Intro.js не может запустить функцию между двумя шагами (пожалуйста, проверьте мой код)

Я абсолютный новичок в JS. Пожалуйста, проверьте мой код, я не могу вызвать функцию между двумя шагами в intro.js. Пока я просто пытаюсь показать тревогу, но не получилось.

<script type="text/javascript">
var introguide = introJs();

steps: [
  element: '#chaman',
  intro: 'This is step1',
  position: 'top',
  onchange: function(){
    //do something interesting here...

    alert("Want to call function after this step , no alert showing ");
  onbeforechange: function(){

  element: '#search',
  intro: 'This is step 2.',
  position: 'bottom',
  onchange: function(){
    //do something interesting here...

  onbeforechange: function(){


  element: '.flyMarker',
  intro: 'This is step 3.',
  position: 'bottom',
  onchange: function(){
    //do something interesting here...
  onbeforechange: function(){
    //do something else interesting here...

setTimeout(function() { introguide.start(); }, 3000);


createStepEvents: function( guideObject, eventList ){

//underscore loop used here, foreach would work just as well
_.each( eventList, function( event ){

//for the guid object's <event> attribute...
guideObject[event]( function(){

  //get its steps and current step value
  var steps       = this._options.steps,
      currentStep = this._currentStep;

  //if it's a function, execute the specified <event> type
  if( _.isFunction(steps[currentStep][event]) ){

}, this );

//setup the events per step you care about for this guide
createStepEvents( introguide, ['onchange','onbeforechange']);


Я хочу запустить какую-то функцию после каждого шага.

1 ответ

Не забудьте добавить underscore.js.

Ошибка в вашем коде:

createStepEvents: function( guideObject, eventList ){

Изменить на:

function createStepEvents(guideObject, eventList) {

var introguide = introJs();
$(function() {

    steps: [{
        element: '#chaman',
        intro: 'This is step1',
        position: 'top',
        onchange: function() {
          alert("Do whatever you want on this callback.");
        onbeforechange: function() {
        element: '#search',
        intro: 'This is step 2.',
        position: 'bottom',
        onchange: function() {
        onbeforechange: function() {
        element: '.flyMarker',
        intro: 'This is step 3.',
        position: 'bottom',
        onchange: function() {
        onbeforechange: function() {

  setTimeout(function() {
  }, 3000);


function createStepEvents(guideObject, eventList) {

  //underscore loop used here.
  _.each(eventList, function(event) {

    //for the guid object's <event> attribute.
    guideObject[event](function() {

      //get its steps and current step value
      var steps = this._options.steps,
        currentStep = this._currentStep;

      //if it's a function, execute the specified <event> type
      if (_.isFunction(steps[currentStep][event])) {

  }, this);

//setup the events per step you care about for this guide
createStepEvents(introguide, ['onchange', 'onbeforechange']);
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

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