Как добавить кнопку очистки в виджет TextField

Есть ли правильный способ добавить кнопку очистки в виджет TextField во флаттере?

как эта картина в руководящих принципах материнского дизайна: введите описание изображения здесь

То, что я нашел, это установить четкую иконку в суффиксе InputDecorationIcon. Это правильный путь?

20 ответов


Создать переменную

var _controller = TextEditingController();

И ваш TextField:

  controller: _controller,
  decoration: InputDecoration(
    hintText: "Enter a message",
    suffixIcon: IconButton(
      onPressed: () => _controller.clear(),
      icon: Icon(Icons.clear),
            margin: EdgeInsets.only(left: 16.0),
            child: TextFormField(
              controller: _username,
              decoration: InputDecoration(
                  hintText: '请输入工号',
                  filled: true,
                  prefixIcon: Icon(
                    size: 28.0,
                  suffixIcon: IconButton(
                      icon: Icon(Icons.remove),
                      onPressed: () {

использовать iconButton

Попробуй это -

final TextEditingController _controller = new TextEditingController();
new Stack(
            alignment: const Alignment(1.0, 1.0),
            children: <Widget>[
              new TextField(controller: _controller,),
              new FlatButton(
                  onPressed: () {
                  child: new Icon(Icons.clear))

Вот еще один ответ, немного расширивший ответ @Vilokan Lab, который на самом деле не делал этого для меня, поскольку FlatButton имеет минимальную ширину 88,0, и, таким образом, кнопка очистки вообще не выровнена по правому краю с TextField.

Итак, я сделал свой собственный класс кнопок и применил его с помощью стека, вот мой процесс:

Класс кнопки:

class CircleIconButton extends StatelessWidget {
final double size;
final Function onPressed;
final IconData icon;

CircleIconButton({this.size = 30.0, this.icon = Icons.clear, this.onPressed});

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return InkWell(
    onTap: this.onPressed,
    child: SizedBox(
        width: size,
        height: size,
        child: Stack(
          alignment: Alignment(0.0, 0.0), // all centered
          children: <Widget>[
              width: size,
              height: size,
              decoration: BoxDecoration(
                  shape: BoxShape.circle, color: Colors.grey[300]),
              size: size * 0.6, // 60% width for icon

Затем примените так, как InputDecoration в ваш TextField:

var myTextField = TextField(
  controller: _textController,
  decoration: InputDecoration(
      hintText: "Caption",
      suffixIcon: CircleIconButton(
        onPressed: () {
          this.setState(() {

Чтобы получить это:

Невыделенное состояние

Выделенное / выбранное состояние.

Обратите внимание, эта окраска предоставляется бесплатно при использовании suffixIcon,

Обратите внимание, что вы также можете поместить его в свой TextField следующим образом, но вы не получите автоцвет, который вы получите при использовании suffixIcon:

var myTextFieldView = Stack(
  alignment: Alignment(1.0,0.0), // right & center
  children: <Widget>[
      controller: _textController,
      decoration: InputDecoration(hintText: "Caption"),
      child: CircleIconButton(
        onPressed: () {
          this.setState(() {

Поиск TextField со значком и кнопкой очистки

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

  class SearchTextField extends StatefulWidget{
    State<StatefulWidget> createState() {
      // TODO: implement createState
      return new SearchTextFieldState();

  class SearchTextFieldState extends State<SearchTextField>{
    final TextEditingController _textController = new TextEditingController();

    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      // TODO: implement build
      return new Row(children: <Widget>[
        new Icon(Icons.search, color: _textController.text.length>0?Colors.lightBlueAccent:Colors.grey,),
        new SizedBox(width: 10.0,),
        new Expanded(child: new Stack(
            alignment: const Alignment(1.0, 1.0),
            children: <Widget>[
              new TextField(
                decoration: InputDecoration(hintText: 'Search'),
                onChanged: (text){
                  setState(() {
                controller: _textController,),
              _textController.text.length>0?new IconButton(icon: new Icon(Icons.clear), onPressed: () {
                setState(() {
              }):new Container(height: 0.0,)

TextEditingController используется для проверки текущего состояния текста, где мы можем решить, можем ли мы показать значок отмены или нет, в зависимости от доступности текста.

