Как перетаскивать элементы в календарь только с угловыми директивами
Я пытаюсь реализовать календарь перетаскивания с угловыми директивами. В календаре используется ui-calendar ( https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-calendar), полная директива AngularJS для Arshaw FullCalendar.
Перетаскивание элемента в календарь осуществляется с помощью angular-dragdrop ( https://github.com/codef0rmer/angular-dragdrop).
Вот моя попытка в папке demo/ui-calendar/demo, но ни одно событие не запускается, когда я помещаю элемент в календарь...
HTML-код прост:
<html lang="en" ng-app="calendarDemoApp" id="top" class="ng-scope">
<style type="text/css">@charset "UTF-8";[ng\:cloak],[ng-cloak],[data-ng-cloak],[x-ng-cloak],.ng-cloak,.x-ng-cloak,.ng-hide{display:none !important;}ng\:form{display:block;}.ng-animate-block-transitions{transition:0s all!important;-webkit-transition:0s all!important;}</style>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="fullcalendar.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="calendarDemo.css">
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="jquery-ui.js"></script>
<script src="angular.js"></script>
<script src="https://angular-ui.github.io/bootstrap/ui-bootstrap-tpls-0.9.0.js"></script>
<script src="fullcalendar.js"></script>
<script src="calendar.js"></script>
$.fn.ngattr = function(name, value) {
var element = angular.element(this).get(0);
return element.getAttribute(name) || element.getAttribute('data-' + name);
<div ng-controller="dragdropController">
<li class="btn btn-primary"
ng-repeat='item in list1'
data-jqyoui-options="{revert: 'invalid', helper: 'clone'}"
jqyoui-draggable="{index: {{$index}}, animate: true, placeholder: 'keep'}">{{item.title}}</li>
<div class="alert-success calAlert" ng-show="alertMessage != undefined && alertMessage != ''">
<div ng-controller="CalendarCtrl" select="renderCalender(myCalendar1);">
<div class="btn-toolbar">
<div class="btn-group">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="addEvent()">Add Event</button>
<div data-drop="true"
Я объединил все директивы, контроллеры и сервис в следующем js-файле для простоты:
function CalendarCtrl($scope) {
/* event source that contains custom events on the scope */
$scope.events = [
{title: 'All Day Event',start: new Date()}
/* add custom event*/
$scope.addEvent = function() {
title: 'Open Sesame',
start: new Date(),
className: ['openSesame']
$scope.drop = function(date, allDay){
$scope.alertMessage = ('Event Droped on ' + date);
/* config object */
$scope.uiConfig = {
height: 450,
editable: true,
left: 'title',
center: '',
right: 'today prev,next'
drop: $scope.drop
/* event sources array*/
$scope.eventSources = [$scope.events];
angular.module('calendarDemoApp', [])
.constant('uiCalendarConfig', {})
.controller('dragdropController', ['$scope','$timeout', function($scope, $timeout) {
var addEvent = function (title, length) {
length = length.length == 0 ? "0" : length;
title = title.length == 0 ? "Untitled Event (" + length + " min)" : title + " (" + length + " min)";
$scope.list1.push({'title': title, 'length': length});
$('#event_add').unbind('click').click(function () {
var title = $('#event_title').val();
var length = $('#event_length').val();
addEvent(title, length);
$scope.list1 = [
{title: 'Full check up', length: '25'},
{title: 'Whitening', length: '90'},
{title: 'Filling', length: '30'}];
.controller('uiCalendarCtrl', ['$scope', '$timeout', function($scope, $timeout){
var sourceSerialId = 1,
eventSerialId = 1,
sources = $scope.eventSources,
extraEventSignature = $scope.calendarWatchEvent ? $scope.calendarWatchEvent : angular.noop,
wrapFunctionWithScopeApply = function(functionToWrap){
var wrapper;
if (functionToWrap){
wrapper = function(){
// This happens outside of angular context so we need to wrap it in a timeout which has an implied apply.
