301 от GitHub-запроса от usocket micropython
**i am getting 301 from my github repo when trying to get one json file
useing micropython usocket**
b'HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently\r\nServer: Varnish\r\nRetry-After: 0\r\nLocation: https://raw.githubuserc
ontent.com/pawansankhle/my-iot/master/dev/esp8266_525a8a00/update.json\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\nAccept-Rang
es: bytes\r\nDate: Sat, 10 Feb 2018 14:09:45 GMT\r\nVia: 1.1 varnish\r\nConnection: close\r\nX-Served-By:
cache-ams4449-AMS\r\nX-Cache: HIT\r\nX-Cache-Hits: 0\r\nX-Timer: S1518271785.251491,VS0,VE0\r\nAccess-Cont
rol-Allow-Origin: *\r\nExpires: Sat, 10 Feb 2018 14:14:45 GMT\r\nVary: Authorization,Accept-Encoding\r\n\r\n'
**this is response i am getting from github and my code is**
def start(url='https://github.com/pawansankhle/my-iot/raw/master/dev/'+ _config.get_client_id() +'/update.json'):
import ujson as json
res = http_get(url)
response = json.loads(res)
for file in response['files']:
path = file['path']
url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pawansankhle/my-iot/master/dev/{}'.format(path)
http_get_to_file(url, path)
except Exception as ex:
и это мой метод http_get, чтобы получить реальные данные
def http_get(url): response = b'' try: get = http_get_async(url), в то время как True: file_bytes = get.send(None) ответ += file_bytes, кроме StopIteration: pass
response_str = str(response, 'utf-8')
return response_str