        var _usernameController = TextEditingController();

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: Padding(
        padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16.0),
        child: Center(
          child: TextField(
            controller: _usernameController,
            onChanged: (text) {
              setState(() {});
            decoration: InputDecoration(
                labelText: 'Username',
                suffixIcon: _usernameController.text.length > 0
                    ? IconButton(
                        onPressed: () {
                          setState(() {});
                        icon: Icon(Icons.cancel, color: Colors.grey))
                    : null),


                  decoration: InputDecoration(
                    suffixIcon: IconButton(
                      onPressed: (){
                      icon: Icon(
                      color: Colors.blue,

                  decoration: InputDecoration(
                    suffixIcon: IconButton(
                      onPressed: (){
                      icon: Icon(
                      color: Colors.blue,


Вот фрагмент моего работающего кода.

Что он делает: показывать кнопку очистки, только если значение текстового поля не пусто

class _MyTextFieldState extends State<MyTextField> {
  TextEditingController _textController;
  bool _wasEmpty;

  void initState() {
    _textController = TextEditingController(text: widget.initialValue);
    _wasEmpty = _textController.text.isEmpty;
    _textController.addListener(() {
      if (_wasEmpty != _textController.text.isEmpty) {
        setState(() => {_wasEmpty = _textController.text.isEmpty});

  void dispose() {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return TextFormField(
          controller: _textController,
          decoration: InputDecoration(
            labelText: widget.label,
            suffixIcon: _textController.text.isNotEmpty
                ? Padding(
                    padding: const EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: 12.0),
                    child: IconButton(
                      iconSize: 16.0,
                      icon: Icon(Icons.cancel, color: Colors.grey,),
                      onPressed: () {
                        setState(() {
                : null,
suffixIcon: IconButton(
  icon: Icon(
onPressed: () {
  _controllerx.text = '';

Не хотел идти по маршруту StatefulWidget. Вот пример использования TextEditingController и StatelessWidget (когда провайдеры отправляют обновления). Держу контроллер в статическом поле.

class _SearchBar extends StatelessWidget {
  static var _controller = TextEditingController();

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    var dictionary = Provider.of<Dictionary>(context);

    return TextField(
        controller: _controller,
        autofocus: true,
        onChanged: (text) {
          dictionary.lookupWord = text;
        style: TextStyle(fontSize: 20.0),
        decoration: InputDecoration(
            border: InputBorder.none,
            hintText: 'Search',
            suffix: GestureDetector(
              onTap: () {
                dictionary.lookupWord = '';
              child: Text('x'),

Добавить значок внутри текстового поля. Вы должны использовать SuffixIcon или prefixIcon внутри оформления ввода.

    autofocus: false,
    obscureText: true,
    decoration: InputDecoration(
       labelText: 'Password',
       suffixIcon: Icon(
                    size: 20.0,
       border: OutlineInputBorder(
       borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(0.0)),
      hintText: 'Enter Password',
      contentPadding: EdgeInsets.all(10.0),

Если вам нужен готовый к использованию виджет, который вы можете просто поместить в файл, а затем иметь многоразовый элемент, который вы можете использовать везде, вставив ClearableTextField(), используйте этот фрагмент кода:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class ClearableTexfield extends StatefulWidget {
    Key key,
    this.hintText = 'Enter text'
  }) : super(key: key);

  final TextEditingController controller;
  final String hintText;

  State<StatefulWidget> createState() {
    return _ClearableTextfieldState();

class _ClearableTextfieldState extends State<ClearableTexfield> {
  bool _showClearButton = false;

  void initState() {
    widget.controller.addListener(() {
      setState(() {
        _showClearButton = widget.controller.text.length > 0;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return TextField(
      controller: widget.controller,
      decoration: InputDecoration(
        hintText: widget.hintText,
        suffixIcon: _getClearButton(),

  Widget _getClearButton() {
    if (!_showClearButton) {
      return null;

    return IconButton(
      onPressed: () => widget.controller.clear(),
      icon: Icon(Icons.clear),

Дополнительные объяснения можно найти на этой странице:


Он также основан на IconButton, но имеет то преимущество, что кнопка очистки отображается только при наличии текста внутри текстового поля.