// In this way the function will be safely executed on the next digest.
var args = arguments;
functionToWrap.apply(this, args);
return wrapper;
this.eventsFingerprint = function(e) {
if (!e.__uiCalId) {
e.__uiCalId = eventSerialId++;
// This extracts all the information we need from the event. http://jsperf.com/angular-calendar-events-fingerprint/3
return "" + e.__uiCalId + (e.id || '') + (e.title || '') + (e.url || '') + (+e.start || '') + (+e.end || '') +
(e.allDay || '') + (e.className || '') + extraEventSignature(e) || '';
this.sourcesFingerprint = function(source) {
return source.__id || (source.__id = sourceSerialId++);
this.allEvents = function() {
// return sources.flatten(); but we don't have flatten
var arraySources = [];
for (var i = 0, srcLen = sources.length; i < srcLen; i++) {
var source = sources[i];
if (angular.isArray(source)) {
// event source as array
} else if(angular.isObject(source) && angular.isArray(source.events)){
// event source as object, ie extended form
var extEvent = {};
for(var key in source){
if(key !== '_uiCalId' && key !== 'events'){
extEvent[key] = source[key];
for(var eI = 0;eI < source.events.length;eI++){
return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], arraySources);
// Track changes in array by assigning id tokens to each element and watching the scope for changes in those tokens
// arguments:
// arraySource array of function that returns array of objects to watch
// tokenFn function(object) that returns the token for a given object
this.changeWatcher = function(arraySource, tokenFn) {
var self;
var getTokens = function() {
var array = angular.isFunction(arraySource) ? arraySource() : arraySource;
var result = [], token, el;
for (var i = 0, n = array.length; i < n; i++) {
el = array[i];
token = tokenFn(el);
map[token] = el;
return result;
// returns elements in that are in a but not in b
// subtractAsSets([4, 5, 6], [4, 5, 7]) => [6]
var subtractAsSets = function(a, b) {
var result = [], inB = {}, i, n;
for (i = 0, n = b.length; i < n; i++) {
inB[b[i]] = true;
for (i = 0, n = a.length; i < n; i++) {
if (!inB[a[i]]) {
return result;
// Map objects to tokens and vice-versa
var map = {};
var applyChanges = function(newTokens, oldTokens) {
var i, n, el, token;
var replacedTokens = {};
var removedTokens = subtractAsSets(oldTokens, newTokens);
for (i = 0, n = removedTokens.length; i < n; i++) {
var removedToken = removedTokens[i];
el = map[removedToken];
delete map[removedToken];
var newToken = tokenFn(el);
// if the element wasn't removed but simply got a new token, its old token will be different from the current one
if (newToken === removedToken) {
} else {
replacedTokens[newToken] = removedToken;
var addedTokens = subtractAsSets(newTokens, oldTokens);
for (i = 0, n = addedTokens.length; i < n; i++) {
token = addedTokens[i];
el = map[token];
if (!replacedTokens[token]) {
return self = {
subscribe: function(scope, onChanged) {
scope.$watch(getTokens, function(newTokens, oldTokens) {
if (!onChanged || onChanged(newTokens, oldTokens) !== false) {
applyChanges(newTokens, oldTokens);
}, true);
onAdded: angular.noop,
onChanged: angular.noop,
onRemoved: angular.noop
this.getFullCalendarConfig = function(calendarSettings, uiCalendarConfig){
var config = {};
angular.extend(config, uiCalendarConfig);
angular.extend(config, calendarSettings);
angular.forEach(config, function(value,key){
if (typeof value === 'function'){
config[key] = wrapFunctionWithScopeApply(config[key]);
return config;
.directive('jqyouiDraggable', ['ngDragDropService', function(ngDragDropService) {
return {
require: '?jqyouiDroppable',
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var dragSettings, jqyouiOptions, zIndex;
var updateDraggable = function(newValue, oldValue) {
if (newValue) {
dragSettings = scope.$eval(element.attr('jqyoui-draggable') || element.attr('data-jqyoui-draggable')) || {};
jqyouiOptions = scope.$eval(attrs.jqyouiOptions) || {};
.draggable({disabled: false})
start: function(event, ui) {
zIndex = angular.element(jqyouiOptions.helper ? ui.helper : this).css('z-index');
