Будет ли использование библиотеки Django-Mptt для определения обхода дерева моделей в моем приложении Django повредить производительности моих приложений?
Я использую библиотеку django-mptt django в моих моделях django для хранения иерархических данных в базе данных.
Я построил API бухгалтерского учета, в котором при определении учетных записей есть корневые,родительские и дочерние учетные записи, например, root
счет может быть Assets
затем Cash Account
будет классифицироваться как учетная запись актива.
Мой вопрос был, если использование этой библиотеки будет стоить мне особенно производительности. Если кто-то использовал ее, пожалуйста, совет.
Ниже приведена иллюстрация того, как выглядит моя модель:
class Account(MPTTModel):
""" Represents an account
An account may have a parent, and may have zero or more children. Only root
accounts can have an account_type, all child accounts are assumed to have the same
account_type as their parent.
An account's balance is calculated as the sum of all of the transaction Leg's
referencing the account.
uuid (SmallUUID): UUID for account. Use to prevent leaking of IDs (if desired).
name (str): Name of the account. Required.
parent (Account|None): Parent account, none if root account
code (str): Account code. Must combine with account codes of parent
accounts to get fully qualified account code.
account_type (str):Also identified as account classification - Type of account as defined by :attr:`Account.TYPES`. Can only be set on
root accounts. Child accounts are assumed to have the same type as their parent.
TYPES (Choices): Available account types. Uses ``Choices`` from ``django-model-utils``. Types can be
accessed in the choice field ``Account.TYPES.asset``, ``Account.TYPES.expense``, etc.
is_bank_account (bool): Is this a bank account. This implies we can import bank statements into #TODO implement bank statement import in future
it and that it only supports a single currency.
TYPES = Choices(
("AS", "asset", "Asset"), # Eg. Cash in bank
("LI", "liability", "Liability"), # Eg. Loans, bills paid after the fact (in arrears)
("IN", "income", "Income"), # Eg. Sales, housemate contributions
("EX", "expense", "Expense"), # Eg. Office supplies, paying bills
("EQ", "equity", "Equity"), # Eg. Money from shares
("TR", "trading", "Currency Trading"), # Used to represent currency conversions
("OR", "operating_revenues", "Operating Revenues"),
("OX", "operating_expenses", "Operating Expenses"),
("NR", "nonoperating_revenues", "Non-Operating Revenues"),
("NX", "nonoperating_expenses", "Non-Operating Expenses"),
uuid = SmallUUIDField(default=uuid_default(), editable=False)
name = models.CharField(max_length=255,blank=True, null=True)
parent = TreeForeignKey(
code = models.CharField(max_length=3, null=True, blank=True)
full_code = models.CharField(max_length=100, db_index=True, unique=True, null=True, blank=True)
account_type = models.CharField(max_length=255,choices=TYPES, blank=True)
# is_bank_account = models.BooleanField(default=False, blank=True,)
currencies = ArrayField(models.CharField(max_length=255, db_index=True))
organization = models.IntegerField(null=False, blank=False)
objects = AccountManager.from_queryset(AccountQuerySet)()