C# SFTP Безопасная ручка закрыта

Я только что получил Безопасный дескриптор был закрыт с моим SFTP-кодом, и я впервые вижу эту ошибку. В нем говорится, что ошибка происходит в строке 74, которая содержит этот блок


Мой код для этого заключается в том, что эта ошибка является периодической, поэтому она происходит случайным образом и выделяет метод sftp.connect. Я использую Renci SFTP 2016.

       using (var sftp = new SftpClient(sftpConnInfo))
                    sftp.Connect(); // Line 74

                    StatusUpdate(this, new Types.StatusUpdateEventArgs() { message = "SFTP Service has connected to remote system (" + sftpConnInfo.Host + ":" + sftpConnInfo.Port.ToString() + remotePath + ")", Location = locationName });
                    StatusUpdate(this, new Types.StatusUpdateEventArgs() { message = "Process initialized at " + processStart.ToShortDateString() + " " + processStart.ToShortTimeString() + "(" + remotePath + ")", Location = locationName });
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("SFTP Service has connected to remote system (" + sftpConnInfo.Host + ":" + sftpConnInfo.Port.ToString() + remotePath + ")");
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Process initialized at " + processStart.ToShortDateString() + " " + processStart.ToShortTimeString() + "(" + remotePath + ")");

                    var files = sftp.ListDirectory(".");
                    string elapsedTimeString = "";
                    TimeSpan timeElapsed;
                    DateTime start, end;
                    start = DateTime.Now;
                    end = DateTime.Now;

                    //To allow for more flexibility when attempting to recover from a lost connection, we are iterating the entire file collection up front 
                    // Good for simulating file not loaded

                    foreach(var f in  files)

                        //TODO:What was the UTC of the last successful download?
                        if (!f.IsDirectory)
                            if (f.Name.Length > 3 || f.Name != null)
                                lastThreecharacters = f.Name.Trim().Substring(f.Name.Length - 3);

                                foreach (var item in _DoNotDownloadList)
                                    if (lastThreecharacters == item.Trim().ToLower())
                                        fileAllowed = false;

                                //Make sure it's not in the "Do not download" list, compare extension here

                                if (!_DoNotDownloadList.Exists(x => x.ToLower().Equals(f.Name.ToLower())) && fileAllowed == true)

                                    if (f.LastWriteTime.CompareTo(currentDate) >= 0)
                                        summary.RemoteFiles.Add(new Types.RemoteFile() { FileDownloaded = false, FileName = f.Name, FullName = f.FullName, LastWriteTimeUTC = f.LastWriteTimeUtc });


                    //Add the Referral Orders File For the Current Day
                    sftp.ChangeDirectory("Referral Order Summary");
                    files = sftp.ListDirectory(".");

                    foreach( var f in files)
                       if (!f.IsDirectory)
                            //Make sure it's not in the "Do not download" list
                            if (!_DoNotDownloadList.Exists(x => x.ToLower().Equals(f.Name.ToLower())))
                               if (f.LastWriteTime.CompareTo(currentDate) >= 0)
                                   summary.RemoteFiles.Add(new Types.RemoteFile() { FileDownloaded = false, FileName = f.Name, FullName = f.FullName, LastWriteTimeUTC = f.LastWriteTimeUtc });

                    StatusUpdate(this, new Types.StatusUpdateEventArgs() { message = sftpConnInfo.Host + ":" + sftpConnInfo.Port.ToString() + remotePath + " has " + summary.RemoteFiles.Count.ToString() + " files to be downloaded", Location = locationName, StatusType = "TotalFilesCount", TotalFilesToDownload = summary.RemoteFiles.Count });

                    foreach (var f in summary.RemoteFiles)

                        //Are we still connected? If not, reestablish a connection for up to a max of "MaxReconnectAttempts" 
                        if (!sftp.IsConnected)
                            int maxAttempts = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MaxReconnectAttempts"]);

                            StatusUpdate(this, new Types.StatusUpdateEventArgs() { message = "SFTP Service has been connected from remote system, attempting to reconnect (" + sftpConnInfo.Host + ":" + sftpConnInfo.Port.ToString() + remotePath + " - Attempt 1 of " + maxAttempts.ToString() + ")", Location = locationName });

                            for (int attempts = 1; attempts <= maxAttempts; attempts++)

                                if (sftp.IsConnected)
                                    StatusUpdate(this, new Types.StatusUpdateEventArgs() { message = "SFTP Service - Connection reestablished (" + remotePath + ")", Location = locationName });
                                    if ((attempts + 1) <= maxAttempts)
                                        StatusUpdate(this, new Types.StatusUpdateEventArgs() { message = "SFTP Service still disconnected from remote system, preparing another reconnect attempt (" + sftpConnInfo.Host + ":" + sftpConnInfo.Port.ToString() + remotePath + " - Attempt " + (attempts + 1).ToString() + " of " + maxAttempts.ToString() + ")", Location = locationName });
                                        //Max reconnect attempts reached - end the session and ensure the appropriate "failure" workflow is triggered
                                        connectionLost = true;

                        if (connectionLost)


                            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(localSaveLocation + f.FileName))

                                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("\tDownloading file " + totalFileCount.ToString() + "(" + f.FileName + ")");