angular.element(jqyouiOptions.helper ? ui.helper : this).css('z-index', 9999);
angular.startXY = angular.element(this).offset();
ngDragDropService.callEventCallback(scope, dragSettings.onStart, event, ui);
stop: function(event, ui) {
angular.element(jqyouiOptions.helper ? ui.helper : this).css('z-index', zIndex);
ngDragDropService.callEventCallback(scope, dragSettings.onStop, event, ui);
drag: function(event, ui) {
ngDragDropService.callEventCallback(scope, dragSettings.onDrag, event, ui);
} else {
element.draggable({disabled: true});
scope.$watch(function() { return scope.$eval(attrs.drag); }, updateDraggable);
element.on('$destroy', function() {
.directive('jqyouiDroppable', ['ngDragDropService', function(ngDragDropService) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
priority: 1,
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var dropSettings;
var updateDroppable = function(newValue, oldValue) {
if (newValue) {
dropSettings = scope.$eval(angular.element(element).attr('jqyoui-droppable') || angular.element(element).attr('data-jqyoui-droppable')) || {};
.droppable({disabled: false})
.droppable(scope.$eval(attrs.jqyouiOptions) || {})
over: function(event, ui) {
ngDragDropService.callEventCallback(scope, dropSettings.onOver, event, ui);
out: function(event, ui) {
ngDragDropService.callEventCallback(scope, dropSettings.onOut, event, ui);
drop: function(event, ui) {
if (angular.element(ui.draggable).ngattr('ng-model') && attrs.ngModel) {
ngDragDropService.invokeDrop(scope, angular.element(ui.draggable), angular.element(this), event, ui);
} else {
ngDragDropService.callEventCallback(scope, dropSettings.onDrop, event, ui);
} else {
element.droppable({disabled: true});
scope.$watch(function() { return scope.$eval(attrs.drop); }, updateDroppable);
element.on('$destroy', function() {
.directive('uiCalendar', ['uiCalendarConfig', '$locale', function(uiCalendarConfig, $locale) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: {eventSources:'=ngModel',calendarWatchEvent: '&'},
controller: 'uiCalendarCtrl',
link: function(scope, elm, attrs, controller) {
var sources = scope.eventSources,
sourcesChanged = false,
eventSourcesWatcher = controller.changeWatcher(sources, controller.sourcesFingerprint),
eventsWatcher = controller.changeWatcher(controller.allEvents, controller.eventsFingerprint),
options = null;
function getOptions(){
var calendarSettings = attrs.uiCalendar ? scope.$parent.$eval(attrs.uiCalendar) : {},
fullCalendarConfig = controller.getFullCalendarConfig(calendarSettings, uiCalendarConfig);
options = { eventSources: sources };
angular.extend(options, fullCalendarConfig);
var options2 = {};
for(var o in options){
if(o !== 'eventSources'){
options2[o] = options[o];
return JSON.stringify(options2);
scope.destroy = function(){
if(attrs.calendar) {
scope.calendar = scope.$parent[attrs.calendar] = elm.html('');
} else {
scope.calendar = elm.html('');
scope.init = function(){
eventSourcesWatcher.onAdded = function(source) {
scope.calendar.fullCalendar('addEventSource', source);
sourcesChanged = true;
eventSourcesWatcher.onRemoved = function(source) {
scope.calendar.fullCalendar('removeEventSource', source);
sourcesChanged = true;
eventsWatcher.onAdded = function(event) {
scope.calendar.fullCalendar('renderEvent', event, true);
eventsWatcher.onRemoved = function(event) {
scope.calendar.fullCalendar('removeEvents', function(e) { return e === event; });
eventsWatcher.onChanged = function(event) {
scope.calendar.fullCalendar('updateEvent', event);
eventsWatcher.subscribe(scope, function(newTokens, oldTokens) {
if (sourcesChanged === true) {
sourcesChanged = false;
// prevent incremental updates in this case
return false;
scope.$watch(getOptions, function(newO,oldO){
.service('ngDragDropService', ['$timeout', '$parse', function($timeout, $parse) {
this.callEventCallback = function (scope, callbackName, event, ui) {
if (!callbackName) return;
var objExtract = extract(callbackName),
callback = objExtract.callback,
constructor = objExtract.constructor,
args = [event, ui].concat(objExtract.args);
