Семафор CI продолжает сбой при выполнении задачи сервера grunt
Я пытаюсь реализовать CI для нашей веб-платформы MEAN-стека. Я активировал Semaphore CI в сочетании с нашим репозиторием Github и выполнил 2 команды: npm install => npm test
Мой тест npm имеет следующую конфигурацию:
"test": "grunt test"
Мой тестовый конфиг:
'use strict';
* Module dependencies.
var _ = require('lodash'),
defaultAssets = require('./config/assets/default'),
testAssets = require('./config/assets/test'),
fs = require('fs'),
path = require('path');
module.exports = function(grunt) {
// Project Configuration
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
env: {
test: {
NODE_ENV: 'test'
dev: {
NODE_ENV: 'development'
prod: {
NODE_ENV: 'production'
watch: {
serverViews: {
files: defaultAssets.server.views,
options: {
livereload: true
serverJS: {
files: _.union(defaultAssets.server.gruntConfig, defaultAssets.server.allJS),
tasks: ['jshint'],
options: {
livereload: true
clientViews: {
files: defaultAssets.client.views,
options: {
livereload: true
clientJS: {
files: defaultAssets.client.js,
tasks: ['jshint'],
options: {
livereload: true
clientCSS: {
files: defaultAssets.client.css,
tasks: ['csslint'],
options: {
livereload: true
clientSCSS: {
files: defaultAssets.client.sass,
tasks: ['sass', 'csslint'],
options: {
livereload: true
clientLESS: {
files: defaultAssets.client.less,
tasks: ['less', 'csslint'],
options: {
livereload: true
nodemon: {
dev: {
script: 'server.js',
options: {
nodeArgs: ['--debug'],
ext: 'js,html',
watch: _.union(defaultAssets.server.gruntConfig, defaultAssets.server.views, defaultAssets.server.allJS, defaultAssets.server.config)
concurrent: {
default: ['nodemon', 'watch'],
debug: ['nodemon', 'watch', 'node-inspector'],
options: {
logConcurrentOutput: true
jshint: {
all: {
src: _.union(defaultAssets.server.gruntConfig, defaultAssets.server.allJS, defaultAssets.client.js, testAssets.tests.server, testAssets.tests.client, testAssets.tests.e2e),
options: {
jshintrc: true,
node: true,
mocha: true,
jasmine: true
csslint: {
options: {
csslintrc: '.csslintrc'
all: {
src: defaultAssets.client.css
babel: {
options: {
sourceMap: false,
presets: ['env']
dist: {
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: './',
ext: '.js',
src: defaultAssets.client.js,
dest: 'dist/',
ngAnnotate: {
production: {
files: {
'public/dist/application.js': [
// 'public/dist/application.js': defaultAssets.client.js
uglify: {
production: {
options: {
mangle: false
files: {
'public/dist/application.min.js': 'public/dist/application.js'
cssmin: {
combine: {
files: {
'public/dist/application.min.css': defaultAssets.client.css
sass: {
dist: {
files: [{
expand: true,
src: defaultAssets.client.sass,
ext: '.css',
rename: function(base, src) {
return src.replace('/scss/', '/css/');
less: {
dist: {
files: [{
expand: true,
src: defaultAssets.client.less,
ext: '.css',
rename: function(base, src) {
return src.replace('/less/', '/css/');
'node-inspector': {
custom: {
options: {
'web-port': 1337,
'web-host': 'localhost',
'debug-port': 5858,
'save-live-edit': true,
'no-preload': true,
'stack-trace-limit': 50,
'hidden': []
mochaTest: {
src: testAssets.tests.server,
options: {
reporter: 'spec',
timeout: 10000
karma: {
unit: {
configFile: 'karma.conf.js'
protractor: {
options: {
configFile: 'protractor.conf.js',
keepAlive: true,
noColor: false
e2e: {
options: {
args: {} // Target-specific arguments
copy: {
localConfig: {
src: 'config/env/local.example.js',
dest: 'config/env/local.js',
filter: function() {
return !fs.existsSync('config/env/local.js');
webfont: {
icons: {
src: 'modules/core/client/css/fonts/*',
dest: 'public/dist/fonts'
mocha_istanbul: {
coverage: {
src: 'modules/*/tests/*', // a folder works nicely
options: {
mask: '*.tests.js'
coverageSpecial: {
src: ['testSpecial/*/*.js', 'testUnique/*/*.js'], // specifying file patterns works as well
options: {
coverageFolder: 'coverageSpecial',
mask: '*.tests.js',
mochaOptions: ['--harmony','--async-only'], // any extra options
istanbulOptions: ['--harmony','--handle-sigint']
coveralls: {
src: ['test', 'testSpecial', 'testUnique'], // multiple folders also works
options: {
coverfage:true, // this will make the grunt.event.on('coverage') event listener to be triggered
check: {
lines: 75,
statements: 75
root: './lib', // define where the cover task should consider the root of libraries that are covered by tests
reportFormats: ['cobertura','lcovonly']
istanbul_check_coverage: {
default: {
options: {
coverageFolder: 'coverage*', // will check both coverage folders and merge the coverage results
check: {
lines: 80,
statements: 80
// Load NPM tasks
// Making grunt default to force in order not to break the project.
