Повторное использование атрибутов Spring Boot ErrorAttributes при использовании документов MockMvc и Spring REST
Я пишу тесты для контроллера, который выдает пользовательское исключение (AuthenticationException
в моем случае), который аннотируется @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
Вызов конечной точки, которая выдает исключение, с помощью ie curl работает нормально, и я получаю ожидаемый результат с примером, показанным ниже:
"timestamp": 1494185397677,
"status": 400,
"error": "Bad Request",
"exception": "com.example.exception.AuthenticationException",
"message": "These are not the credentials you are looking for",
"path": "/status/throw/2"
Когда я пишу тест для этого с Mockito, который использует willThrow()
я не получаю никаких выводов, которые генерирует Spring Boot, а только код ответа, указанный в моем классе исключений.
Вот мой тест:
public void throwsShouldShowResponseBody() throws Exception {
Глядя на похожие вопросы, кажется, что это может быть вызвано тем, что MockMvc не следит за перенаправлениями, которые я думаю, что Spring Boot использует для отправки в /error, но я спрашиваю, есть ли в любом случае, я могу сделать эту работу, поэтому мне не нужно писать @ControllerAdvice
класс с чем-то похожим на ErrorAttributes
этот Spring Boot уже предоставляет. Я не хочу менять вывод, который Spring Boot генерирует при ошибке.
Спасибо -
1 ответ
Как вы уже заметили, немного сложнее документировать ответ об ошибке Spring Boot при использовании MockMvc
, Это связано с тем, что Spring Boot пересылает запрос в контроллер ошибок, который сопоставлен с /error
а также MockMvc
по умолчанию не обрабатывает форварды.
Один из способов документировать ответ об ошибке - позвонить /error
непосредственно с соответствующим образом настроенным запросом. Вот пример этого в одном из примеров Spring REST Docs:
public void errorExample() throws Exception {
.requestAttr(RequestDispatcher.ERROR_STATUS_CODE, 400)
.requestAttr(RequestDispatcher.ERROR_REQUEST_URI, "/notes")
.requestAttr(RequestDispatcher.ERROR_MESSAGE, "The tag 'http://localhost:8080/tags/123' does not exist"))
.andExpect(jsonPath("error", is("Bad Request")))
.andExpect(jsonPath("timestamp", is(notNullValue())))
.andExpect(jsonPath("status", is(400)))
.andExpect(jsonPath("path", is(notNullValue())))
fieldWithPath("error").description("The HTTP error that occurred, e.g. `Bad Request`"),
fieldWithPath("message").description("A description of the cause of the error"),
fieldWithPath("path").description("The path to which the request was made"),
fieldWithPath("status").description("The HTTP status code, e.g. `400`"),
fieldWithPath("timestamp").description("The time, in milliseconds, at which the error occurred"))));
Затем он используется в итоговой документации для описания формата ответа об ошибке, который используется во всем API.
package com.cts.skynews.springboot.controller;
import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.request.MockMvcRequestBuilders.post;
import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultMatchers.jsonPath;
import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultMatchers.status;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest;
import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringRunner;
import org.springframework.test.web.servlet.MockMvc;
import org.springframework.test.web.servlet.setup.MockMvcBuilders;
import org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext;
public class UserControllerTest {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UserControllerTest.class);
private WebApplicationContext webApplicationContext;
private MockMvc mockMvc;
public void setup() {
mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(webApplicationContext).build();
public void addNewUser() throws Exception {