Выглядит так:

Вы также можете использовать TextFormField. Сначала создайте ключ формы. final _formKeylogin = GlobalKey<FormState>();

      Form(key: _formKeylogin,
                child: Column(
                  children: [
                      margin: EdgeInsets.all(20.0),
                      child: TextFormField(
                        style: TextStyle(color: WHITE),
                        textInputAction: TextInputAction.next,
                        onChanged: (companyName) {
                        validator: (companyName) {
                          if (companyName.isEmpty) {
                            return 'Please enter company Name';
                          } else {
                            return null;

И в методе OnTap или onPress.


(Aug 19, 2021) Robust solution based on the code written by the Flutter team

Here is a fully reusuable with maximum configuration, most of the code for this clearable text field here is from the commits on Apr 1, 2021 of the Flutter team for the built-in . The accepts the same params as and works similarly to the built-in .

      import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';

// A [TextFormField] with a clear button
class ClearableTextFormField extends FormField<String> {
  /// Creates a [FormField] that contains a [TextField].
  /// When a [controller] is specified, [initialValue] must be null (the
  /// default). If [controller] is null, then a [TextEditingController]
  /// will be constructed automatically and its `text` will be initialized
  /// to [initialValue] or the empty string.
  /// For documentation about the various parameters, see the [TextField] class
  /// and [new TextField], the constructor.
    Key? key,
    String? initialValue,
    FocusNode? focusNode,
    InputDecoration decoration = const InputDecoration(),
    TextInputType? keyboardType,
    TextCapitalization textCapitalization = TextCapitalization.none,
    TextInputAction? textInputAction,
    TextStyle? style,
    StrutStyle? strutStyle,
    TextDirection? textDirection,
    TextAlign textAlign = TextAlign.start,
    TextAlignVertical? textAlignVertical,
    bool autofocus = false,
    bool readOnly = false,
    ToolbarOptions? toolbarOptions,
    bool? showCursor,
    String obscuringCharacter = '•',
    bool obscureText = false,
    bool autocorrect = true,
    SmartDashesType? smartDashesType,
    SmartQuotesType? smartQuotesType,
    bool enableSuggestions = true,
    MaxLengthEnforcement? maxLengthEnforcement,
    int? maxLines = 1,
    int? minLines,
    bool expands = false,
    int? maxLength,
    ValueChanged<String>? onChanged,
    GestureTapCallback? onTap,
    VoidCallback? onEditingComplete,
    ValueChanged<String>? onFieldSubmitted,
    FormFieldSetter<String>? onSaved,
    FormFieldValidator<String>? validator,
    List<TextInputFormatter>? inputFormatters,
    bool? enabled,
    double cursorWidth = 2.0,
    double? cursorHeight,
    Radius? cursorRadius,
    Color? cursorColor,
    Brightness? keyboardAppearance,
    EdgeInsets scrollPadding = const EdgeInsets.all(20.0),
    bool enableInteractiveSelection = true,
    TextSelectionControls? selectionControls,
    InputCounterWidgetBuilder? buildCounter,
    ScrollPhysics? scrollPhysics,
    Iterable<String>? autofillHints,
    AutovalidateMode? autovalidateMode,
    ScrollController? scrollController,

    // Features
    this.resetIcon = const Icon(Icons.close),
  })  : assert(initialValue == null || controller == null),
        assert(obscuringCharacter.length == 1),
          maxLengthEnforcement == null,
          'maxLengthEnforced is deprecated, use only maxLengthEnforcement',
        assert(maxLines == null || maxLines > 0),
        assert(minLines == null || minLines > 0),
          (maxLines == null) || (minLines == null) || (maxLines >= minLines),
          "minLines can't be greater than maxLines",
          !expands || (maxLines == null && minLines == null),
          'minLines and maxLines must be null when expands is true.',
        assert(!obscureText || maxLines == 1,
            'Obscured fields cannot be multiline.'),
        assert(maxLength == null || maxLength > 0),
          key: key,
              controller != null ? controller.text : (initialValue ?? ''),
          onSaved: onSaved,
          validator: validator,
          enabled: enabled ?? true,
          autovalidateMode: autovalidateMode ?? AutovalidateMode.disabled,
          builder: (FormFieldState<String> field) {
            final _ClearableTextFormFieldState state =
                field as _ClearableTextFormFieldState;
            final InputDecoration effectiveDecoration = decoration
            void onChangedHandler(String value) {
              if (onChanged != null) onChanged(value);

