Excel в Word (VB) цикл по строкам
Макрос, который у меня есть в Excel, считывает данные из каждой строки и создает файл слов для каждой строки на основе этих данных. Файл слов, используемый в качестве шаблона, имеет закладки (значения в столбцах сопоставляются с закладками).
Я заставил его работать для одной строки, но он не будет проходить по всем строкам. Код, который я использую, я получил от:http://www.wiseowl.co.uk/blog/s199/word-bookmarks.htm
Вот мой код:
Option Explicit
'change this to where your files are stored
Const FilePath As String = "C:\Files\"
Dim wd As New Word.Application
Dim SOPCell As Range
Sub CreateWordDocuments()
'create copy of Word in memory
Dim doc As Word.Document
wd.Visible = True
Dim SOPRange As Range
'create a reference to all the people
Set SOPRange = Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.End(xlDown)).Cells
'for each person in list �
For Each SOPCell In SOPRange
'open a document in Word
Set doc = wd.Documents.Open(FilePath & "template.doc")
'go to each bookmark and type in details
CopyCell "sop", 0
CopyCell "equipment", 1
CopyCell "component", 2
CopyCell "step", 3
CopyCell "form", 4
CopyCell "frequency", 5
CopyCell "frequencyB", 5
'save and close this document
doc.SaveAs2 FilePath & "SOP " & SOPCell.Value & ".doc"
Next SOPCell
MsgBox "Created files in " & FilePath & "!"
End Sub
Sub CopyCell(BookMarkName As String, ColumnOffset As Integer)
'copy each cell to relevant Word bookmark
wd.Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:=BookMarkName
wd.Selection.TypeText SOPCell.Offset(0, ColumnOffset).Value
End Sub
1 ответ
Вы, кажется, пропускаете параметр диапазона в Sub Sub CopyCell
Sub CreateWordDocuments()
'create copy of Word in memory
Dim doc As Word.Document
wd.Visible = True
Dim SOPRange As Range
'create a reference to all the people
Set SOPRange = Range(Range("A1"), Range("A1").End(xlDown)).Cells
'for each person in list
For Each SOPCell In SOPRange
'open a document in Word
Set doc = wd.Documents.Open(FilePath & "template.doc")
'go to each bookmark and type in details
CopyCell SOPCell, "sop", 0
CopyCell SOPCell, "equipment", 1
CopyCell SOPCell, "component", 2
CopyCell SOPCell, "step", 3
CopyCell SOPCell, "form", 4
CopyCell SOPCell, "frequency", 5
CopyCell SOPCell, "frequencyB", 5
'save and close this document
doc.SaveAs2 FilePath & "SOP " & SOPCell.Value & ".doc"
Next SOPCell
MsgBox "Created files in " & FilePath & "!"
End Sub
Sub CopyCell(rg As Range, BookMarkName As String, ColumnOffset As Integer)
'copy each cell to relevant Word bookmark
wd.Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:=BookMarkName
wd.Selection.TypeText rg.Offset(0, ColumnOffset).Value
End Sub