Не удалось найти или загрузить основной класс
У меня есть 2 файла Java. Один создает классы для сохранения учетных записей. Другой должен проверить это. К сожалению, я получаю сообщение об ошибке "Не удалось найти или загрузить основной класс".
пакет зад6;
общедоступный класс SavingsAccount { private double yearInInrestrestRate, Balance, Накопительный Interest, Накопительный Deposits = 0, Накопительный Withdrawals = 0;
// Constructor
public SavingsAccount(double b)
balance = b;
// Mutators
public void withdraw(double w)
balance -= w;
accumulativeWithdrawals += w;
public void deposit(double d)
balance += d;
accumulativeDeposits += d;
public void addMonthlyInterest()
accumulativeInterest += balance * (annualInterestRate/12);
balance += balance * (annualInterestRate/12);
// Setters
public void setBalance(double b)
balance = b;
public void setAnnualInterestRate(double air)
annualInterestRate = air;
// Getters
public double getBalance()
return balance;
public double getAnnualInterestRate()
return annualInterestRate;
public double getMonthlyInterest()
return balance * (annualInterestRate/12);
public double getAccumulativeInterest()
return accumulativeInterest;
public double getAccumulativeDeposits()
return accumulativeDeposits;
public double getAccumulativeWithdrawals()
return accumulativeWithdrawals;
И Классовый Тест:
import java.util.Scanner;
public class SavingsAccountTest {
public static void main(String[] args)
int monthsPassed;
Scanner userInput = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Please enter the starting balance: $");
SavingsAccount demoAccount = new SavingsAccount(userInput.nextDouble());
System.out.print("Enter the annual interest rate (decimal): ");
System.out.print("Enter the number of months that have passed since the account\'s establishment: ");
monthsPassed = userInput.nextInt();
for (int count = 1; count <= monthsPassed; count++)
System.out.println("\n-----MONTH " + count + "-----");
System.out.printf("Enter the amount deposited into the account: $");
System.out.printf("Enter the amount withdrawn from the account: $");
System.out.printf("This month\'s interest is: $%.2f\n", demoAccount.getMonthlyInterest());
System.out.printf("\nEnding balance: $%.2f", demoAccount.getBalance());
System.out.printf("\nTotal deposits: $%.2f", demoAccount.getAccumulativeDeposits());
System.out.printf("\nTotal withdrawals: $%.2f", demoAccount.getAccumulativeWithdrawals());
System.out.printf("\nTotal interest: $%.2f", demoAccount.getAccumulativeInterest());
Где ошибка?