Как сохранить ориентацию текста без изменений во время вращения в SVG

Я использую <g transform = "rotate(45, 10, 30)"> в svg чтобы вращать сом-круги и тексты вокруг точки в одно и то же время, я хочу сохранить ориентацию каждого отдельного шрифта одинаковой (например, всегда смотреть в одном направлении, когда текст перемещается / поворачивается).

Например, как я могу изменить метки, такие как "A" на изображении справа, чтобы исправить ориентацию после поворота?

Как мне это сделать?


1 ответ


Вместо вращения <g>roup и обратное вращение текста внутри него, попробуйте эту альтернативную группировку. Центрировать <g> вокруг origin(0,0) с отрицательным x= а также y= ценности и использование rotate(degree, 0, 0) на circle_group, затем translate(x,y) на main_group,

Изменить: вот анимированный пример, модифицированный из этого источника. Хитрость заключается в том, чтобы перемещать его вокруг начала координат с помощью тригонометрических функций sin() и cos().

<!DOCTYPE html>

<title>JavaScript SVG Animation</title>
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge"/> <!-- Remove this line in production. -->

<svg width="800px" height="800px" viewBox="0 0 800 800">
<g transform="translate(400, 400)"> <!-- Create a Cartesian coordinate system (with the y-axis flipped) for the animated square. That is, place the origin at the center of the 800 x 800 SVG viewport: -->

    <!-- A 200 x 200 square with the upper left-hand corner at (-100, -100). This places the center of the square 
    at the origin (0, 0): -->  
    <rect id="mySquare" x="-100" y="-100" width="200" height="200" rx="5" ry="5" 
        style=" fill: yellow; stroke: yellow; stroke-width: 1; stroke-dasharray: 10, 5;" />

    <!-- Represents the x-axis: -->
    <line x1="-400" y1="0" x2="400" y2="0" style="stroke: blue;" /> 

    <!-- Represents the y-axis (although up is negative and down is positive): -->  
    <line x1="0" y1="-400" x2="0" y2="400" style="stroke: blue;" /> 
    <circle cx="0" cy="0" r="141" fill="none" stroke="yellow"/>           
    <g id="circle_a">
      <circle cx="0" cy="0" r="10" fill="none" stroke="blue"/>
      <text x="-5" y="5" width="20" height="20">A</text>
    <g id="circle_b">
       <circle cx="0" cy="0" r="10" fill="none" stroke="red"/>
        <text x="-5" y="5" width="20" height="20">B</text>

"use strict";

var initialTheta = 0; // The initial rotation angle, in degrees.
var thetaDelta = 0.3; // The amount to rotate the square about every 16.7 milliseconds, in degrees.
var angularLimit = 180; // The maximum number of degrees to rotate the square.
var theSquare = document.getElementById("mySquare");
var circleA = document.getElementById("circle_a");
var circleB = document.getElementById("circle_b");

theSquare.currentTheta = initialTheta; // The initial rotation angle to use when the animation starts, stored in a custom property.

var requestAnimationFrameID = requestAnimationFrame(doAnim); // Start the loop.
function doAnim() {
  if (theSquare.currentTheta > angularLimit) {
    cancelAnimationFrame(requestAnimationFrameID); // The square has rotated enough, instruct the browser to stop calling the doAnim() function.
    return; // No point in continuing, bail now.

  theSquare.setAttribute("transform", "rotate(" + theSquare.currentTheta + ")"); // Rotate the square by a small amount.
  circleA.setAttribute("transform", "translate(" +Math.cos((theSquare.currentTheta-45)*Math.PI/180)*141 + "," + Math.sin((theSquare.currentTheta-45)*Math.PI/180)*141+")"); // Move the circle A
  circleB.setAttribute("transform", "translate(" +Math.cos((theSquare.currentTheta+45)*Math.PI/180)*141 + "," + Math.sin((theSquare.currentTheta+45)*Math.PI/180)*141+")"); // move the circle B
  theSquare.currentTheta += thetaDelta;  // Increase the angle that the square will be rotated to, by a small amount.
  requestAnimationFrameID = requestAnimationFrame(doAnim); // Call the doAnim() function about 60 times per second (60 FPS), or about once every 16.7 milliseconds until cancelAnimationFrame() is called.