LOGGER.info("START : Inside Spring Boot addUser() method of UserController");
String USER_DATA = "{\"name\":\"Kiran Ravariya\"," + "\"email\":\"kirasln@gmail.com\","
+ "\"password\":\"A123456\"," + "\"status\":\"active\"," + "\"language\":{\"id\":\"1\"},"
+ "\"role\":{\"id\":1}}";
LOGGER.debug("JSON Object : {}", USER_DATA);
LOGGER.info("END : Spring Boot addUser() method of UserController");
public void checkEmailExists() throws Exception {
LOGGER.info("START : Inside Spring Boot checkEmailExists() method of UserController");
String USER_DATA = "{\"name\":\"Kiran Ravariya\"," + "\"email\":\"ravariakiran@gmail.com\","
+ "\"password\":\"A123456\"," + "\"status\":\"active\"," + "\"language\":{\"id\":\"1\"},"
+ "\"role\":{\"id\":1}}";
LOGGER.debug("JSON Object : {}", USER_DATA);
LOGGER.info("END : Spring Boot checkEmailExists() method of UserController");
public void incorrectEmailFormat() throws Exception {
LOGGER.info("START : Inside Spring Boot incorrectEmailFormat() method of UserController");
String USER_DATA = "{\"name\":\"Kiran Ravariya\"," + "\"email\":\"rgmail.com\"," + "\"password\":\"A123456\","
+ "\"status\":\"active\"," + "\"language\":{\"id\":\"1\"}," + "\"role\":{\"id\":1}}";
LOGGER.debug("JSON Object : {}", USER_DATA);
.andExpect(jsonPath("$.errorMessage").value("Input Validation Failed:Email address is invalid"));
LOGGER.info("END : Spring Boot incorrectEmailFormat() method of UserController");
public void nullName() throws Exception {
LOGGER.info("START : Inside Spring Boot nullName() method of UserController");
String USER_DATA = "{\"email\":\"abcdefg@gmail.com\"," + "\"password\":\"A123456\"," + "\"status\":\"active\","
+ "\"language\":{\"id\":\"1\"}," + "\"role\":{\"id\":1}}";
LOGGER.debug("JSON Object : {}", USER_DATA);
.andExpect(jsonPath("$.errorMessage").value("Input Validation Failed:Name cannot be empty"));
LOGGER.info("END : Spring Boot nullName() method of UserController");
public void nullPassword() throws Exception {
LOGGER.info("START : Inside Spring Boot nullPassword() method of UserController");
String USER_DATA = "{\"name\":\"Kiran Ravariya\"," + "\"email\":\"abcdefg@gmail.com\","
+ "\"status\":\"active\"," + "\"language\":{\"id\":\"1\"}," + "\"role\":{\"id\":1}}";
LOGGER.debug("JSON Object : {}", USER_DATA);
.andExpect(jsonPath("$.errorMessage").value("Input Validation Failed:Password cannot be empty"));
LOGGER.info("END : Spring Boot nullPassword() method of UserController");
public void nullEmail() throws Exception {
LOGGER.info("START : Inside Spring Boot nullEmail() method of UserController");
String USER_DATA = "{\"name\":\"Kiran Ravariya\"," + "\"password\":\"A123456\"," + "\"status\":\"active\","
+ "\"language\":{\"id\":\"1\"}," + "\"role\":{\"id\":1}}";
LOGGER.debug("JSON Object : {}", USER_DATA);
.andExpect(jsonPath("$.errorMessage").value("Input Validation Failed:Email cannot be empty"));
LOGGER.info("END : Spring Boot nullEmail() method of UserController");
public void nullStatus() throws Exception {
LOGGER.info("START : Inside Spring Boot nullEmail() method of UserController");
String USER_DATA = "{\"name\":\"Kiran Ravariya\"," + "\"email\":\"abcdefg@gmail.com\","
+ "\"password\":\"A123456\"," + "\"language\":{\"id\":\"1\"}," + "\"role\":{\"id\":1}}";
LOGGER.debug("JSON Object : {}", USER_DATA);
.andExpect(jsonPath("$.errorMessage").value("Input Validation Failed:Status cannot be empty"));
LOGGER.info("END : Spring Boot nullStatus() method of UserController");
public void langugaeNull() throws Exception {
LOGGER.info("START : Inside Spring Boot langugaeNull() method of UserController");
String USER_DATA = "{\"name\":\"Kiran Ravariya\"," + "\"email\":\"abcdefg@gmail.com\","
+ "\"password\":\"A123456\"," + "\"status\":\"active\"," + "\"role\":{\"id\":1}}";
LOGGER.debug("JSON Object : {}", USER_DATA);
