Буфер, закодированный pomelo-protobuf, не декодируется

    I have encoded the value which i am getting from a game server API using pomelo-protobuf and it is returning a buffer array.
    While using the returned buffer array and decoding it on the web-server side the buffer is not getting decoded.

    The protos used for encoding and decoding the message are same.
While I have called a getConnector game-server Api on the web-server it is returning result in the form of buffer array (decode by pomelo protobuf).
Then I have required the protobuf file on web-server and tried to decode i this way:
Firstly initialized the protos,
  protobuf.init({encoderProtos:protos , decoderProtos: protos});
  var decodeMsg = protobuf.decode(key, params);
Decoded the message. But it is returning an empty Object as response in decodeMsg.

Более подробную информацию о pomelo protobuf можно получить по адресу: Pomelo-Protobuf

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