Чистый SVG

  1. Вращайте всю группу элементов: треугольник, спираль и цветные кружки с буквами.
       <g id = "common"`>
<animateTransform xlink:href="#common"
       0, 75.74, 74.91;
      -360, 75.74, 74.91"
  additive="sum" />   
  1. Внутри вторая анимация вращения кругов и букв.
       <animateTransform  attributeName="transform" type="rotate" begin="svg1.click" restart="whenNotActive"
repeatCount="indefinite" dur="10s"  
    0, 56.13, 106.87;
    360, 56.13, 106.87"
additive="sum" /> 
  1. Находим координаты центра вращения букв с помощью JS-метода getBBox ()
  //Find the center of rotation of the letter A
  let bb = a1.getBBox();

Анимация начнется после нажатия

         text {
         <svg id="svg1" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" 
    xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="190px" height="190px" viewBox="0 0 150 150" version="1.1">
  <g id="common">
  <g transform="translate(-27.970238,-63.089294)">
    <circle cx="102.9" cy="138.0" r="75" fill="#faa"/> 
    <path   d="m163.7 175.2-121.5 0 60.8-105.2z" fill="#fea"/>
          <!-- Spiral -->
    <path  d="m101.3 136.5c1.1 2-2.1 2.5-3.3 1.9-3.2-1.7-2.6-6.2-0.5-8.4 3.7-4.1 10.2-2.9 13.6 0.9 5 5.6 3.3 14.3-2.3 18.8-7.4 6-18.4 3.7-23.9-3.6-7-9.2-4.1-22.5 5-29.1 11-8 26.6-4.4 34.3 6.4 9 12.8 4.8 30.7-7.8 39.4-14.6 10-34.8 5.2-44.6-9.2-11.1-16.4-5.6-39 10.6-49.7 18.2-12.1 43.1-6 54.9 11.9 13.1 19.9 6.4 47.2-13.3 60.1" style="fill:none;stroke-width:1;stroke:#6E6E6E">
    <g id="La">
    <circle cx="55.9" cy="108.0" r="12.9" fill="#efa"/>
        <text id="a1"  x="51" y="112">
           <!-- Animation of the rotation of the letter `A` -->
         <animateTransform  attributeName="transform" type="rotate" begin="svg1.click" restart="whenNotActive" repeatCount="indefinite" dur="10s"  
        values="0, 56.13, 106.87;360, 56.13, 106.87" additive="sum" /> 
    <circle cx="153.7" cy="110.3" r="12.9" fill="#efa"/>
    <text id="b1" xml:space="preserve" x="114" y="116" >
        <!-- Animation of the rotation of the letter `B` -->
       <animateTransform  attributeName="transform" type="rotate" begin="svg1.click" restart="whenNotActive" repeatCount="indefinite" dur="10s"  
        values="0, 153.7, 110.3;360, 153.7, 110.3" additive="sum" /> 
  <circle cx="105.2" cy="192.5" r="12.9" fill="#efa"   />
    <text id="c1" x="100" y="198"  >
       <!-- Animation of the rotation of the letter `C`   -->
       <animateTransform  attributeName="transform" type="rotate" begin="svg1.click" restart="whenNotActive" repeatCount="indefinite" dur="10s"  
        values="0, 104.93, 193.46;360, 104.93, 193.46" additive="sum" /> 
      <!-- Animating the rotation of the entire shape   -->
   <animateTransform xlink:href="#common" attributeName="transform" type="rotate" begin="svg1.click" restart="whenNotActive" repeatCount="indefinite" dur="10s"  
        values="0, 75.74, 74.91;-360, 75.74, 74.91" additive="sum" />   
  //Find the center of rotation of the letter A
  let bb = a1.getBBox();

