Python: Tkinter с Matplotlib: 1 окно в Ubuntu, но 2 в Windows
Я пишу программу на Python для Ubuntu, которая использует Matplotlib и Tkinter для отображения некоторых графиков. Проблема в том, что в Ubuntu он работает нормально, но в Windows, со Spyder (из которого пользователь собирается его запускать), он создает окно Tkinter с графиком, а также другое отдельное окно Matplotlib с таким же графиком. Я понятия не имею, как это исправить, поскольку обычно я вообще не имею дело с Windows.
Вот скриншоты, которые показывают, что происходит:
Вот код, который создает графики:
# This method takes in a lot of data and creates a plot with all the data. It takes in the x and y data points
# (for the scatter plot), the slope and intercept of the linear best-fit line, the coefficients of the logarithmic
# best-fit curve, the range of the axes to display in the plot, and the titles for the plot and the axes.
# It generates the plot displaying all of this, as well as the equations of the best-fit curves, and their
# R-squared values. To get the R-squared values, it calls the method which calculates them.
def plotForCorrections(scatterXs, scatterYs, trendlineSlope, trendlineIntercept, logA, logB, axesRange, title, xTitle, yTitle):
# The linear fit is a straight line, and can be plotted with just two points.
# The x-coordinates will be the two ends of the plot (the leftmost and rightmost points displayed).
trendlineXs = numpy.array([axesRange[0], axesRange[1]])
# We can apply the linear fit equation to the two x-coordinates to get the two y-coordinates.
trendlineYs = numpy.multiply(trendlineSlope, trendlineXs) + trendlineIntercept
# We need to clear the plot figure of anything that was on it before.
# Plot the x and y data points
plt.scatter(scatterXs, scatterYs, color='r')
# For the x-coordinates for the logarithmic fit curve, we need much more than two, so we
# create a set of 200 equally spaced points between the two ends of the visible plot.
# The leftmost point will always be 0, which we can not take the logarithm of. To remedy that,
# we use 10^-300 instead of 0.
logLineXs = numpy.linspace((1e-300 if axesRange[0] == 0 else axesRange[0]), axesRange[1],num=200)
# We plot the logarithmic fit curve, calculating the y-values of the curve in the same line.
plt.plot(logLineXs, logFitFun(logLineXs, logA, logB), color='g')
# We plot the linear fit line.
plt.plot(trendlineXs, trendlineYs, color='b')
# We set the axis range of the plot.
# We calculate R squared values.
linRSquared = numpy.round(calculateLinRSquared(scatterXs,scatterYs,trendlineSlope,trendlineIntercept),3)
logRSquared = numpy.round(calculateLogRSquared(scatterXs,scatterYs,logA,logB),3)
# We place the equations and R squared values on the plot.
plt.annotate("Linear trendline (blue): " + "y = " + str(numpy.round(trendlineSlope,3)) + "x + " +
str(numpy.round(trendlineIntercept,3)) + "; R" + unichr(0x00b2) + " = " + str(linRSquared) +
"\nLogarithmic fit line (green): " + "y = " + str(numpy.round(logA,3)) + " * ln(x) + " + str(numpy.round(logB,3)) +
"; R" + unichr(0x00b2)+ " = " + str(logRSquared),
xycoords="axes fraction")
# We place the titles on the plot.
# We display the plot in its window.
И код для окна:
# What follows are GUI-specific things for the plot window
fig = plt.figure()
graphCanvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(fig,master=window)
questionLabel = Label(window,text="Use this correction?")
linCorrectionButton = Button(window,text="Use Linear Correction",command=clickLinCorrection)
logCorrectionButton = Button(window,text="Use Logarithmic Correction",command=clickLogCorrection)
noCorrectionButton = Button(window,text="Do Not Use a Correction",command=clickNoCorrection)
cancelButton = Button(window,text="Cancel",command=destroyAndReturn)
Если вам нужны другие примеры кода, пожалуйста, дайте мне знать. Большое спасибо всем вам!
1 ответ
закройте окно графика перед созданием нового графика.
.... etc