Как заставить Intellij разрешить пакет из частного хранилища maven в аммонитном скрипте?

единственное, что в моей ситуации - как позволить intellij найти пакет в моем личном репозитории maven. Intellij выглядит не будет консультироваться для ~/.ammonite/predef.sc

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This is the event message prompt after click the run script.

Import all $ivy dependencies (present in local caches) declared in test.sc

so the question is what is this local caches, it turns out to be the coursier cache ~/.coursier/v1/https/repo1.maven.org/maven2/ and if the package exists there, then when you click the blue import link in the event message, it can resolve it. my not so elegant solution now is sync my local cache to this repository.

the next question is how to add multiple repositories which i don't have much idea yet. (the event is from Scala Library Extension, not sure if it is configurable at all)

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