                                System.IO.Stream localFile = System.IO.File.OpenWrite(localSaveLocation + f.FileName);
                                //Log remote file name, local file name, date/time start
                                start = DateTime.Now;

                                sftp.DownloadFile(f.FullName, localFile);

                                end = DateTime.Now;

                                //Log remote file name, local file name, date/time complete (increment the "successful" downloads by 1)
                                timeElapsed = end.Subtract(start);
                                runningSeconds += timeElapsed.TotalSeconds;
                                runningAvg = runningSeconds / Convert.ToDouble(totalFileCount);
                                estimatedSecondsRemaining = (summary.RemoteFiles.Count - totalFileCount) * runningAvg;

                                elapsedTimeString = timeElapsed.TotalSeconds.ToString("#.####") + " seconds";
                                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("\tCompleted downloading file in " + elapsedTimeString + " " + "(" + f.FileName + ")");
                                ProcessFileComplete(this, new Types.ProcessFileCompleteEventArgs() { downloadSuccessful = true, elapsedTime = timeElapsed.TotalSeconds, fileName = f.FileName, fullLocalPath = localSaveLocation + f.FileName, Location = locationName, FilesDownloaded = totalFileCount, FilesRemaining = (summary.RemoteFiles.Count - totalFileCount), AvgSecondsPerDownload = runningAvg, TotalSecondsElapsed = runningSeconds, EstimatedTimeRemaining = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(estimatedSecondsRemaining) });

                                f.FileDownloaded = true;
                               // throw new System.ArgumentException("Parameter cannot be null", "original");
                                if (deleteAfterDownload)
                                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("\tFile " + totalFileCount.ToString() + "(" + f.FileName + ") already exists locally");

                                ProcessFileComplete(this, new Types.ProcessFileCompleteEventArgs() { downloadSuccessful = true, elapsedTime = 0, fileName = f.FileName + " (File already exists locally)", fullLocalPath = localSaveLocation + f.FileName, Location = locationName, FilesDownloaded = totalFileCount, FilesRemaining = (summary.RemoteFiles.Count - totalFileCount), AvgSecondsPerDownload = runningAvg, TotalSecondsElapsed = runningSeconds, EstimatedTimeRemaining = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(estimatedSecondsRemaining) });
                                f.FileDownloaded = true;

                                if (deleteAfterDownload)

                        catch (System.Exception ex)

                            //Log the exception (increment the "failed" downloads by 1)
                            end = DateTime.Now;
                            timeElapsed = end.Subtract(start);
                            runningSeconds += timeElapsed.TotalSeconds;
                            runningAvg = runningSeconds / Convert.ToDouble(totalFileCount);
                            estimatedSecondsRemaining = (summary.RemoteFiles.Count - totalFileCount) * runningAvg;
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("\tFailed downloading file " + totalFileCount.ToString() + "(" + f.FileName + ") - " + ex.Message);
                            ProcessFileComplete(this, new Types.ProcessFileCompleteEventArgs() { downloadSuccessful = false, elapsedTime = timeElapsed.TotalSeconds, fileName = f.FileName, fullLocalPath = "File not downloaded", Location = locationName, FilesDownloaded = totalFileCount, FilesRemaining = (summary.RemoteFiles.Count - totalFileCount), AvgSecondsPerDownload = runningAvg, TotalSecondsElapsed = runningSeconds, EstimatedTimeRemaining = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(estimatedSecondsRemaining) });



Полное сообщение об ошибке это

Сведения об исключении: безопасный дескриптор был закрыт - в System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle.DangerousAddRef(Boolean& success) в System.StubHelpers.StubHelpers.SafeHandleAddRef(SafeHandle pHandle, Boolean& success) в System.Security.CryhHata.UtilHD.UE. hHash, данные Byte[], Int32 cbData, Int32 ibStart, Int32 cbSize) в System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1CryptoServiceProvider.HashCore(Byte[] rgb, Int32 ibStart, Int32 cbSize) в System.Security.Chitem для шифрования. [] буфер) в Renci.SshNet.Security.Cryptography.RsaDigitalSignature.Hash(Byte[] вход) в Renci.SshNet.Security.Cryptography.CipherDigitalSignature.Sign(Byte[] ввод) в Renci.SshNet.Security.KeyHostAgorithm (Данные в байтах []) в Renci.SshNet.PrivateKeyAuthenticationMethod.Authenticate(сеанс сеанса) в Renci.SshNet.AuthenticationMethod.Renci.SshNet.IAuthenticationMethod.Authenticate(сеанс ISession) в сеансе Renci.SshNet.nticheut ationState authenticationState, ICollection`1 enabledAuthenticationMethods, SshAuthenticationException& authenticationException) в Renci.SshNet.ClientAuthentication.Authenticate(IConnectionInfoInternal connectionInfo, сеанс ISession) в Rencen.SshNet.ConnectionInfo.A счетной_категории.категория службы сервиса (Renition).) в Renci.SshNet.BaseClient.Connect() в SFTPUtility.SFTP.ConnectToSFTP(ConnectionInfo sftpConnInfo, String remotePath, String localPath, String locationName) в C:\FTPREPO\SFTPUtility\SFTP.cs: строка 74

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