grunt.option('force', true);
// Make sure upload directory exists
grunt.task.registerTask('mkdir:upload', 'Task that makes sure upload directory exists.', function() {
// Get the callback
var done = this.async();
grunt.file.mkdir(path.normalize(__dirname + '/modules/users/client/img/profile/uploads'));
// Connect to the MongoDB instance and load the models
grunt.task.registerTask('mongoose', 'Task that connects to the MongoDB instance and loads the application models.', function() {
// Get the callback
var done = this.async();
// Use mongoose configuration
var mongoose = require('./config/lib/mongoose.js');
// Connect to database
mongoose.connect(function(db) {
grunt.task.registerTask('server', 'Starting the server', function() {
// Get the callback
var done = this.async();
var path = require('path');
var app = require(path.resolve('./config/lib/app'));
var server = app.start(function() {
grunt.event.on('coverage', function(lcovFileContents, done){
// Check below on the section "The coverage event"
grunt.registerTask('coveralls', ['mocha_istanbul:coveralls']);
grunt.registerTask('coverage', ['env:test', 'server', 'mocha_istanbul:coverage']);
// Lint CSS and JavaScript files.
grunt.registerTask('lint', ['sass', 'less', 'csslint']);
// Lint project files and minify them into two production files.
grunt.registerTask('build', ['env:dev', 'lint', 'webfont', 'babel', 'ngAnnotate', 'uglify', 'cssmin']);
// Run the project tests
grunt.registerTask('test', ['env:test', 'lint', 'mkdir:upload', 'copy:localConfig', 'server', 'mochaTest', 'karma:unit']);
grunt.registerTask('test:server', ['env:test', 'lint', 'server', 'mochaTest']);
grunt.registerTask('test:client', ['env:test', 'lint', 'server', 'karma:unit']);
// Run the project in development mode
grunt.registerTask('default', ['env:dev', 'lint', 'mkdir:upload', 'copy:localConfig', 'concurrent:default']);
// Run the project in debug mode
grunt.registerTask('debug', ['env:dev', 'lint', 'mkdir:upload', 'copy:localConfig', 'concurrent:debug']);
// Run the project in production mode
grunt.registerTask('prod', ['build', 'env:prod', 'mkdir:upload', 'copy:localConfig']);
Я продолжаю получать один и тот же вывод, и сборка не удалась с помощью семафора:
> karaton@0.4.0 test /home/runner/Karaton_Webplatform_Staging
> grunt test
Running "env:test" (env) task
Running "sass:dist" (sass) task
You need to have Ruby and Sass installed and in your PATH for this task to work.
More info: https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-sass
Used --force, continuing.
Running "less:dist" (less) task
Running "csslint:all" (csslint) task
Linting modules/core/client/css/core.css...ERROR
WARNING: Rule is empty. Rules without any properties specified should be removed. (empty-rules) Browsers: All
WARNING: Outlines shouldn't be hidden unless other visual changes are made. Use of outline: none or outline: 0 should be limited to :focus rules. (outline-none) Browsers: All
WARNING: The property -moz-animation is compatible with -webkit-animation and should be included as well. Include all compatible vendor prefixes to reach a wider range of users. (compatible-vendor-prefixes) Browsers: All
WARNING: Missing standard property 'transform' to go along with '-webkit-transform'. When using a vendor-prefixed property, make sure to include the standard one. (vendor-prefix) Browsers: All
WARNING: Missing standard property 'transform' to go along with '-webkit-transform'. When using a vendor-prefixed property, make sure to include the standard one. (vendor-prefix) Browsers: All
WARNING: Outlines shouldn't be hidden unless other visual changes are made. Use of outline: none or outline: 0 should be limited to :focus rules. (outline-none) Browsers: All
WARNING: display:inline has no effect on floated elements (but may be used to fix the IE6 double-margin bug). Certain properties shouldn't be used with certain display property values. (display-property-grouping) Browsers: All
WARNING: width can't be used with display: inline. Certain properties shouldn't be used with certain display property values. (display-property-grouping) Browsers: All
>> ERROR: Unknown @ rule: @-ms-keyframes. This rule looks for recoverable syntax errors. (errors) Browsers: All
>> ERROR: Unknown @ rule: @-ms-keyframes. This rule looks for recoverable syntax errors. (errors) Browsers: All
WARNING: Values of 0 shouldn't have units specified. You don't need to specify units when a value is 0. (zero-units) Browsers: All
WARNING: Values of 0 shouldn't have units specified. You don't need to specify units when a value is 0. (zero-units) Browsers: All
