Проверка, возвращает ли ajax-вызов значение true или false после soapException
Привет я вызываю AC# веб-метод через Ajax.
Я хочу обработать возвращенное значение true и false в Ajax, но не могу найти способ опроса моих возвращенных данных.
Извините, если это простой вопрос, я новичок.
Мой код
url: "Subscriptions.aspx/AddSub",
data: "{ 'strReportPath': '" + Path +
"' , strEmail: '" + $('#EmailAddress').val() +
"' , strDayofWeek: '" + daysSelected +
"' , strInterval: '" + intervalSelected +
"' , intTimeofDay: '" + timeofDay +
"' , strDayofMonth: '" + dayofMonth +
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
success: function (data) {
if (data[0] == true) {
alert("Subscription added");
} else {
alert("There has been a error");
// Enable button again
error: function (xhr, status, err) {
alert("Error adding subscription: " + err);
// Enable button again
async: false
и веб-метод
public static bool AddSub(string strReportPath, string strEmail, string strDayofWeek, string strInterval, int intTimeofDay, int strDayofMonth)
// Create webservice object
ReportService2005.ReportingService2005 rs = new ReportingService2005();
rs.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
// Make sure their is a semi colon at the end of the email
if (strEmail.EndsWith(";"))
// Do nothing
strEmail = strEmail + ";";
string _reportName = strReportPath;
DateTime topDatetime = DateTime.Now;
ExtensionSettings extensionSettings = new ExtensionSettings();
List<ParameterValue> extParameters = new List<ParameterValue>();
List<ParameterValue> parameters = new List<ParameterValue>();
string description = "Email: " + strEmail;
string eventType = "TimedSubscription";
extensionSettings.Extension = "Report Server Email";
// If report is monthly default its run time to 7am
if (strInterval == "Monthly")
intTimeofDay = 7;
string scheduleXml = "<ScheduleDefinition><StartDateTime>" + topDatetime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "-" + (intTimeofDay-1) +":00" + "</StartDateTime>";
// Set up the timing of the report.
case "Daily":
scheduleXml += "<WeeklyRecurrence>" +
"<WeeksInterval> 1 </WeeksInterval>" +
"<DaysOfWeek>" + "<Monday>true</Monday>" +
"<Tuesday>true</Tuesday>" +
"<Wednesday>true</Wednesday>" +
"<Thursday>true</Thursday>" +
"<Friday>true</Friday>" + "</DaysOfWeek>" +
case "Weekly":
scheduleXml += "<WeeklyRecurrence>" +
"<WeeksInterval> 1 </WeeksInterval>" +
"<DaysOfWeek>" + strDayofWeek + "</DaysOfWeek>" +
case "Monthly":
scheduleXml += "<MonthlyRecurrence>" +
"<Days>" + strDayofMonth + "</Days>" +
"<MonthsOfYear>" +
"<January>true</January>" +
"<February>true</February>" +
"<March>true</March>" +
"<April>true</April>" +
"<May>true</May>" +
"<June>true</June>" +
"<July>true</July>" +
"<August>true</August>" +
"<September>true</September>" +
"<October>true</October>" +
"<November>true</November>" +
"<December>true</December>" +
"</MonthsOfYear>" +
scheduleXml += "</ScheduleDefinition>";
extParameters.Add(new ParameterValue() { Name = "RenderFormat", Value = "EXCELOPENXML" });
extParameters.Add(new ParameterValue() { Name = "TO", Value = strEmail });
extParameters.Add(new ParameterValue() { Name = "IncludeReport", Value = "True" });
extParameters.Add(new ParameterValue() { Name = "Subject", Value = "subject - " + " (" + strReportPath + ")" });
extensionSettings.ParameterValues = extParameters.ToArray();
//Create the subscription
rs.CreateSubscription(_reportName, extensionSettings, description, eventType, scheduleXml, parameters.ToArray());
// Success
return true;
catch(SoapException e)
// Failure
return false;
1 ответ
Ах решил это!!!
Теперь я возвращаю данные в виде строковой переменной в веб-методе.
//Create the subscription
rs.CreateSubscription(_reportName, extensionSettings, description, eventType, scheduleXml, parameters.ToArray());
string bob = "true";
// Success
return bob;
catch(SoapException e)
string bob = "false";
// Failure
return bob;
Затем в ajax используйте имя, за которым следует суффикс.d.
success: function (bob) {
if (bob.d == "true") {
alert("Subscription added");
} else {
alert("There has been a error");
Спасибо stackru