// call either $scoped method i.e. $scope.dropCallback or constructor's method i.e. this.dropCallback
scope.$apply((scope[callback] || scope[constructor][callback]).apply(scope, args));
function extract(callbackName) {
var atStartBracket = callbackName.indexOf('(') !== -1 ? callbackName.indexOf('(') : callbackName.length,
atEndBracket = callbackName.lastIndexOf(')') !== -1 ? callbackName.lastIndexOf(')') : callbackName.length,
args = callbackName.substring(atStartBracket + 1, atEndBracket), // matching function arguments inside brackets
constructor = callbackName.match(/^[^.]+.\s*/)[0].slice(0, -1); // matching a string upto a dot to check ctrl as syntax
constructor = scope[constructor] && typeof scope[constructor].constructor === 'function' ? constructor : null;
return {
callback: callbackName.substring(constructor && constructor.length + 1 || 0, atStartBracket),
args: (args && args.split(',') || []).map(function(item) { return $parse(item)(scope); }),
constructor: constructor
this.invokeDrop = function (scope, $draggable, $droppable, event, ui) {
var dragModel = '',
dropModel = '',
dragSettings = {},
dropSettings = {},
jqyoui_pos = null,
dragItem = {},
dropItem = {},
$droppableDraggable = null,
droppableScope = $droppable.scope(),
draggableScope = $draggable.scope();
dragModel = $draggable.ngattr('ng-model');
dropModel = $droppable.ngattr('ng-model');
dragModelValue = draggableScope.$eval(dragModel);
dropModelValue = droppableScope.$eval(dropModel);
$droppableDraggable = $droppable.find('[jqyoui-draggable]:last,[data-jqyoui-draggable]:last');
dropSettings = droppableScope.$eval($droppable.attr('jqyoui-droppable') || $droppable.attr('data-jqyoui-droppable')) || [];
dragSettings = draggableScope.$eval($draggable.attr('jqyoui-draggable') || $draggable.attr('data-jqyoui-draggable')) || [];
// Helps pick up the right item
dragSettings.index = this.fixIndex(draggableScope, dragSettings, dragModelValue);
dropSettings.index = this.fixIndex(droppableScope, dropSettings, dropModelValue);
jqyoui_pos = angular.isArray(dragModelValue) ? dragSettings.index : null;
dragItem = angular.isArray(dragModelValue) ? dragModelValue[jqyoui_pos] : dragModelValue;
if (angular.isArray(dropModelValue) && dropSettings && dropSettings.index !== undefined) {
dropItem = dropModelValue[dropSettings.index];
} else if (!angular.isArray(dropModelValue)) {
dropItem = dropModelValue;
} else {
dropItem = {};
if (dragSettings.animate === true) {
this.move($draggable, $droppableDraggable.length > 0 ? $droppableDraggable : $droppable, null, 'fast', dropSettings, null);
this.move($droppableDraggable.length > 0 && !dropSettings.multiple ? $droppableDraggable : [], $draggable.parent('[jqyoui-droppable],[data-jqyoui-droppable]'), angular.startXY, 'fast', dropSettings, angular.bind(this, function() {
$timeout(angular.bind(this, function() {
// Do not move this into move() to avoid flickering issue
$draggable.css({'position': 'relative', 'left': '', 'top': ''});
// Angular v1.2 uses ng-hide to hide an element not display property
// so we've to manually remove display:none set in this.move()
$droppableDraggable.css({'position': 'relative', 'left': '', 'top': '', 'display': ''});
this.mutateDraggable(draggableScope, dropSettings, dragSettings, dragModel, dropModel, dropItem, $draggable);
this.mutateDroppable(droppableScope, dropSettings, dragSettings, dropModel, dragItem, jqyoui_pos);
this.callEventCallback(droppableScope, dropSettings.onDrop, event, ui);
} else {
$timeout(angular.bind(this, function() {
this.mutateDraggable(draggableScope, dropSettings, dragSettings, dragModel, dropModel, dropItem, $draggable);
this.mutateDroppable(droppableScope, dropSettings, dragSettings, dropModel, dragItem, jqyoui_pos);
this.callEventCallback(droppableScope, dropSettings.onDrop, event, ui);
this.move = function($fromEl, $toEl, toPos, duration, dropSettings, callback) {
if ($fromEl.length === 0) {
if (callback) {
window.setTimeout(function() {
}, 300);
return false;
var zIndex = 9999,
fromPos = $fromEl.offset(),
wasVisible = $toEl && $toEl.is(':visible'),
hadNgHideCls = $toEl.hasClass('ng-hide');