WARNING: The properties padding-top, padding-bottom, padding-left, padding-right can be replaced by padding. Use shorthand properties where possible. (shorthand) Browsers: All
WARNING: Values of 0 shouldn't have units specified. You don't need to specify units when a value is 0. (zero-units) Browsers: All
WARNING: Values of 0 shouldn't have units specified. You don't need to specify units when a value is 0. (zero-units) Browsers: All
WARNING: Values of 0 shouldn't have units specified. You don't need to specify units when a value is 0. (zero-units) Browsers: All
WARNING: Values of 0 shouldn't have units specified. You don't need to specify units when a value is 0. (zero-units) Browsers: All
WARNING: Values of 0 shouldn't have units specified. You don't need to specify units when a value is 0. (zero-units) Browsers: All
WARNING: Fallback background-color (hex or RGB) should precede RGBA background-color. For older browsers that don't support RGBA, HSL, or HSLA, provide a fallback color. (fallback-colors) Browsers: IE6,IE7,IE8
WARNING: Outlines should only be modified using :focus. Use of outline: none or outline: 0 should be limited to :focus rules. (outline-none) Browsers: All
WARNING: Values of 0 shouldn't have units specified. You don't need to specify units when a value is 0. (zero-units) Browsers: All
WARNING: Outlines should only be modified using :focus. Use of outline: none or outline: 0 should be limited to :focus rules. (outline-none) Browsers: All
WARNING: Outlines should only be modified using :focus. Use of outline: none or outline: 0 should be limited to :focus rules. (outline-none) Browsers: All
WARNING: Values of 0 shouldn't have units specified. You don't need to specify units when a value is 0. (zero-units) Browsers: All
WARNING: Outlines should only be modified using :focus. Use of outline: none or outline: 0 should be limited to :focus rules. (outline-none) Browsers: All
WARNING: Outlines should only be modified using :focus. Use of outline: none or outline: 0 should be limited to :focus rules. (outline-none) Browsers: All
WARNING: Values of 0 shouldn't have units specified. You don't need to specify units when a value is 0. (zero-units) Browsers: All
WARNING: Values of 0 shouldn't have units specified. You don't need to specify units when a value is 0. (zero-units) Browsers: All
WARNING: Values of 0 shouldn't have units specified. You don't need to specify units when a value is 0. (zero-units) Browsers: All
WARNING: Values of 0 shouldn't have units specified. You don't need to specify units when a value is 0. (zero-units) Browsers: All
WARNING: Outlines should only be modified using :focus. Use of outline: none or outline: 0 should be limited to :focus rules. (outline-none) Browsers: All
WARNING: Outlines should only be modified using :focus. Use of outline: none or outline: 0 should be limited to :focus rules. (outline-none) Browsers: All
WARNING: Outlines should only be modified using :focus. Use of outline: none or outline: 0 should be limited to :focus rules. (outline-none) Browsers: All
WARNING: Values of 0 shouldn't have units specified. You don't need to specify units when a value is 0. (zero-units) Browsers: All
WARNING: Don't use IDs in selectors. Selectors should not contain IDs. (ids) Browsers: All
WARNING: Outlines should only be modified using :focus. Use of outline: none or outline: 0 should be limited to :focus rules. (outline-none) Browsers: All
Warning: Task "csslint:all" failed. Used --force, continuing.
Running "mkdir:upload" task
Running "copy:localConfig" (copy) task
WARNING: Outlines should only be modified using :focus. Use of outline: none or outline: 0 should be limited to :focus rules. (outline-none) Browsers: All
WARNING: Outlines should only be modified using :focus. Use of outline: none or outline: 0 should be limited to :focus rules. (outline-none) Browsers: All
Copied 1 file
Running "server" task
body-parser deprecated bodyParser: use individual json/urlencoded middlewares config/lib/express.js:84:11
body-parser deprecated undefined extended: provide extended option node_modules/body-parser/index.js:105:29
Fatal error: Unexpected token ...
npm ERR! Test failed. See above for more details.
Так как он показывает только... Я не могу понять токен и позицию неудачи, я не могу заставить это работать. Ребята, вы понимаете, что я могу сделать, чтобы избежать появления этой ошибки?
Если вам нужно больше кода или больше настроек проекта, пожалуйста, дайте мне знать, и я обновлю пост.