Название "е" не существует в этом контексте.
Я искал другие сообщения, чтобы попытаться решить проблему, но я действительно плохо знаком с программированием в InfoPath. У меня есть код, который должен позволять мне использовать Infopath для обновления элементов в списке SharePoint. Я продолжаю получать сообщение об ошибке, что "имя" е "не существует в текущем контексте". Пожалуйста помоги!!
public void InternalStartup()
((ButtonEvent)EventManager.ControlEvents["UpdateList"]).Clicked += new ClickedEventHandler(UpdateList_Clicked("Update", e.Source.CreateNavigator()));
public void UpdateList_Clicked(string strOperation, XPathNavigator e)
//Create a new instance of our "Lists" web service
ServerName.Lists myList = new ServerName.Lists();
//Pass the logged on users credentials to the web service
myList.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
//Create a DataSource object for our list data source
DataSource dsContacts = this.DataSources["Updated Headcount"];
//Create a NamespaceManager object so we can use the various namespaces on our XPATH expressions
XmlNamespaceManager ns = this.NamespaceManager;
//Create XPathNavigator objects for each field from our list
XPathNavigator xnID = e.SelectSingleNode("@ID", ns);
XPathNavigator xnTitle = e.SelectSingleNode("@Title", ns);
XPathNavigator xnLastName = e.SelectSingleNode("@LastName ", ns);
XPathNavigator xnFirstName = e.SelectSingleNode("@FirstName", ns);
XPathNavigator xnFranchise = e.SelectSingleNode("@Franchise", ns);
XPathNavigator xnLocation = e.SelectSingleNode("@Location", ns);
XPathNavigator xnPillar = e.SelectSingleNode("@Pillar", ns);
XPathNavigator xnLeader = e.SelectSingleNode("@Leader", ns);
XPathNavigator xnActivity = e.SelectSingleNode("@Activity", ns);
XPathNavigator xnCategory = e.SelectSingleNode("@Category", ns);
XPathNavigator xnPosition = e.SelectSingleNode("@Position", ns);
XPathNavigator xnDeptNumber = e.SelectSingleNode("@DeptNumber", ns);
XPathNavigator xnSupervisor = e.SelectSingleNode("@Supervisor", ns);
XPathNavigator xnEmployeeType = e.SelectSingleNode("@EmployeeType", ns);
XPathNavigator xnFTE = e.SelectSingleNode("@FTE", ns);
XPathNavigator xnNotes = e.SelectSingleNode("@Notes", ns);
//Create a new XmlDocument to use for specifying the Update CAML query
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
//Create the needed update element
System.Xml.XmlElement updates = doc.CreateElement("Batch");
//Create the CAML query passing in the value of each of our fields from the form
if (strOperation == "Delete")
updates.InnerXml = string.Format(@"<Method ID='1' Cmd='Delete'>" +
"<Field Name='ID'>" + xnID.Value + "</Field>" + "</Method>");
//Create the CAML query passing in the value of each of our fields from the form
updates.InnerXml = string.Format(@"<Method ID='1' Cmd='Update'>" +
"<Field Name='ID'>" + xnID.Value + "</Field>" +
"<Field Name='Title'>" + xnTitle.Value + "</Field>" +
"<Field Name='LastName'>" + xnLastName.Value + "</Field>" +
"<Field Name='FirstName'>" + xnFirstName.Value + "</Field>" +
"<Field Name='Franchise'>" + xnFranchise.Value + "</Field>" +
"<Field Name='Location'>" + xnLocation.Value + "</Field>" +
"<Field Name='Pillar'>" + xnPillar.Value + "</Field>" +
"<Field Name='Leader'>" + xnLeader.Value + "</Field>" +
"<Field Name='Activity>" + xnActivity.Value + "</Field>" +
"<Field Name='Category'>" + xnCategory.Value + "</Field>" +
"<Field Name='Position>" + xnPosition.Value + "</Field>" +
"<Field Name='DeptNumber'>" + xnDeptNumber.Value + "</Field>" +
"<Field Name='Supervisor'>" + xnSupervisor.Value + "</Field>" +
"<Field Name='EmployeeType'>" + xnEmployeeType.Value + "</Field>" +
"<Field Name='FTE'>" + xnFTE.Value + "</Field>" +
"<Field Name='Notes'>" + xnNotes.Value + "</Field>" + "</Method>");
//Update the list
XPathNavigator xnListGUID = this.MainDataSource.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:ListName", ns);
XmlNode node = myList.UpdateListItems(xnListGUID.Value, updates);
//Requery the data source to reflect the updates
2 ответа
Если предположить, Clicked
это событие с void (string, XPathNavigator)
подпись, вы должны добавить обработчик событий следующим образом:
public void InternalStartup()
((ButtonEvent)EventManager.ControlEvents["UpdateList"]).Clicked += UpdateList_Clicked;
Ты имел ввиду
public void InternalStartup()
((ButtonEvent)EventManager.ControlEvents["UpdateList"]).Clicked +=
(s, e) => UpdateList_Clicked("Update", e.Source.CreateNavigator());