Проблема запуска команды запускается автоматически при запуске приложения

Поэтому я пытаюсь изучить и Python, и BACnet, используя библиотеку BACpypes, и сейчас я немного застрял.

Я пытаюсь сделать пример приложения "WhoIs-IAm" для автоматической трансляции "IAm" при запуске, но в отношении моего навыка новичка у меня возникают проблемы при его создании.

Так что есть образец.


This application presents a 'console' prompt to the user asking for Who-Is and I-Am
commands which create the related APDUs, then lines up the coorresponding I-Am
for incoming traffic and prints out the contents.

import sys

from bacpypes.debugging import bacpypes_debugging, ModuleLogger
from bacpypes.consolelogging import ConfigArgumentParser
from bacpypes.consolecmd import ConsoleCmd

from bacpypes.core import run

from bacpypes.pdu import Address, GlobalBroadcast
from bacpypes.app import LocalDeviceObject, BIPSimpleApplication

from bacpypes.apdu import WhoIsRequest, IAmRequest
from bacpypes.basetypes import ServicesSupported
from bacpypes.errors import DecodingError

# some debugging
_debug = 0
_log = ModuleLogger(globals())

# globals
this_device = None
this_application = None
this_console = None

#   WhoIsIAmApplication

class WhoIsIAmApplication(BIPSimpleApplication):

    def __init__(self, *args):
        if _debug: WhoIsIAmApplication._debug("__init__ %r", args)
        BIPSimpleApplication.__init__(self, *args)

        # keep track of requests to line up responses
        self._request = None

    def request(self, apdu):
        if _debug: WhoIsIAmApplication._debug("request %r", apdu)

        # save a copy of the request
        self._request = apdu

        # forward it along
        BIPSimpleApplication.request(self, apdu)

    def confirmation(self, apdu):
        if _debug: WhoIsIAmApplication._debug("confirmation %r", apdu)

        # forward it along
        BIPSimpleApplication.confirmation(self, apdu)

    def indication(self, apdu):
        if _debug: WhoIsIAmApplication._debug("indication %r", apdu)

        if (isinstance(self._request, WhoIsRequest)) and (isinstance(apdu, IAmRequest)):
            device_type, device_instance = apdu.iAmDeviceIdentifier
            if device_type != 'device':
                raise DecodingError, "invalid object type"

            if (self._request.deviceInstanceRangeLowLimit is not None) and \
                (device_instance < self._request.deviceInstanceRangeLowLimit):
            elif (self._request.deviceInstanceRangeHighLimit is not None) and \
                (device_instance > self._request.deviceInstanceRangeHighLimit):
                # print out the contents
                sys.stdout.write('pduSource = ' + repr(apdu.pduSource) + '\n')
                sys.stdout.write('iAmDeviceIdentifier = ' + str(apdu.iAmDeviceIdentifier) + '\n')
                sys.stdout.write('maxAPDULengthAccepted = ' + str(apdu.maxAPDULengthAccepted) + '\n')
                sys.stdout.write('segmentationSupported = ' + str(apdu.segmentationSupported) + '\n')
                sys.stdout.write('vendorID = ' + str(apdu.vendorID) + '\n')

        # forward it along
        BIPSimpleApplication.indication(self, apdu)


#   WhoIsIAmConsoleCmd

class WhoIsIAmConsoleCmd(ConsoleCmd):

    def do_whois(self, args):
        """whois [ <addr>] [ <lolimit> <hilimit> ]"""
        args = args.split()
        if _debug: WhoIsIAmConsoleCmd._debug("do_whois %r", args)

            # build a request
            request = WhoIsRequest()
            if (len(args) == 1) or (len(args) == 3):
                request.pduDestination = Address(args[0])
                del args[0]
                request.pduDestination = GlobalBroadcast()

            if len(args) == 2:
                request.deviceInstanceRangeLowLimit = int(args[0])
                request.deviceInstanceRangeHighLimit = int(args[1])
            if _debug: WhoIsIAmConsoleCmd._debug("    - request: %r", request)

            # give it to the application

        except Exception, e:
            WhoIsIAmConsoleCmd._exception("exception: %r", e)

    def do_iam(self, args):
        args = args.split()
        if _debug: WhoIsIAmConsoleCmd._debug("do_iam %r", args)

            # build a request
            request = IAmRequest()
            request.pduDestination = GlobalBroadcast()

            # set the parameters from the device object
            request.iAmDeviceIdentifier = this_device.objectIdentifier
            request.maxAPDULengthAccepted = this_device.maxApduLengthAccepted
            request.segmentationSupported = this_device.segmentationSupported
            request.vendorID = this_device.vendorIdentifier
            if _debug: WhoIsIAmConsoleCmd._debug("    - request: %r", request)

            # give it to the application

        except Exception, e:
            WhoIsIAmConsoleCmd._exception("exception: %r", e)

    def do_rtn(self, args):
        """rtn <addr> <net> ... """
        args = args.split()
        if _debug: WhoIsIAmConsoleCmd._debug("do_rtn %r", args)

        # safe to assume only one adapter
        adapter = this_application.nsap.adapters[0]
        if _debug: WhoIsIAmConsoleCmd._debug("    - adapter: %r", adapter)

        # provide the address and a list of network numbers
        router_address = Address(args[0])
        network_list = [int(arg) for arg in args[1:]]

        # pass along to the service access point
        this_application.nsap.add_router_references(adapter, router_address, network_list)


#   __main__

    # parse the command line arguments
    args = ConfigArgumentParser(description=__doc__).parse_args()

    if _debug: _log.debug("initialization")
    if _debug: _log.debug("    - args: %r", args)

    # make a device object
    this_device = LocalDeviceObject(

    # build a bit string that knows about the bit names
    pss = ServicesSupported()
    pss['whoIs'] = 1
    pss['iAm'] = 1
    pss['readProperty'] = 1
    pss['writeProperty'] = 1

    # set the property value to be just the bits
    this_device.protocolServicesSupported = pss.value

    # make a simple application
    this_application = WhoIsIAmApplication(this_device, args.ini.address)

    # get the services supported
    services_supported = this_application.get_services_supported()
    if _debug: _log.debug("    - services_supported: %r", services_supported)

    # let the device object know
    this_device.protocolServicesSupported = services_supported.value

    # make a console
    this_console = WhoIsIAmConsoleCmd()



except Exception, e:
    _log.exception("an error has occurred: %s", e)

Я просто не знаю, как вызвать do_iam, поэтому он запускается автоматически при запуске приложения.

Любая помощь?


1 ответ

После линии this_console = WhoIsIAmConsoleCmd(), Вы можете написать this_console.do_iam('')?

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