
End If
'Reset that the mouse is down
TitleBarMouseIsDown = False
'Mouse has been double clicked in the non client area.
'If the cursor is in the <strong class="highlight">button</strong> then don't process the double click
'If processed the form will change window states.
If Not TitleBarButtonRectangle.Contains(GetNonClientPoint(CInt(m.LParam))) Then
End If
Case Else
'Process the regular messages
End Select
End Sub
Private Function GetNonClientPoint(ByVal lParam As Integer) As Point
'The lo word in the lparam is the x coordinate and the hi word is the y.
'The coordinates are in screen coordinates so subtract the location of the
'form to get the location <strong class="highlight">on</strong> the title bar. This will have to be adjusted.
'There will be issues <strong class="highlight">on</strong> mdi forms.
Dim ScreenPoint As New Point(CInt(lParam And Short.MaxValue), CInt(lParam >> 16))
Return ScreenPoint - CType(Me.Location, Size)
End Function
Private Sub DrawButton(ByVal buttonState As ButtonState)
'Gets the graphics to the entire window.
'Draws a visual style <strong class="highlight">button</strong>.
'Draw your own graphics here.
'If using the visual style renderer then you will need
'any alternate drawing mode in case the renderer is not
'supported. ControlPaint will draw a <strong class="highlight">button</strong> without
'visual styles.
Dim EntireWindowGraphics As Graphics = Graphics.FromHdc(GetWindowDC(Me.Handle))
Dim StrFrmt As New StringFormat
StrFrmt.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center
StrFrmt.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center
StrFrmt.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap
StrFrmt.Trimming = StringTrimming.EllipsisCharacter
Select Case buttonState
Case Form1.ButtonState.Normal
If VisualStyles.VisualStyleRenderer.IsSupported Then
Dim VisualRenderer As New VisualStyles.VisualStyleRenderer(VisualStyles.VisualStyleElement.Button.PushButton.Normal)
VisualRenderer.DrawBackground(EntireWindowGraphics, TitleBarButtonRectangle)
ControlPaint.DrawButton(EntireWindowGraphics, TitleBarButtonRectangle, Windows.Forms.ButtonState.Normal)
End If
Case Form1.ButtonState.Hot
If VisualStyles.VisualStyleRenderer.IsSupported Then
Dim VisualRenderer As New VisualStyles.VisualStyleRenderer(VisualStyles.VisualStyleElement.Button.PushButton.Hot)
VisualRenderer.DrawBackground(EntireWindowGraphics, TitleBarButtonRectangle)
ControlPaint.DrawButton(EntireWindowGraphics, TitleBarButtonRectangle, Windows.Forms.ButtonState.Normal)
End If
Case Form1.ButtonState.Pressed
If VisualStyles.VisualStyleRenderer.IsSupported Then
Dim VisualRenderer As New VisualStyles.VisualStyleRenderer(VisualStyles.VisualStyleElement.Button.PushButton.Pressed)
VisualRenderer.DrawBackground(EntireWindowGraphics, TitleBarButtonRectangle)
ControlPaint.DrawButton(EntireWindowGraphics, TitleBarButtonRectangle, Windows.Forms.ButtonState.Pushed)
End If
End Select
EntireWindowGraphics.TextRenderingHint = Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit
EntireWindowGraphics.DrawString("Click Me", Me.Font, Brushes.Black, TitleBarButtonRectangle, StrFrmt)
End Sub
Private Sub SizeButton()
'This is hard coded for a sizable 3d window border.
'Other properties of the systemInformation class can
'adjust for fixed and single borders.
'if the window is maximized then its sizing border will not be
'displayed so the y is set to the bordersize and the height of the <strong class="highlight">button</strong>
'is set to the caption height. If its not maximized the y is set to
'0 and the <strong class="highlight">button</strong> height is set to the caption height plus the border size.
If Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal Then
TitleBarButtonRectangle.Y = 0
TitleBarButtonRectangle.Height = SystemInformation.CaptionHeight + SystemInformation.HorizontalResizeBorderThickness
TitleBarButtonRectangle.Y = SystemInformation.HorizontalResizeBorderThickness
TitleBarButtonRectangle.Height = SystemInformation.CaptionHeight
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_SizeChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.SizeChanged
'Change the size of the <strong class="highlight">button</strong>.
'May have been maximized or normalized
End Sub
'Gets the graphics to the entire window.
<DllImport("user32.dll")> Public Shared Function GetWindowDC(ByVal hWnd As IntPtr) As IntPtr
End Function
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
TitleBarButtonRectangle = New Rectangle(30, 0, 75, 25)
End Sub
Но когда Aero отключен, кнопка не появляется, хотя она все еще вызывает событие, если щелкнуть область.
У кого-нибудь есть идея?
1 ответ
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