            return Focus(
              onFocusChange: (hasFocus) => state.setHasFocus(hasFocus),
              child: TextField(
                controller: state._effectiveController,
                focusNode: focusNode,
                decoration: effectiveDecoration.copyWith(
                  errorText: field.errorText,
                      ((field.value?.length ?? -1) > 0 && state.hasFocus)
                          ? IconButton(
                              icon: resetIcon,
                              onPressed: () => state.clear(),
                              color: Theme.of(state.context).hintColor,
                          : null,
                keyboardType: keyboardType,
                textInputAction: textInputAction,
                style: style,
                strutStyle: strutStyle,
                textAlign: textAlign,
                textAlignVertical: textAlignVertical,
                textDirection: textDirection,
                textCapitalization: textCapitalization,
                autofocus: autofocus,
                toolbarOptions: toolbarOptions,
                readOnly: readOnly,
                showCursor: showCursor,
                obscuringCharacter: obscuringCharacter,
                obscureText: obscureText,
                autocorrect: autocorrect,
                smartDashesType: smartDashesType ??
                        ? SmartDashesType.disabled
                        : SmartDashesType.enabled),
                smartQuotesType: smartQuotesType ??
                        ? SmartQuotesType.disabled
                        : SmartQuotesType.enabled),
                enableSuggestions: enableSuggestions,
                maxLengthEnforcement: maxLengthEnforcement,
                maxLines: maxLines,
                minLines: minLines,
                expands: expands,
                maxLength: maxLength,
                onChanged: onChangedHandler,
                onTap: onTap,
                onEditingComplete: onEditingComplete,
                onSubmitted: onFieldSubmitted,
                inputFormatters: inputFormatters,
                enabled: enabled ?? true,
                cursorWidth: cursorWidth,
                cursorHeight: cursorHeight,
                cursorRadius: cursorRadius,
                cursorColor: cursorColor,
                scrollPadding: scrollPadding,
                scrollPhysics: scrollPhysics,
                keyboardAppearance: keyboardAppearance,
                enableInteractiveSelection: enableInteractiveSelection,
                selectionControls: selectionControls,
                buildCounter: buildCounter,
                autofillHints: autofillHints,
                scrollController: scrollController,

  /// Controls the text being edited.
  /// If null, this widget will create its own [TextEditingController] and
  /// initialize its [TextEditingController.text] with [initialValue].
  final TextEditingController? controller;
  final Icon resetIcon;

  _ClearableTextFormFieldState createState() => _ClearableTextFormFieldState();

class _ClearableTextFormFieldState extends FormFieldState<String> {
  TextEditingController? _controller;
  bool hasFocus = false;

  TextEditingController get _effectiveController =>
      widget.controller ?? _controller!;

  ClearableTextFormField get widget => super.widget as ClearableTextFormField;

  void initState() {
    if (widget.controller == null)
      _controller = TextEditingController(text: widget.initialValue);

  void didUpdateWidget(ClearableTextFormField oldWidget) {
    if (widget.controller != oldWidget.controller) {

      if (oldWidget.controller != null && widget.controller == null)
        _controller =
      if (widget.controller != null) {
        if (oldWidget.controller == null) _controller = null;

  void dispose() {

  void didChange(String? value) {

    if (_effectiveController.text != value)
      _effectiveController.text = value ?? '';

  void reset() {
    // setState will be called in the superclass, so even though state is being
    // manipulated, no setState call is needed here.
    _effectiveController.text = widget.initialValue ?? '';

  void setHasFocus(bool b) => setState(() => hasFocus = b);

  void _handleControllerChanged() {
    // Suppress changes that originated from within this class.
    // In the case where a controller has been passed in to this widget, we
    // register this change listener. In these cases, we'll also receive change
    // notifications for changes originating from within this class -- for
    // example, the reset() method. In such cases, the FormField value will
    // already have been set.
    if (_effectiveController.text != value)

  /// Invoked by the clear suffix icon to clear everything in the [FormField]
  void clear() {
    WidgetsBinding.instance!.addPostFrameCallback((_) {

Read more about the assert statement in the Dart language doc.