Пример с добавлением анимации движения мяча по спирали

         text {
         <svg id="svg1" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" 
    xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="190px" height="190px" viewBox="0 0 150 150" version="1.1">
  <g id="common">
  <g transform="translate(-27.970238,-63.089294)">
    <circle cx="102.9" cy="138.0" r="75" fill="#faa"/> 
    <path   d="m163.7 175.2-121.5 0 60.8-105.2z" fill="#fea"/>
   <path   d="m163.7 175.2-121.5 0 60.8-105.2z" fill="#fea"/>
      <!-- Spiral track (pink) -->
    <path id="track"  d="m101.3 136.5c1.1 2-2.1 2.5-3.3 1.9-3.2-1.7-2.6-6.2-0.5-8.4 3.7-4.1 10.2-2.9 13.6 0.9 5 5.6 3.3 14.3-2.3 18.8-7.4 6-18.4 3.7-23.9-3.6-7-9.2-4.1-22.5 5-29.1 11-8 26.6-4.4 34.3 6.4 9 12.8 4.8 30.7-7.8 39.4-14.6 10-34.8 5.2-44.6-9.2-11.1-16.4-5.6-39 10.6-49.7 18.2-12.1 43.1-6 54.9 11.9 13.1 19.9 6.4 47.2-13.3 60.1" style="fill:none;stroke-width:3;stroke:#FFAAAA"/>
          <!-- Spiral -->
    <path  stroke-dasharray="0,432" d="m101.3 136.5c1.1 2-2.1 2.5-3.3 1.9-3.2-1.7-2.6-6.2-0.5-8.4 3.7-4.1 10.2-2.9 13.6 0.9 5 5.6 3.3 14.3-2.3 18.8-7.4 6-18.4 3.7-23.9-3.6-7-9.2-4.1-22.5 5-29.1 11-8 26.6-4.4 34.3 6.4 9 12.8 4.8 30.7-7.8 39.4-14.6 10-34.8 5.2-44.6-9.2-11.1-16.4-5.6-39 10.6-49.7 18.2-12.1 43.1-6 54.9 11.9 13.1 19.9 6.4 47.2-13.3 60.1" style="fill:none;stroke-width:2;stroke:#6E6E6E">
       <!-- Spiral animation -->
     <animate attributeName="stroke-dasharray" begin="svg1.click" repeatCount="indefinite" restart="whenNotActive" dur="10s" values="0,432;432,0;0,432" fill="freeze" />
    <circle cx="0" cy="0" r="6" fill="#6E6E6E">
       <!-- Ball movement in a spiral clockwise -->
    <animateMotion id="forwards"
      dur="5s" >
      <mpath xlink:href="#track" />
       <!-- Ball movement in a spiral counterclockwise -->
           fill="freeze" > 
    <mpath xlink:href="#track" />
    <g id="La">
    <circle cx="55.9" cy="108.0" r="12.9" fill="#efa"/>
        <text  x="51" y="112"> A  </text> 
         <animateTransform  attributeName="transform" type="rotate" begin="svg1.click" restart="whenNotActive" repeatCount="indefinite" dur="10s"  
        values="0, 55.9, 108;360, 55.9, 108" additive="sum" /> 
    <circle cx="153.7" cy="110.3" r="12.9" fill="#efa"/>
    <text xml:space="preserve" x="114" y="116" >
       <animateTransform  attributeName="transform" type="rotate" begin="svg1.click" restart="whenNotActive" repeatCount="indefinite" dur="10s"  
        values="0, 153.7, 110.3;360, 153.7, 110.3" additive="sum" /> 
  <circle cx="105.2" cy="192.5" r="12.9" fill="#efa"   />
    <text x="100" y="198"  > C
       <!-- Animation of the rotation of the letter `C`   -->
       <animateTransform  attributeName="transform" type="rotate" begin="svg1.click" restart="whenNotActive" repeatCount="indefinite" dur="10s"  
        values="0, 105.2, 192.5;360, 105.2, 192.5" additive="sum" /> 
      <!-- Animating the rotation of the entire shape   -->
   <animateTransform xlink:href="#common" attributeName="transform" type="rotate" begin="svg1.click" restart="whenNotActive" repeatCount="indefinite" dur="10s"  
        values="0, 75.38, 75;-360, 75.38, 75" additive="sum" />   

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