if (toPos === null && $toEl.length > 0) {
if (($toEl.attr('jqyoui-draggable') || $toEl.attr('data-jqyoui-draggable')) !== undefined && $toEl.ngattr('ng-model') !== undefined && $toEl.is(':visible') && dropSettings && dropSettings.multiple) {
toPos = $toEl.offset();
if (dropSettings.stack === false) {
toPos.left+= $toEl.outerWidth(true);
} else {
toPos.top+= $toEl.outerHeight(true);
} else {
// Angular v1.2 uses ng-hide to hide an element
// so we've to remove it in order to grab its position
if (hadNgHideCls) $toEl.removeClass('ng-hide');
toPos = $toEl.css({'visibility': 'hidden', 'display': 'block'}).offset();
$toEl.css({'visibility': '','display': wasVisible ? 'block' : 'none'});
$fromEl.css({'position': 'absolute', 'z-index': zIndex})
.animate(toPos, duration, function() {
// Angular v1.2 uses ng-hide to hide an element
// and as we remove it above, we've to put it back to
// hide the element (while swapping) if it was hidden already
// because we remove the display:none in this.invokeDrop()
if (hadNgHideCls) $toEl.addClass('ng-hide');
if (callback) callback();
this.mutateDroppable = function(scope, dropSettings, dragSettings, dropModel, dragItem, jqyoui_pos) {
var dropModelValue = scope.$eval(dropModel);
scope.dndDragItem = dragItem;
if (angular.isArray(dropModelValue)) {
if (dropSettings && dropSettings.index >= 0) {
dropModelValue[dropSettings.index] = dragItem;
} else {
if (dragSettings && dragSettings.placeholder === true) {
dropModelValue[dropModelValue.length - 1]['jqyoui_pos'] = jqyoui_pos;
} else {
$parse(dropModel + ' = dndDragItem')(scope);
if (dragSettings && dragSettings.placeholder === true) {
dropModelValue['jqyoui_pos'] = jqyoui_pos;
this.mutateDraggable = function(scope, dropSettings, dragSettings, dragModel, dropModel, dropItem, $draggable) {
var isEmpty = angular.equals(angular.copy(dropItem), {}),
dragModelValue = scope.$eval(dragModel);
scope.dndDropItem = dropItem;
if (dragSettings && dragSettings.placeholder) {
if (dragSettings.placeholder != 'keep'){
if (angular.isArray(dragModelValue) && dragSettings.index !== undefined) {
dragModelValue[dragSettings.index] = dropItem;
} else {
$parse(dragModel + ' = dndDropItem')(scope);
} else {
if (angular.isArray(dragModelValue)) {
if (isEmpty) {
if (dragSettings && ( dragSettings.placeholder !== true && dragSettings.placeholder !== 'keep' )) {
dragModelValue.splice(dragSettings.index, 1);
} else {
dragModelValue[dragSettings.index] = dropItem;
} else {
// Fix: LIST(object) to LIST(array) - model does not get updated using just scope[dragModel] = {...}
// P.S.: Could not figure out why it happened
$parse(dragModel + ' = dndDropItem')(scope);
if (scope.$parent) {
$parse(dragModel + ' = dndDropItem')(scope.$parent);
$draggable.css({'z-index': '', 'left': '', 'top': ''});
this.fixIndex = function(scope, settings, modelValue) {
if (settings.applyFilter && angular.isArray(modelValue) && modelValue.length > 0) {
var dragModelValueFiltered = scope[settings.applyFilter](),
lookup = dragModelValueFiltered[settings.index],
actualIndex = undefined;
modelValue.forEach(function(item, i) {
if (angular.equals(item, lookup)) {
actualIndex = i;
return actualIndex;
return settings.index;
2 ответа
Не использовал angular-dragdrop, но в документации сказано, что объект config должен содержать свойство onDrop. Попробуйте заменить jqyoui-droppable="{multiple:true}"
с jqyoui-droppable="{multiple:true, onDrop: 'drop'}"
, похоже на ожидание onDrop
быть строкой с именем функции в области видимости.
Другой способ сделать это - использовать JqueryUI draggable. Создать директиву и передать атрибуты через "elem". Вы также можете включить заголовок в качестве атрибута.
.directive('dragMe', function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope, elem, attr, ctrl) {
elem.data('event', {
title: $.trim($(elem).text()), // use the element's text as the event title
stick: true // maintain when user navigates (see docs on the renderEvent method)
zIndex: 999,
revert: true, // will cause the event to go back to its
revertDuration: 0 // original position after the drag