Below are the explanations for the additional code added to the built-in

Optional resetIcon param for the ClearableTextFormField

🚀 Additional code inside _ClearableTextFormFieldState:

      /// Invoked by the clear suffix icon to clear everything in the [FormField]
  void clear() {
    WidgetsBinding.instance!.addPostFrameCallback((_) {

addPostFrameCallback() ensures the passed-in function is only called on Widget build complete (when the TextFormField has been fully built and rendered on the screen). U can read more about it in this thread.

The following state and setState allows u to keep track of the focus change in (when the field is focused or unfocused):

      bool hasFocus = false;
void setHasFocus(bool b) => setState(() => hasFocus = b);

🚀 Additional code inside the builder method of the extended FormField<String> (the super() parts):

Hide the clear button when the field's value is empty or null:

((field.value?.length ?? -1) > 0 && state.hasFocus)
    ? IconButton(
        icon: resetIcon,
        onPressed: () => state.clear(),
        color: Theme.of(state.context).hintColor,
    : null,

Rebuild the TextField on focus and unfocus to show and hide the clear button:

  onFocusChange: (hasFocus) => state.setHasFocus(hasFocus),
  child: TextField(// more code here...),

Чтобы очистить кнопку, когда ввод не пустой и с фокусом.

Создайте переменную контроллера:

      //Clear inputs
final _nameInputcontroller = TextEditingController();

Создайте FocusNode:

      late FocusNode focusNodeNameInput;

void initState() {

 //FocusNode for all inputs
 focusNodeNameInput = FocusNode();
 focusNodeNameInput.addListener(() {
  setState(() {});

void dispose() {
 // Clean up the focus node when the Form is disposed.


И TextFormField:

 controller: _nameInputcontroller,
 focusNode: focusNodeNameInput,
 decoration: InputDecoration(
  labelText: LocaleKeys.name.tr(),
  labelStyle: TextStyle(
   color: focusNodeNameInput.hasFocus ? AppColors.MAIN_COLOR : null, 
  focusedBorder: const UnderlineInputBorder(
   borderSide: BorderSide(
    color: AppColors.MAIN_COLOR,
  suffixIcon: _nameInputcontroller.text.isNotEmpty || focusNodeNameInput.hasFocus
   ? IconButton( 
      onPressed: _nameInputcontroller.clear,
      icon: const Icon(
         color: AppColors.MAIN_COLOR,
     ) : null,

Используя пакет flutter_hooks , это может выглядеть так

      class SearchField extends HookWidget {
  const SearchField({
    required this.controller,

  final TextEditingController controller;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final StreamController<String> sc = useStreamController<String>();

    const OutlineInputBorder border = OutlineInputBorder(
      borderSide: BorderSide(
        width: 1,
        color: Color(0xFFD9D9D9),

    return TextField(
      controller: controller,
      onChanged: sc.add,
      decoration: InputDecoration(
        prefixIcon: const Icon(Icons.search),
        hintText: 'Search',
        enabledBorder: border,
        focusedBorder: border,
        suffixIcon: StreamBuilder<String>(
          stream: sc.stream,
          initialData: '',
          builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<String> snapshot) {
            if (snapshot.data!.isEmpty) return const SizedBox();

            return IconButton(
              icon: const Icon(Icons.cancel),
              onPressed: () => controller.clear(),
              icon: Icon(Icons.clear_all),
              tooltip: 'Close',
              onPressed: () { 

Для приложения Android используйте этот код

Макет (XML)

<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"



Теперь Java-код для функциональности

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity{

    SearchView searchView;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        searchView=(SearchView) findViewById(R.id.searchView);
        searchView.setQueryHint("Search View");

        searchView.setOnQueryTextListener(new SearchView.OnQueryTextListener() {

            public boolean onQueryTextSubmit(String query) {
                Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), query, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
                return false;

            public boolean onQueryTextChange(String newText) {
                Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), newText, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
                return false;

Если вы создаете сайт и нуждаетесь в таком функционале, используйте **

<input type="search"/>

** он предоставит вам крестик для удаления текста.

Другие вопросы по тегам