Оптимизация упаковки бин
У меня есть этот код упаковки бин:
Public Class Cortar
Private _Cortes() As Integer
Public BarrasCortes()() As Integer
Private _TamanhoBarra As Integer = 100
Public Property TamanhoBarra() As Integer
Return _TamanhoBarra
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
_TamanhoBarra = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Cortes() As Integer()
Return _Cortes
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Integer())
_Cortes = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Sub MelhorCorte()
'Checks to make sure everything is initialized
If Cortes Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Dim CortesCopy(Cortes.GetUpperBound(0)) As Integer
ReDim BarrasCortes(0)
'Bin Number we are on, Bin Element we are on, Amount placed in the current Bin
Dim BinNumber, BinElement, BinCount As Integer
Dim BestBin, BestBinAmount As Integer
Dim i, j, k As Integer
'Make a copy of the array incase we need to sort it
DeepCopyArray(Cortes, CortesCopy)
'Declare the first element in the first Bin
ReDim BarrasCortes(0)(0)
'Loop through each Element and place in a Bin
For i = 0 To CortesCopy.GetUpperBound(0)
BestBin = -1
BestBinAmount = -1
For j = 0 To BinNumber
BinElement = BarrasCortes(j).GetUpperBound(0)
'Count the amount placed in this Bin
BinCount = 0
For k = 0 To BinElement
BinCount += BarrasCortes(j)(k)
'Find the most full Bin that can hold this Element
If BestBinAmount < BinCount AndAlso BinCount + CortesCopy(i) <= Me.TamanhoBarra Then
BestBinAmount = BinCount
BestBin = j
End If
If BestBin = -1 Then
'There wasn't room for the Element in any existing Bin
'Create a new Bin
ReDim Preserve BarrasCortes(BinNumber + 1)
BinNumber += 1
'Initialize first element of new bin
ReDim BarrasCortes(BinNumber)(1)
BinElement = 0
BarrasCortes(BinNumber)(BinElement) = CortesCopy(i)
'There's room for this Element in an existing Bin
'Place Element in "Best Bin"
BinElement = BarrasCortes(BestBin).GetUpperBound(0)
ReDim Preserve BarrasCortes(BestBin)(BinElement + 1)
BarrasCortes(BestBin)(BinElement) = CortesCopy(i)
End If
'All Cortes have been place, now we go back and remove unused Cortes
For i = 0 To BinNumber
For j = 0 To BarrasCortes(i).GetUpperBound(0)
If BarrasCortes(i)(j) = 0 Then
ReDim Preserve BarrasCortes(i)(j - 1)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub DeepCopyArray(ByVal ArrayStart() As Integer, ByVal ArrayEnd() As Integer)
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To ArrayStart.GetUpperBound(0)
ArrayEnd(i) = ArrayStart(i)
End Sub
End Class
Это работает нормально, но есть проблема:
Если я определю, в C#:
var obj= new Cortar();
obj.TamanhoBarra = 100;
obj.Cortes = new int[] {48, 48, 26, 26};
int[][] x = obj.BarrasCortes;
x[0] = {48,48} //rest 4 to 100 (TamanhoBarra)
x[1] = {26,26} //rest 48 to 100 (TamanhoBarra)
Но если я просто изменить порядок элементов в массиве на
obj.Cortes = new int[] {48, 26, 48, 26};
Результатом будет:
x[0] = {48,26,26} //rest 0 to 100 (TamanhoBarra) = best optimization
x[1] = {48} //rest 52 to 100 (TamanhoBarra)
Проблема в:
Как сделать лучшую оптимизацию для бара?
Наилучшая оптимизация - это сумма элементов до максимального размера с меньшим количеством остальных.
В вышеуказанной ситуации все просто.
Но если у меня есть:
obj.Cortes = new int[] {48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26 };
Результатом будет:
x[0] = {48,48} //rest 4
x[1] = {48,48} //rest 4
x[2] = {48,48} //rest 4
x[3] = {48,48} //rest 4
x[4] = {48,48} //rest 4
x[5] = {26,26,26} //rest 22
x[6] = {26,26,26} //rest 22
x[7] = {26,26,26} //rest 22
x[8] = {26} //rest 74
Много бара и полная потеря
Но если я расположу массив следующим образом:
obj.Cortes = new int[] {48, 26, 26, 48, 26, 26, 48, 26, 26, 48, 26, 26, 48, 26, 26, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48 };
x[0] = {48,26,26} //rest 0
x[1] = {48,26,26} //rest 0
x[2] = {48,26,26} //rest 0
x[3] = {48,26,26} //rest 0
x[4] = {48,26,26} //rest 0
x[5] = {48,48} //rest 4
x[6] = {48,48} //rest 4
x[7] = {48} //rest 52
Это лучшее решение!
Есть идеи?
1 ответ
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