.andExpect(jsonPath("$.errorMessage").value("Input Validation Failed:Language cannot be empty"));
LOGGER.info("END : Spring Boot langugaeNull() method of UserController");
public void roleNull() throws Exception {
LOGGER.info("START : Inside Spring Boot roleNull() method of UserController");
String USER_DATA = "{\"name\":\"Kiran Ravariya\"," + "\"email\":\"abcdefg@gmail.com\","
+ "\"password\":\"A123456\"," + "\"status\":\"active\"," + "\"language\":{\"id\":\"1\"}}";
LOGGER.debug("JSON Object : {}", USER_DATA);
.andExpect(jsonPath("$.errorMessage").value("Input Validation Failed:Role cannot be empty"));
LOGGER.info("END : Spring Boot roleNull() method of UserController");
public void invalidNameLength() throws Exception {
LOGGER.info("START : Inside Spring Boot invalidNameLength() method of UserController");
String USER_DATA = "{\"name\":\"KiranKiranRavariyKiranKiranRavariyaRRavariyaRavariyaRavariyaRavariyaRavariya "
+ "KiranKiranRavariyKiranKiranRavariyaRRavariyaRavariyaRavariyaRavariyaRavariya "
+ "KiranKiranRavariyKiranKiranRavariyaRRavariyaRavariyaRavariyaRavariyaRavariya\","
+ "\"email\":\"abcdefg@gmail.com\"," + "\"password\":\"A123456\"," + "\"status\":\"active\","
+ "\"language\":{\"id\":\"1\"}," + "\"role\":{\"id\":1}}";
LOGGER.debug("JSON Object : {}", USER_DATA);
.andExpect(jsonPath("$.errorMessage").value("Input Validation Failed:Name must be 3 to 80 characters"));
LOGGER.info("END : Spring Boot invalidNameLength() method of UserController");
public void invalidEmailLength() throws Exception {
LOGGER.info("START : Inside Spring Boot invalidEmailLength() method of UserController");
String USER_DATA = "{\"name\":\"Kiran Ravariya\","
+ "\"email\":\"ravariakiran@gmailravariakiran@gmailravariakiran@gmailravariakiran@gmailravariakiran@gmailravariakiran@gmailravariakiran@gmailravariakiran@gmailravariakiran@gmailravariakiran@gmail.com\","
+ "\"password\":\"A123456\"," + "\"status\":\"active\"," + "\"language\":{\"id\":\"1\"},"
+ "\"role\":{\"id\":1}}";
LOGGER.debug("JSON Object : {}", USER_DATA);
jsonPath("$.errorMessage").value("Input Validation Failed:Email must be 4 to 80 characters"));
LOGGER.info("END : Spring Boot invalidEmailLength() method of UserController");
public void incorrectPasswordFormat() throws Exception {
LOGGER.info("START : Inside Spring Boot incorrectPasswordFormat() method of UserController");
String USER_DATA = "{\"name\":\"Kiran Ravariya\"," + "\"email\":\"abcdefg@gmail.com\"," + "\"password\":\"12\","
+ "\"status\":\"active\"," + "\"language\":{\"id\":\"1\"}," + "\"role\":{\"id\":1}}";
LOGGER.debug("JSON Object : {}", USER_DATA);
.value("Input Validation Failed:Password must be 6 to 45 characters"));
LOGGER.info("END : Spring Boot incorrectPasswordFormat() method of UserController");
public void successfullLogin() throws Exception {
LOGGER.info("START : Inside Spring Boot successfullLogin() method of UserController");
String USER_DATA = "{\"email\":\"kiran@gmail.com\",\"password\":\"A123456\"}";
LOGGER.debug("JSON Object : {}", USER_DATA);
LOGGER.info("END : Spring Boot successfullLogin() method of UserController");
public void invalidEmailForLogin() throws Exception {
LOGGER.info("START : Inside Spring Boot invalidEmailForLogin() method of UserController");
String USER_DATA = "{\"email\":\"kiran123@gmail.com\",\"password\":\"A123456\"}";
LOGGER.debug("JSON Object : {}", USER_DATA);
LOGGER.info("END : Spring Boot invalidEmailForLogin() method of UserController");
public void invalidPasswordForLogin() throws Exception {
LOGGER.info("START : Inside Spring Boot invalidPasswordForLogin() method of UserController");
String USER_DATA = "{\"email\":\"kiran@gmail.com\",\"password\":\"12345678\"}";
LOGGER.debug("JSON Object : {}", USER_DATA);
LOGGER.info("END : Spring Boot invalidPasswordForLogin() method of UserController");