Мой проект расчета жизни

В настоящее время я работаю над калькулятором жизни, который я запрограммировал на python. Мне нужны идеи о том, что добавить к нему, и примеры о том, как добавить его, а также о том, как мне добавить конечный элемент управления, чтобы я мог просто ввести end и программа остановилась. Я пытаюсь сделать это лучше, потому что я планирую принять его на технологической ярмарке, на которой я собираюсь. Вот мой код

print("The Life Calculator")

name = input("What is you're name? ") 
age = int(input("age:  "))

months = age * 12                 #This equals to how many months you have been alive.

days = age * 365                  #This equals to how many days you have been alive.

hours = age * 8765.81             #This equals to how many hours you have been alive.

minutes = age * 31556926          #This equals to how many minutes you have been alive.

seconds = age * 3.156e+7          #This equals to how many seconds you have been alive.

miliseconds = age * 3.15569e10    #This equals to how many miliseconds you have been alive.

microseconds = age * 3.156e+13    #This equals to how many microseconds you have been alive.

nanoseconds = age * 3.156e+16     #This equals to how many nanoseconds you have been alive.

print("This is how many months you have been alive.")               
print (months)        #This shows how many months you have been alive.

print("This is how many days you have been alive.")
print (days)         #This shows how many months you have been alive.

print("This is how many hours you have been alive.")
print (hours)         #This shows how many hours you have been alive.

print("This is how many minutes you have been alive.")
print (minutes)       #This shows how many minutes you have been alive.

print("This is how many seconds you have been alive.")
print (seconds)       #This shows how many seconds you have been alive.

print("This is how many miliseconds you have been alive.")
print (miliseconds)   #This shows how many miliseconds you have been alive.

print("This is how many microseconds you have been alive.")
print (microseconds)  #This shows how many microseconds you have been alive.

print("This is how many nanoseconds you have been alive.")
print (nanoseconds)   #This shows how many nanoseconds you have been alive.

lastline = ("this is how long you have been alive, so what are you going to do with the rest of your life?")

print (name)

print (lastline)

2 ответа

Вот увеличенная версия.

Я взял много повторяющихся утверждений и преобразовал их в данные:

from collections import namedtuple

TimeUnit = namedtuple("TimeUnit", ["name", "per_year"])

units = [
    TimeUnit("decade",            0.1 ),
    TimeUnit("month",            12.0 ),
    TimeUnit("fortnight",        26.09),
    TimeUnit("day",             365.25),
    TimeUnit("hour",           8765.81),
    TimeUnit("minute",        31556926),
    TimeUnit("second",        3.156e+7),
    TimeUnit("millisecond", 3.15569e10)

def get_float(prompt):
    while True:
            return float(input(prompt))
        except ValueError:

def main():
    print("The Life Calculator")

    name = input("What is your name? ") 
    years = get_float("What is your age? ")

    print("You have been alive for:")
    for unit in units:
        print("  {} {}s".format(years * unit.per_year, unit.name))
    print("what are you going to do with the rest of your life, {}?".format(name))

if __name__ == "__main__":

Ваша программа выполняется один раз, а не несколько раз, поэтому на самом деле вам не нужно просить пользователя end, Однако, если вы хотите запустить вашу программу, пока пользователь не наберет end, вы должны поместить эти коды в while петля.

Если вы хотите прекратить запуск вашей программы, когда пользователь вводит endпросто добавьте эту строку в вашу программу;

while True:

    #your codes here
    #end of your codes add this line
    ask=input("Want to end it?")
    if ask.lower()=="end":

С помощью lower() так что даже пользовательские типы END or eND or EnD etc. все будет хорошо.

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