Неожиданная ошибка при запуске pocketsphinx.js в проекте Spring MVC

Я довольно плохо знаком с javascript и его еще более сложным, потому что я использую его в несколько сложном проекте. Я использую pocketsphinx.js для озвучивания представлений проекта Spring MVC.

Я получаю некоторые неожиданные ошибки при попытке использовать конструктор класса. Вот фрагменты кода


(function(window) {
  var AUDIO_RECORDER_WORKER = getContextPath()
          + '/moduleResources/radiology/audioRecorderWorker.js';
  var AudioRecorder = function(source, cfg) {
    this.consumers = [];
    var config = cfg || {};
    var errorCallback = config.errorCallback || function() {
    var inputBufferLength = config.inputBufferLength || 4096;
    var outputBufferLength = config.outputBufferLength || 4000;
    this.context = source.context;
    this.node = this.context.createScriptProcessor(inputBufferLength);
    var worker = new Worker(config.worker || AUDIO_RECORDER_WORKER);
      command: 'init',
      config: {
        sampleRate: this.context.sampleRate,
        outputBufferLength: outputBufferLength,
        outputSampleRate: (config.outputSampleRate || 16000)
    var recording = false;
    this.node.onaudioprocess = function(e) {
      if (!recording) return;
        command: 'record',
        buffer: [e.inputBuffer.getChannelData(0),
    this.start = function(data) {
      this.consumers.forEach(function(consumer, y, z) {
          command: 'start',
          data: data
        recording = true;
        return true;
      recording = true;
      return (this.consumers.length > 0);
    this.stop = function() {
      if (recording) {
        this.consumers.forEach(function(consumer, y, z) {
            command: 'stop'
        recording = false;
        command: 'clear'
    this.cancel = function() {
    myClosure = this;
    worker.onmessage = function(e) {
      if (e.data.error && (e.data.error == "silent")) errorCallback("silent");
      if ((e.data.command == 'newBuffer') && recording) {
        myClosure.consumers.forEach(function(consumer, y, z) {
            command: 'process',
            data: e.data.data
  window.AudioRecorder = AudioRecorder;


var recognizer;
var recorder;
var callbackManager;
var audioContext;

// Only when both recorder and recognizer are ready do we have a ready application
// I'm keeping these so I can use them with other applications
var recorderReady = false;
var recognizerReady = false;

var outputContainer;

// the phones we want to detect
var wordList = [["ONE", "W AH N"], ["TWO", "T UW"], ["THREE", "TH R IY"],
    ["FOUR", "F AO R"], ["FIVE", "F AY V"], ["SIX", "S IH K S"],
    ["SEVEN", "S EH V AH N"], ["EIGHT", "EY T"], ["NINE", "N AY N"],
    ["ZERO", "Z IH R OW"], ["NEW-YORK", "N UW Y AO R K"],
    ["NEW-YORK-CITY", "N UW Y AO R K S IH T IY"], ["PARIS", "P AE R IH S"],
    ["PARIS(2)", "P EH R IH S"], ["SHANGHAI", "SH AE NG HH AY"],
    ["LONDON", "L AH N D AH N"], ["BERLIN", "B ER L IH N"],
    ["SUCKS", "S AH K S"], ["ROCKS", "R AA K S"], ["IS", "IH Z"],
    ["NOT", "N AA T"], ["GOOD", "G IH D"], ["GOOD(2)", "G UH D"],
    ["GREAT", "G R EY T"], ["WINDOWS", "W IH N D OW Z"],
    ["LINUX", "L IH N AH K S"], ["UNIX", "Y UW N IH K S"], ["MAC", "M AE K"],
    ["AND", "AE N D"], ["AND(2)", "AH N D"], ["O", "OW"], ["S", "EH S"],
    ["X", "EH K S"]];

var grammars = [{
  g: {
    numStates: 1,
    start: 0,
    end: 0,
    transitions: [{
      from: 0,
      to: 0,
      word: "ONE"
    }, {
      from: 0,
      to: 0,
      word: "TWO"
    }, {
      from: 0,
      to: 0,
      word: "THREE"
    }, {
      from: 0,
      to: 0,
      word: "FOUR"
    }, {
      from: 0,
      to: 0,
      word: "FIVE"
    }, {
      from: 0,
      to: 0,
      word: "SIX"
    }, {
      from: 0,
      to: 0,
      word: "SEVEN"
    }, {
      from: 0,
      to: 0,
      word: "EIGHT"
    }, {
      from: 0,
      to: 0,
      word: "NINE"
    }, {
      from: 0,
      to: 0,
      word: "ZERO"

