ElasticSearch geo_shape Запрос не возвращает ожидаемых результатов
Вот код, который создает мое отображение для моего posts.d
$this->createMapping('posts', [
'id' => ['type' => 'integer'],
'title' => ['type' => 'string'],
'description' => ['type' => 'string'],
'price' => ['type' => 'integer'],
'obo' => ['type' => 'boolean'],
'payment_method' => ['type' => 'string'],
'shipping_method' => ['type' => 'string'],
'special_instructions' => ['type' => 'string'],
'username' => ['type' => 'string'],
'post_location' => ['type' => 'geo_point'],
'reach' => ['type' => 'geo_shape'],
'post_location_string' => ['type' => 'string'],
'post_location_postcode' => ['type' => 'string'],
'is_spotlight' => ['type' => 'boolean'],
'spotlight_range' => ['type' => 'string'],
'spotlight_expiration' => ['type' => 'date', 'format' => 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'],
'post_created_at' => ['type' => 'date', 'format' => 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'],
'post_updated_at' => ['type' => 'date', 'format' => 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss']
Вот мой запрос
$params = [
'index' => 'ryno',
'type' => 'posts',
'size' => 10,
'from' => 0,
'body' => [
"sort" => [
"post_created_at" => [
"order" => "desc"
'query' => [
'filtered' => [
'query' => [
'match' => [
"is_spotlight" => true
'filter' => [
'geo_shape' => [
'reach' => [
'relation' => 'INTERSECTS',
'shape' => [
'type' => 'circle',
'coordinates' => [-73.261700, 42.969900],
'radius' => '20mi'
Я ожидал увидеть этот документ в результатах.
"_index": "ryno",
"_type": "posts",
"_id": "51",
"_score": 10.347348,
"_source": {
"id": 51,
"user_id": 148,
"title": "1956 cadilac series 62 ",
"slug": "310408-1956-cadilac-series-62",
"description": "1956 cadilac series 62 all origulnal 49 k Original miles runs drives great everything works a former Howard Hughes collector car call for info and more details the appraisal is $72 k selling today for $38.500 injury forces sale won't last call 951-961-2800",
"price": 3850000,
"obo": false,
"payment_method": "Cash,Bank Check",
"shipping_method": "Pick Up Only,Ground",
"special_instructions": "",
"post_created_at": "2017-05-20 22:13:39",
"post_updated_at": "2017-05-20 22:20:20",
"post_deleted_at": "",
"post_location_string": "Sun City, CA US",
"post_location_postcode": "92585",
"username": "Chip12979",
"post_location": {
"lat": 33.7415,
"lon": -117.1889
"is_spotlight": true,
"default_images": {
"small": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/ryno-post-images/1496290519-small.JPG",
"medium": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/ryno-post-images/1496290519-medium.JPG",
"large": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/ryno-post-images/1496290519.JPG"
"spotlight_expiration": "2017-06-23 17:31:50",
"spotlight_range": "Worldwide",
"reach": {
"coordinates": [-117.1889, 33.7415],
"type": "circle",
"radius": 250000
Может кто-нибудь также предложить метод поражения ES через клиента, как PAW? Я только когда-либо использовал браузер, и я не уверен, как сделать сложный запрос, подобный этому, через интерфейс браузера и аргументы запроса.
1 ответ
Я думаю, это помогло бы, если бы я поместил единицы измерения на радиус. Добавление mi к радиусу сработало.