// When the page is loaded we spawn a new recognizer worker and call getUserMedia to request access to the microphone
window.onload = function() {

  recognizer = new Worker(getContextPath()
          + '/moduleResources/radiology/recognizer.js');

  callbackManager = new CallbackManager();

  // TEMP
  outputContainer = document.getElementById("bodyId");
  var startBtn = document.getElementsByName('start_button');
  var stopBtn = document.getElementsByName('stop_button');
  //startBtn.disabled = true;
  // stopBtn.disabled = true;
  startBtn.onclick = startRecording;
  stopBtn.onclick = stopRecording;
  // initialize Web Audio variables
  try {

    window.AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
    navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia
            || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia;
    window.URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL;

    audioContext = new AudioContext();

  } catch (e) {
    // report incompatible browser

  if (navigator.getUserMedia) {

      audio: true
    }, function(stream) {

      var input = audioContext.createMediaStreamSource(stream);

      var audioRecorderConfig = {
        errorCallback: function(x) {

      recorder = new AudioRecorder(input, audioRecorderConfig);

      // If a recognizer is ready we pass it to the recorder
      if (recognizer) {
        recorder.consumers = [recognizer];

      recorderReady = true;

    }, function(e) {



  recognizer.onmessage = function() {

    // I need this nested event listener because the first time a message is triggered we need to trigger other things that we never need to trigger again
    recognizer.onmessage = function(e) {

      // if an id to be used with the callback manager
      // this is needed to start the listening
      if (e.data.hasOwnProperty('id')) {

        var data = {};

        if (e.data.hasOwnProperty('data')) {
          data = e.data.data;

        var callback = callbackManager.get(e.data['id']);

        if (callback) {


      // if a new hypothesis has been created
      if (e.data.hasOwnProperty('hyp')) {

        var hypothesis = e.data.hyp;

        if (outputContainer) {
          outputContainer.innerHTML = hypothesis;


      // if an error occured
      if (e.data.hasOwnProperty('status') && (e.data.status == "error")) {



    // Once the worker is fully loaded, we can call the initialize function
    // You can pass parameters to the recognizer, such as : {command: 'initialize', data: [["-hmm", "my_model"], ["-fwdflat", "no"]]}
      command: 'initialize'
    }, function() {

      if (recorder) {
        recorder.consumers = [recognizer];

        command: 'addWords',
        data: wordList
      }, function() {
        feedGrammar(grammars, 0);







function postRecognizerJob(message, callback) {

  var msg = message || {};

  if (callbackManager) {
    msg.callbackId = callbackManager.add(callback);

  if (recognizer) {


function feedGrammar(g, index, id) {

  if (index < g.length) {

      command: 'addGrammar',
      data: g[index].g
    }, function(id) {
      feedGrammar(grammars, index + 1, {
        id: id

  } else {
    recognizerReady = true;


// This starts recording. We first need to get the id of the grammar to use
/*function startRecording() {
 if (recorder && recorder.start(0)) {
 if (recorder && recorder.start(id)) displayRecording(true);


var startRecording = function() {
  var id;
  var test = document.get('ryan').value;
  if (test == 100) id = 0;
  if (recorder && recorder.start(id)) displayRecording(true);

// Stops recording
var stopRecording = function() {
  recorder && recorder.stop();

function displayRecording(display) {
  if (display)
    document.getElementById('recording_indicator').innerHTML = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
    document.getElementById('recording_indicator').innerHTML = "";

Теперь, когда я запускаю программу, я получаю эту ошибку на консоли браузера

Uncaught ReferenceError: AudioRecorder не определен

Кажется, я не могу отладить то, что идет не так, даже после того, как почти 3 дня на это посмотрели. Любая помощь будет высоко ценится. PS: пожалуйста, простите большие фрагменты кода, я намеревался быть как можно более явным

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